FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - KAZAKHSTAN (3 February)

KAZAKHSTAN (3 February)

The bulk of the cereals are grown in the spring. Winter grains account for a very small proportion of the total harvest.

The 1999 grain harvest is officially estimated at 14.2 million tonnes cleaned weight, i.e. more than double the poor 1998 harvest which was officially put at 6.4 million tonnes. The area sown to grains remained stable and the markedly better outcome is due too timely rains during the growing season and at harvesting. As a result, 96 percent of the sown area was harvested.

The country exported 2.5 million tonnes of cereals in 1998/99 and has an export availability of 7-8 million tonnes in the current marketing year. However infrastructure and logistical considerations are likely to keep exports lower and grain exports in 1999/2000 are tentatively estimated at less than 5 million tonnes, mainly to other CIS countries. Between July and December 1999, in excess of 3 million tonnes of cereals, mainly wheat have been exported.

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