FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - HAITI* (3 February)

HAITI* (3 February)

Harvesting of the 1999/2000 second season coarse grain crops is about to be completed while planting of the 2000 first season irrigated paddy crop has recently started and sowing of the 2000/2001 first season bean crop is due to start from March. Weather conditions have favoured the developing second season maize and sorghum crops and average outputs for the whole year are provisionally estimated. Maize output should be about 190 000 tonnes, which compares to the last 5-year average of 195 000 tonnes, while production of sorghum should be at about 80 000 tonnes. By contrast, production of paddy in 1999 is estimated at a below-average 70 000 tonnes. Food assistance from the international community continues to be distributed through development projects to some sectors of the population. About 7 000 tonnes have been distributed so far against pledges of 70 000 tonnes so far.

Maize commercial imports in the 1999/2000 marketing year (July/June) are forecast to increase to some 70 000 tonnes from 50 000 tonnes in the previous year. Rice imports in year 2000 (January/December) are forecast to be close to 1999 imports of some 170 000 tonnes.

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