FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.1, April 2000 SUDAN 42

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2.4 million sq.km
From north to south, arid, semi-arid and tropical wet-dry. Rainy season: May-October
30.29 million (1999 estimate); GNP per caput: n.a.
Specific characteristics of the country:
Low-income food-deficit country; cereal production mainly in eastern and central areas.
Roads, railway and river transport inadequate
Major foodcrops:
Sorghum, millet, wheat, roots and tubers, oils
Marketing year:
November/October; Lean season: September-October
Share of cereals in total calorie intake:
51 percent


The outlook for the 2000 irrigated wheat crop, to be harvested from next month, remains favourable, reflecting abundant irrigation water supplies. Total cereal production in 1999 is estimated at about 3.8 million tonnes comprising 3.05 million tonnes of sorghum, 499 000 tonnes of millet and 167 000 tonnes of wheat and 65 000 tonnes of maize (mainly produced in the south). At this level, cereal production is about 37 percent below the 1998 bumper crop.

Despite generally favourable weather, low sorghum prices for most of 1999, which in some cases have fallen below production costs, have prompted large-scale mechanized farmers, accounting for more than 60 percent of the total sorghum production, to reduce sorghum planting by some 50 percent. Many farmers have shifted to producing sesame, which gave much better returns last year, while others have simply reduced planted area. Lack of credit for agricultural inputs has also reinforced the farmers' decision to opt out of producing cereals.

In the Southern States, however, a relative improvement in security coupled with favourable growing conditions have yielded a 12 percent increase in cereal production from the traditional sector. Western Equatoria, which usually is a surplus area, has produced twice its local need this year due to favourable conditions and increased marketing opportunities offered by NGOs based in the State. By contrast, Unity State has suffered greatly from internecine fighting and Government/rebel clashes. Major cereal deficits are also estimated in Lakes and Bahr el Jebel due mainly to floods, and in specific localities throughout Jonglei, Upper Nile and Eastern Equatoria where conditions were not so favourable.

Expectations of lower harvests (sorghum and millet) in 1999 and the depletion of stocks due mainly to a surge in exports, have led to an increase in cereal prices which will have an adverse effect on poorer segments of the population. Overall, with the estimated cereal production and imports of wheat and rice estimated at 680 000 tonnes and 38 000 tonnes respectively, the country's cereal requirement of about 5.2 million tonnes in 1999/2000 is expected to be met by a drawdown of stocks. For the various interventions in southern Sudan, war affected and food deficit regions in the northern states, it is estimated that a total of 103 453 tonnes of food aid will be required during 2000. An Emergency Operation was jointly approved in January 2000 by FAO and WFP for food assistance to 2.4 million people affected by war, drought and floods, worth US$ 58.14 million.


  Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Normal Production 460 1 3 189 3 650
Normal Imports 450 10 130 590
of which: Structural food aid 250 - - 250
1999/2000 Domestic Availability 177 4 3 994 4 175
1999 Production (rice in paddy terms) 167 5 3 609 3 781
1999 Production (rice in milled terms) 167 3 3 609 3 779
Possible stock drawdown 10 1 385 396
1999/2000 Utilization 857 42 4 099 4 998
Food Use 837 41 3 502 4 380
of which: local purchase requirement - - 103 103
Non-food use 20 1 597 618
Exports or Re-exports - - - -
Possible stock build up - - - -
1999/2000 Import Requirement 680 38 105 823
Anticipated commercial imports 680 38 - 718
Food aid needs - - 105 105
Current Aid Position        
Food aid pledges 32 - 24 56
of which: Delivered 32 - 24 56
Donor-financed purchases - - 7 7
of which: for local use - - 7 7
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year) 27 1 110 138
1999 production as % of normal:       104
1999/2000 import requirement as % of normal:       122
1999/2000 food aid requirement as % of normal:       -

FAO/GIEWS - April 2000

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