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Harvest prospects are good reflecting satisfactory growing conditions in September. After unusually heavy rains in August, rainfall decreased somewhat but remained regular and well distributed during the first two dekads of September with the second dekad registering abundant rains in the centre and the east, often exceeding 100 mm. Rains decreased significantly during the third dekad of September. Cumulative rainfall is above normal and soil moisture reserves are adequate for satisfactory crop development. However, excessive water is recorded locally in Basang, Basse, Keur, Kwinello, Sapu and Sibanor. Millet and maize planted in June are maturing and crop prospects are good.

Pastures are adequate. No significant pest infestation has been reported so far.

A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission is scheduled from 18 to 22 October to estimate 1999 cereal production.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)


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