CL 117/INF/5


Hundred and Seventeenth Session

Rome, 9-11 November 1999



Eighty-second Session of the Programme Committee
(Rome, 13-17 September 1999)

1.     Rule XXVI-4(a) of the General Rules of the Organization (GRO) states that "If the representative of a Member of the Committee is expected to be unable to attend a session of the Committee, or if, due to incapacity, death or any other reason, he is prevented from exercising his functions for the remainder of the term for which the Member he represents has been elected, that Member shall inform the Director-General and the Chairman as soon as possible, and may designate a substitute representative who shall have the qualifications and experience referred to in paragraph 1 of this Rule. The Council shall be informed of the qualifications and experience of the substitute representative".

2.     By letter dated 25 June 1999, Mr Masato Ito, Minister and Permanent Representative of Japan to FAO, informed the Director-General that he would replace Mr Etsuo Kitahara, former Minister and Permanent Representative of Japan to FAO, as the Government Representative of Japan as of the Eighty-second Session of the Programme Committee. The Chairman of the Programme Committee was also informed.

3.     A summary of the qualifications of Mr Masato Ito (Appendix A) is attached for the information of the Council.

4.     By letter dated 8 September 1999, H.E. Ana Mar�a De�stua Caravedo, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Peru to FAO, informed the Chairman of the Programme Committee that Mr Miguel Barreto, First Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative of Peru to FAO, would replace Mr Paul Paredes Portella, former Minister and Alternate Permanent Representative of Peru to FAO, as the Government Representative of Peru as of the Eighty-second Session of the Programme Committee.

5.     A summary of the qualifications of Mr Miguel Barreto (Appendix B) is attached for the information of the Council.


Ninety-third Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, 13-17 September 1999)

6.     Rule XXVII-4(a) of the General Rules of the Organization (GRO) states that "If the representative of a Member of the Committee is expected to be unable to attend a session of the Committee, or if, due to incapacity, death or any other reason, he is prevented from exercising his functions for the remainder of the term for which the Member he represents has been elected, that Member shall inform the Director-General and the Chairman as soon as possible, and may designate a substitute representative who shall have the qualifications and experience referred to in paragraph 1 of this Rule. The Council shall be informed of the qualifications and experience of the substitute representative".

7.     By letter dated 10 September 1999, H.E. Kalarickal P. Fabian, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of India to FAO, informed the Director-General that he would be unable to attend the Ninety-third Session of the Finance Committee, and that
Mrs Neela Gangadharan, Minister (Agriculture) and Alternate Permanent Representative of India to FAO, would replace him on that occasion. The Chairman of the Finance Committee was also informed.

8.     A summary of the qualifications of Mrs Neela Gangadharan (Appendix C) is attached for the information of the Council.



Name: Masato Ito
Present Position: Minister and Permanent Representative to FAO (since July 1999).
Main previous positions: 
1977 Entered the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, MAFF.
1987-90 Director, Food and Agriculture Division, Paris Center, Japan External Trade Organization.
1990-93 Deputy Director, Administration Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, MAFF, Tokyo.
1993-96 Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva, Switzerland. Involved in the Uruguay Round Agricultural Negotiations.
1996-97 Director, External Policy Coordination Office (APEC Affairs), International Affairs Department, Economic Affairs Bureau, MAFF, Tokyo.
1997-98 Director, International Policy Planning Division, International Affairs Department, Economic Affairs Bureau, MAFF, Tokyo.
Participation in meetings or activities of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies: Vice-Chairman, International Dairy Products Council, WTO, 1995-96.
Chairman, Committee on Certain Milk Products, WTO, 1995-96.



Name: Miguel Barreto
Present Position: First Secretary and Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO (since March 1999).
Main previous positions: 
1991 Official, Directorate General, Pacific and Asian Basin, Sub-Secretariat for Bilateral Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
1992 Official, Directorate General, Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of Regional Bodies.
1991-92 Member, Peruvian National Council for Economic Cooperation in the Pacific.
1993 Vice-Consul, New York.
1996 Member, Mission of the Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA to China.
1993-97 Official, Permanent Representative of Peru to the United Nations, New York.
1997-98 Official, Directorate General, Multilateral Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Member, Peruvian National Authority for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Participation in meetings or activities of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies: Preparatory Sessions and World Summit on Social Development, 1993-95.
48th , 49th , 50th , 51st and 52nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly, 1993-97.
116th Session of the FAO Council, 1999.
Ministerial Meeting on the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing, 1999.
Ministerial Meeting on FAO Forestry Activities, 1999.



Name: Mrs Neela Gangadharan
Present Position: Minister (Agriculture) and Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO (since March 1998).
Main previous positions: 
1975- Joined the Indian Administrative Service and has been entrusted with assignments in various fields including development administration, revenue administration and law and order.
Various positions in agriculture and allied services (fisheries and animal hubsandry) at the policy making level of Government, as well as in the field.
Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala.
Additional Secretary, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development and Director, Fisheries.
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture.
Managing Director/Chairperson, Public Sector Organizations in the Agricultural Sector, State Government of Kerala.
Participation in meetings or activities of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies: Chairperson, FAO Regional Commission on Food Security (Vice Chairman 1989, 1991; Co-Chair in 1993).
115th Session of the FAO Council, November 1998.
Chairperson, Drafting Committee of the 116th Session of the FAO Council, June 1999.