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1Guidelines for watershed management, 1977 (E* F)
2Hydrological techniques for upstream conservation, 1976 (E* F*)
3Conservation in arid and semi-arid zones, 1976 (Ar C E * F*)
4Special readings in conservation, 1978 (C E* F S*)
5Avalanche control, 1985 (E F)
6Torrent control terminology, 1981 (E/F/S)
7Environmental impact of forestry, 1982 (E S)
8Management of upland watersheds: participation of the mountain communities, 1983 (E* F* S)
9Operations manual for a protected area system; 1984 (E* F S)
10Sand dune stabilization, shelterbelts and afforestation in dry zones, 1985 (C E)
11Management of vicuña: its contribution to rural development in the High Andes of Peru, 1985 (E S)
12Incentives for community involvement in conservation programmes, 1987 (C E F S*)
13/1FAO watershed management field manual - Vegetative and soil treatment measures, 1985 (E F S)
13/2FAO watershed management field manual - Gully control, 1986 (E*)
13/3Watershed management field manual - Slope treatment measures and practices, 1988 (E F S)
13/4FAO watershed management field manual - Landslide prevention measures, 1988 (E)
13/5Watershed management field manual - Road design and construction in sensitive watersheds, 1989 (E F S)
13/6Watershed management field manual - Watershed survey and planning, 1990 (E F S)
14Strategies, approaches and systems in integrated watershed management, 1986 (E)
15Brise-vent et rideaux abris avec référence particulière aux zones sèches, 1986 (F)
16Guidelines for economic appraisal of watershed management projects, 1987 (E F S)
17National parks planning: a manual with annotated examples, 1988 (Ar E F)
18Manuel de fixation des dunes, 1988 (Ar F)
19Non-timber uses of selected arid zone trees and shrubs in Africa, 1988 (E)
20Arid zone forestry - A guide for field technicians, 1989 (Ar E F)
21Role of forestry in combating desertification, 1989 (E F)
22The management of crocodiles in captivity, 1989 (E F S)
23Debt-for-nature swaps to promote natural resource conservation, 1993 (E F S)
24Monitoring and evaluation of watershed management project achievements, 1995 (E S)
25Wildlife utilization in Latin America, 1996 (E S)
26Domestication and husbandry of the paca (Agouti paca), 1995 (E S)
27Role of Acacia species in the rural economy of dry Africa and the Near East, 1995 (E F)
28/1Computer-assisted watershed planning and management - Technologies for national planning, 1996 (E S)
29Contrôle et utilisation du feu en zones arides et subhumides africaines, 1996 (F)
30Income generation from non-wood forest products in upland conservation, 1996 (E)
31L'élevage de l'aulacode (Thryonomys swinderianus), 1996 (F)
32Aménagement des forêts naturelles des zones tropicales sèches, 1997 (F)
33Wildlife and food security in Africa, 1997 (E F)
34Agroforestry parklands in sub-Saharan Africa, 1999 (E)

Availability: December 1999

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** In preparation

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