FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - EC (10 February)

EC (10 February)

In the EC, the wheat area for the 2000 harvest is expected to increase. Autumn planting conditions were generally favourable and the winter wheat area is estimated to be up by about 5 percent. The increase is mostly at the expense of oilseeds, reflecting large oilseed stocks and reduced producer aid for oilseed production in 2000 under the first year of the Agenda 2000 reform. Among the major producers, the overall wheat area in France is expected to rise by some 2 percent, while that in Germany could be up by as much as 10 percent. The wheat area in the United Kingdom is also anticipated to increase somewhat. With regard to the Community�s coarse grains crops in 2000, early indications point to some reduction of the area given to barley and rye but a slight increase for maize.

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