FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - MEXICO (3 February)

MEXICO (3 February)

Harvesting of the 1999/2000 irrigated wheat crop is about to start. Early forecasts indicate an output close to last year’s below-average 3.2 million tonnes, largely as a result of low water reservoir levels in the northwest growing areas coupled with adverse weather at planting in the central states of Guanajato and Jalisco. Harvesting of the important spring/summer maize crop has been virtually completed and production is anticipated to increase from last year’s 15.1 million tonnes to 15.7 million tonnes, despite the heavy rains and flooding which affected the crops in September/October. Production of maize for the year as whole is tentatively forecast to be at a slightly above-average 18.5 million tonnes. An above-average sorghum output of some 6.3 million tonnes is anticipated.

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