FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - EGYPT (7 February)

EGYPT (7 February)

Early prospects for the mainly irrigated wheat crop, to be harvested from April are generally favourable. The area planted is expected to be about 1 million hectares, similar to 1999. However, production is expected to increase as a result of Government incentives to expand cultivation of wheat varieties with higher yield and quality, and assistance to farmers to apply better technology. The 1999 cereal output is estimated at about 17.2 million tonnes, some 10 percent over the previous year and above average. This includes 6.3 million tonnes of wheat, 5.8 million tonnes of maize and 4 million tonnes of rice.

Imports of wheat and wheat flour in 1999/2000 (July/June) are forecast at about 7 million tonnes, slightly below the previous year's level . A small decrease is also anticipated in coarse grain imports (mostly maize), forecast at about 3.3 million tonnes.

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