FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/99 - BANGLADESH (10 April)


Recent reports indicate that persisting drought have affected “boro” crops in the south-western region of the country. The production target for the wheat crop is 1.98 million tonnes, against the previous year’s crop of 1.8 million tonnes. The target for the ‘boro’ rice crop is 8.4 million tonnes, against the previous year’s harvest of 8.1 million tonnes, mainly due to an expansion in area planted. 1998/99 paddy production is estimated at 26.7 million tonnes, about 2 million tonnes below the previous year, reflecting severe damage caused by the floods which affected most of the country during July to September 1998.

Planting of the 'aus' rice crop, for harvest in July/August, is underway. Overall, a slight increase in output is anticipated in the 1999/2000 crop year owing to an expected increase in the area planted. As of end-February 1999, out of total estimated food aid of 1.68 million tonnes for 1998/99, nearly one million tonnes (60 percent) have already been delivered.

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