FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - MALAWI (10 February)

MALAWI (10 February)

Prospects for the 1999/2000 maize crop are uncertain, reflecting erratic and patchy rains since the beginning of the season. After good rains in November, which favoured planting operations and benefited early-planted crops, a prolonged dry spell during December, particularly in the main growing areas in the south, severely stressed developing crops. Widespread rains received in the first half of January provided relief to the moisture-stressed crops, but were too late in some areas where yield reductions are anticipated. Dry weather resumed in the third dekad of January and irregular precipitation in early February may have been insufficient to avoid further reduction in yields.

The overall food supply remains satisfactory following the record cereal crop of last year, which resulted in exportable surplus and a substantial increase in maize stocks. Food prices remain stable.

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