FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - PAKISTAN (2 February)

PAKISTAN (2 February)

The main crop is currently winter (rabi) wheat, which is planted around October/November for harvest in March/April. The crop is mostly irrigated. Less important rabi crops include barley, though relatively little, around 150 000 tonnes, is produced on average annually. In view of favourable weather in January, following dry conditions earlier, and an increase in 1999/2000 support prices for wheat, official expectations are that production could increase to around 20 million tonnes this year compared to 18 million tonnes in 1999.

Latest reports indicate that the 1999/2000 rice crop was a record 4.9 million tonnes, from an area of 2.4 million hectares. Rice exports in 1999/2000 are projected at 2 million tonnes, whilst wheat imports are put at around 3.2 million tonnes (July/June).

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