


Merida, Mexico, from 10 to 14 April, 2000




1. The Twenty-sixth FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean will be held in the "Centro de Convenciones Siglo XXI" in the city of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico from 10 to 14 April 2000. The meeting of the Technical Committee will be held from 10 to 12 April 2000. The Plenary Session will start with the Inaugural Ceremony at 12:00 hours on 12 April 2000 at the Peon Contreras Theatre.

2. The normal working hours of the Conference will be from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 14.30 to 17.30 hours, unless otherwise decided by the Conference.

3. An Order of the Day will be issued daily, giving detailed information of the Conference business, the timetable of meetings, items to be discussed, and other information of general interest.

4. The Provisional Annotated Agenda (LARC/00/1) is circulated with the invitation letter.

5. FAO will provide the Secretary of the Conference (para.12), assisted by a number of FAO staff whose names and functions will be included in a list to be issued on the first day of the Conference.


6. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and Spanish. The documentation will be issued in English and Spanish.


7. For the duration of the Conference, the Information Officer of the Regional Conference, assisted by a Press Liaison Attach� of the Government of Mexico, will provide contacts with the press and be responsible for matters concerning information to the public.

8. Journalists will be accredited on presenting to the accreditation desk at the Conference venue (Centro de Convenciones Siglo XXI) two passport-size photographs and a letter of assignment from their editor or employer.


9. The working documents will be sent to all governments and organisations invited, before the holding of the Conference and will be available through Internet at Documents drafted during the Conference will be available at the Documents Distribution Desk, outside the Conference Hall. The desk will also deliver mail and messages and deal with general inquires.


10. Delegates who wish to submit draft recommendations or other documents requiring a decision by the Conference are requested to hand their texts in English or Spanish to the Conference Secretary, if possible in three typed copies. Delegations wishing to circulate other written material related to the Agenda of the Conference are requested to deliver 50 copies in English and 100 in Spanish to the Secretariat for distribution.


11. When prepared speeches or statements are to be made, it would help the Secretariat and ensure accuracy of interpretation, if three typed copies of the texts were handed to the Secretariat of the Conference beforehand.


12. All correspondence concerning the Regional Conference should be addressed to the Conference Secretary, and copied to the Government Liaison Officer at the addresses below:

Conference Secretary

Mr. Carlos Arellano Sota, Conference Secretary
Twenty-sixth FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean
FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
P.O. Box 10095 - Santiago, Chile
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (56-2) 337 2101/2/3
Tel: (56-2) 337 2234

During the Conference, the address will be as follows:

Twenty-sixth Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean
c/o Centro de Convenciones Siglo XXI
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
Tel: (52-99) 480323, 480326

Government Liaison Officer:

Mr. Jaime Almonte Alvarez
Director General de Asuntos Internacionales
Oficial de Enlace (Conferencia Regional de la FAO)
Secretar�a de Agricultura, Ganader�a y Desarrollo Rural
Rochester No. 14
Col. N�poles
M�xico, D. F., M�xico

E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Mar�a Lourdes Cruz

Fax: (52) 55-23-55-63/55-36-42-15
Tel: (52) 55-23-47-45/55-43-31-28

13. Postal and communications services, as well as travel and tourist information, will be provided at the Conference premises.


14. Travelers to Mexico requiring an entry visa are advised to obtain one from a diplomatic mission or consulate of Mexico prior to the date of travel (a list of those participating countries requiring visa to enter Mexico is attached as Annex 1). In the event that no diplomatic mission or consulate exists in a particular country, travelers should inform the Liaison Officer and the Conference Secretary, at the addresses indicated in paragraph 12 above, providing full name as in the travel document, date and place of birth, nationality, passport number, date and place of issue, validity and expected duration of stay in Mexico, in order to ensure that a visa will be granted upon arrival. It is recommended that the participants arrive directly at the International Airport of Merida, where Conference personnel will provide customs assistance. There is one daily flight between Miami and Merida. Participants are reminded that if stopovers are made in the United States, a visa should be obtained previously from the US Government (participants should consult with their travel agencies).

15. Travelers coming from infested areas will require a valid international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever. Health authorities of Mexico advice that these travelers should be vaccinated at least 10 days prior to the date of arrival. It is suggested that information on any temporary health regulations in force in Mexico should be obtained from the airline company closer to the date of departure.

16. Participants are requested to provide advance notice (at least four weeks prior to their arrival) of the name of the carrier, flight number, time of arrival and other related, to ensure that they are properly met on arrival at the International Airport of Merida and transported to their hotel. Participants are advised to mark their luggage clearly in order to facilitate identification.

17. The authorities of Mexico will make special arrangements for participants upon their arrival, assisting them with formalities regarding immigration, visas, customs, collection of luggage and providing them with transport to their respective hotels. Similar arrangements will be made at the end of the Conference.

18. Immediately on arrival in Mexico, participants are advised to contact the travel desk at the Conference premises for special internal visits for spouses and for the reconfirmation of their departure date and time.


19. There is a limit of US$10 000, which can be brought into Mexico. The monetary unit is the Mexican peso. Participants can bring with them US dollars since they are readily accepted in any bank or Money Exchange Office. The current exchange rate fluctuates but is at present around 10 Mexican pesos for 1 US dollar.


20. Medical and first aid services will be available at the Conference premises during working hours. Hotels could also provide medical services.


21. Registration will take place on Sunday, 9 April 2000 between 10.00 and 18.00 hours and on Monday, 10 April from 8.00 hours. All delegates and observers are requested to register, soon after arrival, at the "Centro de Convenciones Siglo XXI", so that they can be provided with identification tags. The Conference Secretariat will issue a Provisional List of Participants on the first day of the Conference. The Conference Secretariat should be notified of any corrections or additions to this list. Only registered participants will be issued special badges, which will permit them to enter the Conference meeting venues.


22. Delegates who wish to offer a reception are requested to inform the Conference Secretary as soon as possible after their arrival, so that a programme of receptions can be drawn up.


23. Merida is the capital of the State of Yucatan, and is located approximately between 19� 41' latitude North and 87o 30' longitude West, at sea level. During the month of April, the average temperature is 27 o to 30� Celsius, with probable fluctuations between 25� and 40� Celsius. Since has a tropical climate, the local and Federal Governments consider the white "guayabera" as formal attire for gentlemen.


24. The voltage in Mexico is 120 volts AC / 60 cycle.


25. Requests for hotel reservations should be submitted on the printed form in Appendix A and sent to the addresses shown thereon at the earliest possible time. Hotels have indicated 10 March 2000 as the final date for keeping blocked the reservations made by the Government Liaison Officer.

26. The average cost of a meal in Merida is around US$ 10 to15.

27. Accommodation will be available for participants and their families at the:

El Castellano Hotel

Calle 57 entre 62 y 64 Centro
C�digo Postal97000
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
Fax: (52-99) 2510
Tel: (52-99) 230821, 230710

Room cost1:

Studio Room (twin bed or two single beds): 418 Mexican pesos, plus 15% tax (IVA) and 2% hotel tax.

Superior Room (2 twin beds) 594 Mexican pesos plus 15% tax (IVA) and 2% hotel tax.

Suite (for 2 adults and 2 children under 12): 770 Mexican pesos plus 15% tax (IVA) and 2% hotel tax.

Transportation will be provided to the participants from the Hotel to the Conference venue.



Following is the list of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that require visa to enter in Mexico:

Countries from South America

Countries from Central America

Countries from the Caribbean

The Organising Committee of the Conference would provide support on custom and immigration arrangements if the delegation arrives directly to the International Airport of Merida City. There is one daily flight leaving Miami at 15.55 hours, reaching the City of Merida at 16.55 hours. Delta Airlines, Aeromexico and Mexicana jointly manage this flight.


1. Name: ......................................................................... .......................................................
                       Family name                                                             Given name

2. Title and position: .................................................................................................................

3. Address

    (postal and fax): ..................................................................................................................

4. Attending as:      Delegate .....              Observer .....               Secretariat   .....

5. Accompanied by spouse:     Yes   ......         No  ......

    Name of spouse: ..............................................................................................................

6. Dates of anticipated stay in Merida:  from ...............................     to: .....................................

7. Arrival:  Date/hour ......................... Airline/Flight N�:.................. From .. .....................

8. Hotel preferred: El Castellano: El Conquistador:

9. Accommodation desired: (specify bedrooms, persons per bedroom, beds, etc.)

10. Other specification ..........................................................................................................

11. Credit Card and Number: ..............................................................................................

NOTE: Please complete the above form in duplicate for each delegate or observer. Send one copy to each of the addresses below as soon as possible and not later than 1st March 2000, even if complete flight information is not yet available, Full details can be cabled at a later date.


Government Liaison Officer
Mr. Jaime Almonte Alvarez
Director General de Asuntos Internacionales
Oficial de Enlace (Conferencia Regional de la FAO)
Secretar�a de Agricultura, Ganader�a y Desarrollo Rural
Rochester No. 14 - Col. N�poles
M�xico, D.F., M�xico

FAX: (52) 55-23-55-63/55-36-42-15
Tel: (52) 55-23-47-45/55-43-31-28

E-mail: [email protected]
Attn: Mar�a Lourdes Cruz

Conference Secretary
Mr. Carlos Arellano
FAO Regional Office for Latin America
and the Caribbean
Casilla 10095
Santiago - Chile

E-mail:  [email protected]

Fax: (56-2) 337 2101 or 337 2102
Phone: (56-2) 337 2100


1  the current exchange rate fluctuates but is at present around 10 Mexican pesos for 1 US dollar