FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - NIGER (4 February)

NIGER (4 February)

Seasonably dry conditions prevail. Prospects for off-season irrigated crops are favourable. A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission estimated the 1999 cereal production at 2 832 600 tonnes (rice in paddy equivalent) which is about 5 percent below previous year's record of 2.98 million tonnes but 23 percent above average. Production of rice increased by almost 25 percent while that of coarse grains decreased. Desert Locusts have been reported in south-eastern Aïr in late December. They are expected to concentrate in the remaining green patches of vegetation of Tamesna and along the wadis and in the cultivated areas in the Aïr Mountains.

The overall food supply situation remains satisfactory. Markets are well supplied and prices of cereals are low. However, they surprisingly started to increase in December. The National Early Warning System estimated that no emergency assistance is needed. However, some areas in the arrondissements of Bilma, Diffa and Guidan Roundji may be somewhat vulnerable. As of late 1999, the national security stock has been reconstituted at a level of 12 277 tonnes of millet and 2 132 tonnes of sorghum.

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