FAO/GIEWS - Food Outlook No.4 - September 1999 p. 14

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Table A.11 - INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY FOOD RESERVE (IEFR) and PROTRACTED REFUGEE OPERATIONS (PRO) in 1998 and 1999- Contributions as of August 1999

  Commodity/Donor IEFR PRROs  
Channelled through WFP 1/
1998 1999 1998 1999
(. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tonnes . . . . . . . . . . . . .)
Total Cereals 2/ 199 0751.0 105 9897.0 538 603 203 724
Australia 63 947 48 342 21 671 4 232
Austria - - 500 1 339
Belgium 10 652 3 478 9 635 -
Canada 18 480 50 018 - -
Denmark 6 189 11 925 - 1 000
EC 247 901 40 081 61 300 -
Finland 1 366 1 329 - -
France 35 799 7 410 5 100 17 555
Germany 47 792 15 669 19 134 17 820
Ireland 1 765 2 962 - -
Italy 2 581 3 091 - 3 200
Japan 145 583 5 311 47 498 15 899
Korea Rep. of 40 000 - - -
Netherlands 13 633 21 215 16 940 11 072
Norway 4 868 2 516 - -
Spain 2 252 - - 522
Sweden 18 965 9 063 13 218 5 250
Switzerland 14 826 13 341 10 466 6 717
United Kingdom 171 770 13 929 10 854 -
United States 1 137 424 804 480 320 732 119 095
Other donors 4 958 5 737 1 555 23
Total non cereals 206 071 170 024 100 794 100 194
Australia 2 835 2 500 40 222
Austria 1 626 - - -
Belgium 497 - - -
Canada 12 826 8 212 1 200 1 946
Denmark 4 918 3 696 6 166 2 402
EC 27 004 14 671 12 375 -
Finland 1 052 1 377 126 275
Germany 7 540 903 - -
Ireland 1 215 744 717 -
Italy 150 164 - 780
Japan 11 611 5 537 3 967 2 669
Korea Rep. of 94 - - -
Netherlands 11 361 11 780 11 152 14 031
New Zealand 200 82 - -
Norway 3 590 1 792 170 2 272
Sweden 2 496 2 818 2 670 3 585
Switzerland 2 300 887 3 105 4 043
United Kingdom 11 948 2 529 684 -
United States 100 307 110 892 58 422 67 861
Other donors 2 501 1 440 - 108

1/ Excluding bilateral contributions.
2/ Includes wheat, coarse grains and rice.

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