FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - NICARAGUA (3 February)

NICARAGUA (3 February)

Harvesting of the 1999/2000 third season “apante” maize and bean crops has started under generally dry weather. Growing conditions are reported to be good and maize output for the year is tentatively forecast to be a well above-average 371 000 tonnes, a significant recovery from 1998/99 Hurricane “Mitch” affected crop of 311 000 tonnes. Sorghum output for the year is also estimated at an above-average 83 000 tonnes, which compares to last year’s 111 000 tonnes. Production of milled rice was 162 000 tonnes which compares to the last five-year average of 132 000 tonnes. Food assistance from the international community continues to be provided to the hurricane affected population.

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