FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2, August 1999 BURKINA FASO 4

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274 000 sq.km
Tropical wet-dry in south, semi-arid in north; rainy season: May-October
10.91 million (1999 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: US$ 240 (1997)
Specific characteristics of the country:
Low-income food-deficit country; sahelian land-locked country
Roads inadequate during rainy season; adequate rail link to Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)
Major foodcrops:
Millet, sorghum, pulses, maize
Marketing year:
November/October; Lean season: July-September
Share of cereals in total calorie intake:
73 percent


Improved rains in late June and early July compensated for the very limited precipitation of early June. Following first rains in April in the south-west and the south-east and over the centre and centre-north in May, precipitation decreased significantly in early June over the entire country. Rainfall recovered somewhat during the second dekad of June and became widespread, regular and above normal during the third dekad, notably in the centre and the north. These good rains continued during the first dekad of July over the entire country, except the extreme north were they were more limited and permitted widespread sowing of millet and sorghum in the centre and the north. Crops are emerging satisfactorily in the south and west where, following dry spell in early June, replantings were undertaken late for long cycle varieties (140-150 days) used in these regions. Rains will be needed late in the season.

No significant pest activity is reported. Seed availability is generally adequate following the 1998 record harvest.

Aggregate 1998 cereal production is officially estimated at a record 2.65 million tonnes, some 32 percent above 1997 and 12 percent above average. As a result, the overall food supply situation is satisfactory. Markets are well supplied and prices of cereals are stable. However, some deficit areas remain vulnerable and may need some assistance during the lean season, notably in the provinces of Bazéga, Boulgou, Boulkiemdé, Kouritenga, Oubritenga and Sanguié.


  Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal Production - 83 2 290 2 373
Normal Imports 50 80 25 155
of which: Structural food aid 7 6 15 28
1998/99 Domestic Availability - 79 2 568 2 647
1998 Production (rice in paddy terms) - 89 2 568 2 657
1998 Production (rice in milled terms) - 59 2 568 2 627
Possible stock drawdown - 20 - 20
1998/99 Utilization 55 169 2 583 2 807
Food Use 52 158 2 042 2 252
of which: local purchase requirement - - 20 20
Non-food use 1 11 396 408
Exports or Re-exports - - 15 15
Possible stock build up 2 - 130 132
1998/99 Import Requirement 55 90 15 160
Anticipated commercial imports 45 80 5 130
Food aid needs 10 10 10 30
Current Aid Position        
Food aid pledges 34 14 3 51
of which: Delivered 11 8 3 23
Donor-financed purchases - - 18 18
of which: for local use - - 18 18
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/Year) 5 15 187 206
1998 production as % of normal:       112
1998/99 import requirement as % of normal:       103
1998/99 food aid requirement as % of normal:       107

FAO/GIEWS - August 1999

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