FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - LESOTHO (14 February)

LESOTHO (14 February)

Prospects for the 1999/2000 cereal crops, to be harvested from May, are uncertain. Abundant rains in the first dekad of February provided relief to the 1999/2000 cereal crops stressed by below average precipitation in January, but they may have arrived late to avoid reductions in yields. Rains started late and have been irregular during the season.

The 1999 wheat crop is estimated at 14 000 tonnes, half the level earlier anticipated, reflecting the adverse effect of dry spell on the crop. The output of the 1999 coarse grains has also revised downwards to 158 000 tonnes, still 12 percent above the reduced production of the previous year.

The food supply remains stable following adequate levels of commercial imports.

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