FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/99 - AUSTRALIA (9 April)


Planting of the main 1999 wheat and coarse grains crops is due to start in May. Early indications for wheat point to another good crop of about 21 million tonnes. However, the final area planted will depend greatly on weather conditions and developments in international markets during the planting season. Prospects for the winter coarse grains are somewhat uncertain pending clarification of the wheat situation and developments in the feed grain market in coming weeks. However, output of barley, the major winter coarse grain, is expected to remain at some 5 million tonnes. Harvest of the minor 1999 summer coarse grains crop, mainly sorghum and maize, is underway and bumper production is expected after favourable winter rains encouraged increased plantings. The 1999 paddy season also benefited from very favourable growing conditions. Harvesting is ongoing albeit at a slower pace than in the previous two seasons. The current forecast points to an output of 1.35 million tonnes, up slightly from the previous season. However, the impact of recent torrential rains on rice in New South Wales, where most of the rice is produced, is yet to be ascertained.

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