FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - THAILAND (2 February)

THAILAND (2 February)

The main agricultural operations currently ongoing, include planting of second season rice for harvest from May/June. The main rice crop, which accounts for 80 percent of total production, is planted in June/July, to coincide with the arrival of the south west monsoon, for harvest from Oct/Nov. Depending on the final outcome of the current crop, total 1999/2000 paddy production is projected at 23.3 million tonnes, of which 19 million tonnes was from the main, and 4.3 million tonnes from the second crop. The main crop in 1999 was around 500 000 tonnes or 3 percent above 1998. The increase was mostly from the northeast which received more than adequate rainfall and encouraged an increase in area planted.

A total of around 5.7 million tonnes of rice were exported in 1999, 8 percent above 1998.

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