Implications of Economic Policy for Food Security : A Training Manual


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    Volume 1

    1. Food, agriculture and food security: developments since the World Food Conference and prospects
    2. Success stories in food security
    3. Socio-political and economic environment for food security
    4. Food requirements and population growth
    5. Food security and nutrition

    Volume 2

    6. Lessons from the green revolution; towards a new green revolution
    7. Food production: the critical role of water
    8. Food for consumers: marketing, processing and distribution
    9. Role of research in global food security and agricultural development
    10. Investment in agriculture: evolution and prospects

    Volume 3

    11. Food production and environmental impact
    12. Food and international trade
    13. Food security and food assistance
    14. Assessment of feasible progress in food security
    15. Technical atlas

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