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ADB/NACA. (1991). Fish Health Management in Asia-Pacific. Report on a regional study and workshop on fish disease and fish health management. ADB Agriculture Department Report Series No. 1. Network of Aquaculture Centres in the Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand.

ADB/NACA. Final Report on the Regional Study and Workshop on Aquaculture Sustainability and the Environment (RETA 5534). Asian Development Bank and Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific. NACA, Bangkok, Thailand. (in press).

Alday-Sanz, V. and Flegel, T.W. (1997). The risk of introducing yellow-head and white-spot viral infections from Asia to the Americas. CD ROM Paper No. 1, IV Congreso Ecuatoriano de Acicultura, 22-27 October, 1997, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 9 p.

Ambrosia, R.E. and De Wall, D.T. (1990). Diagnosis of parasitic disease. Reviews of Sci Techn., Office Intern. Epizool. 9, 759-778.

Chamberlain, G.W. Sustainability of world shrimp farming. In: E.K. Pikitch, D.D. Huppert, and M.P. Sissenwine (eds.) In: Global Trends: Fisheries Management. American Fisheries Society Symposium 20, Bethesda, Maryland. (in press).

Chanratchakool, P., Turnbull, J.F., Funge-Smith, S.J., MacRae, I.H. and Limsuwan, C. (1998). Health Management in Shrimp Ponds. Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, 152 p.

Knowles, D.P. and Gorham, J. R. (1990). Diagnosis of viral and bacterial diseases. Reviews of Sci. Techn., Off. Intern. Epizool. 9, 733-757.

Lightner, D.V. and Redman, R.M. (1998). Shrimp diseases and current diagnostic methods. Aquaculture 164, 201-220.

Lo C.-F., Ho, C.-H., Peng, S.-E., Chen, C.-H., Hsu, H.-C., Chiu, Y.-L., Chang, C.-F., Liu, K.-F., Su, M.-F., Wang, C.-H. and Kou, G.-H. (1996a). White spot syndrome (WSBV) detected in cultured and captured shrimp, crabs and other arthropods. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 27, 215-225.

Lo C.-F., Leu, J.-H., Ho, C.-H., Chen, C.-H., Peng, S.-E., Chen, Y.-T. Chou, C.-M., Yeh, P.-Y., Huang, C.-J., Chou, H.-Y., Wang, C.-H. and Kou, G.-H. (1996b). Detection of baculovirus associated with white spot syndrome (WSBV) in penaeid shrimps using polymerase chain reaction. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 25, 133-141.

Lo C.-F., Hsu, H.-C., Tsai, M.-F., Ho, C.-H., Peng, S.-E., Kou, G.-H. and Lightner, D.V. (1999). Specific genomic DNA fragment analysis of different geographical clinical samples of shrimp white spot syndrome virus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 35, 175-185.

Lotz, J.M. (1997). Special topic review: Viruses, biosecurity and specific pathogen-free stocks in shrimp aquaculture. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 13, 405-413.

Muroga, K. (1997). Recent advances in infectious diseases of marine fish with particular reference to the case in Japan. p. 21-31. In: T.W. Flegel and I.H. MacRae (eds.) In: Diseases in Asian Aquaculture III. Fish Health Section, Asian Fish. Soc., Manila.

Plumb, J.A. (1997). Trends in freshwater fish disease research. p. 35-47. In: T.W. Flegel and I.H. MacRae (eds.) In: Diseases in Asian Aquaculture III. Fish Health Section, Asian Fish. Soc., Manila.

Rana, K.J. (1997). Recent trends in global aquaculture production: 1984-1995. 14-19p. FAO Aquaculture Newsletter. No. 16. August 1997, FAO, Rome. 28pp.

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