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1. Mr Alexi Alexiev
Agricultural University
Mendeleev str. 12
Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria
Tel.: 359-32-612-4561
Fax : 359-32-633-157
Email: [email protected]

2. Ms Nelly Bentcheva
Agricultural University
Mendeleev str. 12
Plovdiv 4001 Bulgaria
Tel: 359-32-612-4557
Fax: 359-32-265-920
Email: [email protected]

3. Mr Stoytcho Karov
Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Agroecological Centre
Mendeleev str. 12
Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria
Tel: 359-32-265-909
Fax: 359-32-265-909
Email: [email protected]

4. Ms Zdenka Berak
Ministry of Agriuclture and Forestry
Ulica grada Vukovara 78
Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: 385-1-610-6655
Fax: 385-1-610-9202
Email: [email protected]

5. Ms Ramona Franic
Institute of Agricultural Economics
Svetosimunska str. 5
Zagreb 10000 Croatia
Tel: 385-1-239-3757
Email: [email protected]

6. Mr Zoran Grgic
Institute of Agricultural Economics
Svetosimunska str. 5
Zagreb 10000 Croatia
Tel: 385-1-239-3760
Fax: 385-1-239-3746
Email: [email protected]

7. Mr Tomas Ratinger
Manesova 75
Prague 12058 Czech Republic
Tel: 42-2-2200-0410
Email: [email protected]

8. Ms Ulle Roosmaa
Estonian Agriucltural Universtiy
Kreutzwaldi 64
Tartu 51014 Estonia
Tel: 372-7-466-140
Fax: 372-7-466-120
Email: [email protected]

9. Ms Beate Hotthusen
Humboldt University of Berlin
Luisen str. 56
Berlin 10099 Germany
Tel: 49-30-2093-6229
Fax: 49-30-2093-6497
Email: [email protected]

10. Ms Renate Judis
Humboldt University of Berlin
Luisen str. 56
Berlin 10099 Germany
Tel: 49-30-2093-6145
Fax: 49-30-2093-6497
Email: [email protected]

11. Mr Konrad Hagedorn
Humboldt University of Berlin
Luisen str. 56
Berlin 10099 Germany
Tel: 49 30 2093 6305
Fax: 49-30-2093-6497
Email: [email protected]

12. Ms Antonia Luetteken
Humboldt University of Berlin
Luisen str. 56
Berlin 10099 Germany
Tel: 49 30 2093-6231
Fax: 49-30-2093-6498
Email: [email protected]

13. Mr Ferenc Laczo
Center for Environmental Studies
Angyal u. 15/B
Budapest 1094 Hungary
Tel: 36-1-216-3077
Fax: 36-1-216-0911
Email: [email protected]

14. Ms Dorina Minoiu
Benczur utca 34
Budapest 1068 Hungary
Tel: 36-1-461-2023
Fax: 36-1-351-7029
Email: [email protected]

15. Ms Melinda Nerath
Ministry of Environemnt, National Authority for Nature Conservation
Kolto utca 21
Budapest 1121 Hungary
Tel: 36-1-355-145, 395-2605/125
Fax: 36-1-395-8880
Email: [email protected]

16. Mr Gabor Szabo
Pannon Agricultural University
Guba S. u. 40
Kaposvar 7400 Hungary
Tel: 36-82-319-8644
Tel: 36-82-316-705
Email: [email protected]

17. Mr Stjepan Tanic
Benczur utca 34
Budapest 1068 Hungary
Tel: 36-461-2011
Fax: 36-351-7029
Email: [email protected]

18. Mr Geza Varga
Gaia Foundation
Fo utca
Galgaheviz Hungary
Tel: 36-30-921-9952
Fax: 36-28-460-014

19. Mr Laszlo Podmanicky
Gödöll University of Agricultural Sciences
Pater K. u. 1
Godollo H-2103 Hungary
Tel: 36 28 410 131
Fax: 36 28 415 383
Email: [email protected]

20. Mr Jozsef Angyjan
Gödöll University of Agricultural Sciences
Pater K. u. 1
Godollo H-2104 Hungary
Tel: 36 28 410 131
Fax: 36 28 415 383

21. Mr Jose Maria Caballero
Via Delle Terme di Caracalla
Rome 1000 Italy
Tel: 39-06-570-55045
Fax: 39-06-570-55107
Email: [email protected]

22. Mr Peter Busmanis
Latvian University of Agriculture
Liela lela 2
Jeglava LV-3001 Latvia
Tel: 371-30-22464
Fax: 371-30-27238
Email: [email protected]

23. Mr Alvydas Balezentis
Lithuanian Insitute of Agrarian Economics
V. Kudirkos 18
Vilnius LT-2600 Lithuania
Tel: 370-2-614-526
Fax: 370-2-614-524
Email: [email protected]

24. Mr Darko Znaor
P.O. Box 64
Leusden 3830 AB Netherlands
Tel: 313-34-943-086
Fax: 313-34-940-791
Fax: [email protected]

25. Mr Zbigniew Karaczun
Warsaw Agriculture University
Nowoursynowika 166
Warsaw, Poland
Tel: 48-22-843-9041 ext. 1287
Fax: 48-22-847-16215
Email: [email protected]

26. Ms Luiza Toma
Institute for Agricultural Economics
Calea 13 Septembrie no. 13 Sector 5
Bucharest, Romania
Tel: 40-41-00776
Fax: 40-41-00776
Email: [email protected]

27. Ms Florica Bordanc
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Rural Development Division
Carol I Avenue 24 - Sector 3
Bucharest, Romania
Tel: 40 1 311 03 78
Fax: 40 1 311 03 78
Email: [email protected]

28. Ms Magdalena Lacko-Bartosova
Slovak Agricultural University
Tr. A. Hlinlew 2
Nitra 94976 Slovak Republic
Tel: 421-87-601-205
Fax: 421-87-411-451
Email: [email protected]

29. Mr Pavol Stehlo
Research Institute for Agriuclture and Food Economics
Cesta pd Zlatym vrehom
Nitra 94901 Slovak Republic
Tel: 421-87-512-180
Fax: 421-87-512-180
Email: [email protected]

30. Ms Lidia Hrynev
Lviv State University
18 Svobody avenue
Lviv, Ukraine
Tel: 380-322-721-070, 342-753
Fax: 380-322-744-146, 223-400
Email: [email protected]

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