FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - MALI (1 February)

MALI (1 February)

Seasonably dry conditions prevail. Harvesting of rice is underway in the Niger River areas where fish catches are also very good (almost double compared to previous year). Prospects for off-season irrigated or recession crops are particularly favourable. Reflecting adequate growing conditions, the aggregate 1999 cereal production was estimated by a joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission last October at 2 951 700 tonnes (rice in paddy equivalent). This exceeds the previous 1998 record by 16 percent and is 28 percent above the five-year average. Production of rice increased by 13 percent and 41 percent respectively compared to 1998 and the average for the last five years, while coarse grains production increased by 17 percent and 23 percent respectively. Desert Locusts have been reported in the Timetrine area in December. About 1 700 hectares were treated out of 2 575 hectares infested. Locusts escaping control will concentrate in the remaining green areas of Adrar or move further north into southern Algeria.

Following two successive bumper crops, the overall food situation is satisfactory. Markets are well supplied and cereal prices decreased strongly following harvest and are much lower than the previous years. The national early warning system (SAP) estimated that only 3 arrondissements out of the 173 it monitors in the centre and the north (namely Baye, Diankabou and Ouenkoro), are moderately at risk of food shortages following floods which destroyed rice crops. Therefore, no food aid distributions or sales are required.

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