FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 01/00 - ZAMBIA (10 February)

ZAMBIA (10 February)

Prospects for the 1999/2000 cereal crops are uncertain. Rains have been irregular and patchy since the beginning of the season, with prolonged dry spells in December and January. Widespread rains are needed soon to avoid reductions in yields.

Estimates of the 1999 wheat crop have been revised downward to 90 000 tonnes, but at this level is still 27 percent up from the previous year and a record level.

The food supply situation remains overall stable as a result of a recovery in the 1999 maize production and a good harvest of non-cereal crops.

Heavy fighting in southeast Angola between government forces and UNITA rebels in recent weeks, has raised fears of a fresh refugee influx into Zambia, where around 170 000 Angolans have already fled. The conditions of these refugees are poor as heavy rains and impassable roads hamper emergency food aid distributions.

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