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Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università di Catania
Via Valdisavoia, 5 - 95100 Catania - Ialy
Phone: +39-95-354641 Fax: +39-95-356322

Research project


"Research on the agro-bio-pomological and technological behaviour of numerous accessions from different growing areas"

Project leader:



Alberghina O.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università di Catania

Starting year:



20 years

Project objectives:

Project summary:
Numerous accessions from the main almond producing countries have been used in the study in a varietal collection.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università di Catania
Via Valdisavoia, 5 - 95100 Catania - Ialy
Phone: +39-95-354641
Fax: +39-95-356322

Research project


"Studied on some rootstock"

Project leader:



Alberghina O.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università di Catania

Starting year:



20 years

Project objectives:

Project summary:

The behaviours of various Italian and foreign varieties grafted on two rootstocks in which one is traditionally used in Sicily (sour almond) have been studied.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università di Catania
Via Valdisavoia, 5 - 95100 Catania - Ialy
Phone: +39-95-354641
Fax: +39-95-356322

Research project


"Genetic improvement"

Project leader:



Damigella P.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università di Catania

Starting year:



20 years

Project objectives:

Selection of promising seedlings, late blooming nuts with soft shell, good quality, and good commercial value.

Project summary:

The research is being carried out on the valuation of big-agronomic characters of some selections from a cross, which bloom late and have the fruits of soft shell and the seeds with excellent quality and high commercial value.

We are evaluating 8 selection, medium-late blooming with soft shell.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

Sender Institution:

Istituto Sperimentale Agronomico-
Via Celso Ulpiani, 5 - 70125 Bari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 80 - 5475011
Fax: +39 - 80 - 5475023

Research project


"Almond tree germoplasm - Production and pheno-morphological characteristics of the cultivar"

Project leader:

De Giorgio D.


Rizzo V., Ferri D., Convertini G., Macchia M.,

Funding institution:

Ministero delle Risorse Agricole Alimentari e Forestali

Starting year:




Project objectives:

To preserve and value the great biological diversity of almond tree in the typical environment of Apulia region.

Project summary:

At Bitetto (BA), in the experimental farm of Istituto Sperimentale Agronomico, 205 cultivars of almond tree have been collected, 89 of which are of domestic origin, 42 foreign, and 73 are hybrids established in Istituto.

The maintenance of this germoplasm collection every year provides records of yield, flowering times and biometric characteristics of almond fruit compared with climatic behaviour to value the effects of environmental conditions on all the cultivars, each of these represented by 3-5 plants.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

BULTADHAKIS S., 1923. Varietà pugliesi di mandorlo. Staz. Agr. Sper., Bari, 9-14.

CARRANTE V. E., GIANNELLI D., 1965. Variazioni nella composizione di alcuni organi della pianta del mandorlo (Amygdalus communis, var. Dulcis). Staz. Agr. Sper., Bari, 3-29.

DEL GAUDIO S., 1953. Indagini sul polline di mandorlo. Atti 1° Convegno Nazionale del Mandorlo Camera di Commercio Industria e Agricoltura di Bari, 1-14

DEL GAUDIO S., 1956. Prime prove di ibridazione del mandorlo in Puglia. Atti del I Congresso Internazionale del Mandorlo, Bari

DEL GAUDIO S., 1958. Ibridazione del mandorlo. Frutticoltura 2, 145-155.

DEL GAUDIO S., 1963. Il mandorlo in Puglia. L'Italia Agricola, 100 n. 2, 2.

DEL GAUDIO S., 1964. Per una migliore mandorlicoltura pugliese. Staz. Agr. Sper., Bari XVIII, 115-149.

DEL GAUDIO S., 1965. Indagine sulla mandorlicoltura pugliese. In "Attività della Stazione nel quadriennio 1960-63". Tip. Ved. Trizio, Bari, 64.

DEL GAUDIO S., 1966. Aggiornamento sulla mandorlicoltura e sue prospettive di sviluppo. Scienza e Tecnica Agraria, VI, n. 12, 7.

DE GIORGIO D., 1980. Epoche di fioritura di 92 cultivar di mandorlo rilevate sul campo sperimentale di Bitetto (BA). Atti VI Convegno pomologico. Incontro Frutticolo su "Frutta Secca" e mostra pomologica. Caserta 24 ottobre, 133-147.

DE GIORGIO D., MACCHIA M., 1989. Dodici anni di confronto fra diversi metodi di preparazione del terreno e controllo delle infestanti su mandorlo allevato in una zona dell'Italia meridionale a particolare vocazione mandorlicotura. Ann. Ist. Sper. Agron. 20, 67-80

DE GIORGIO D., FERRI D., LANZA F., 1990. Il campo mandorlicolo dell'Istituto Sperimentale Agronomico di bari su "germoplasma" e prove di controllo varietale (resa e qualità dei frutti) nel triennio 1980-82. Atti della Tavola Rotonda su: Acquisizioni e Innovazioni della Mandorlicoltura nell'ultimo ventennio. Bari, 9 Aprile, 15-23.

DE GIORGIO D., STELLUTI M., 1995. Evaluation of germoplasm collection of almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch) through a multivariate analysis. Agricoltura Mediterranea, vol. 125, 239-340.

DE GIORGIO D., STELLUTI M., MACCHIA M., LANZA F., 1996. Sedici anni di osservazioni fenologiche e produttive su 205 cultivar di mandorlo. Agricolture e Ricerca, XVII, n. 162, 3-54.

DE GIORGIO D., MACCHIA M., STELLUTI M., LANZA F., 1996. Monografia di 205 cultivar di mandorlo allevate nel campo del germoplasma dell 'Istituto Sperimentale Agronomico (BA). Agricoltura Ricerca, XVII, n. 162, 55-161.

DE ROBERTIS A., 1967. Studio del marciume radicale del mandorlo dilagante in Puglia, atogenesi, prevenzione, ricostituzione della coltura, possibilità irrigue. Terra Pugliese XVI, 1.

DE ROBERTIS A., 1974. Prospettive e limiti sull'intervento irriguo al mandorlo. Comunicazione al "Convegno Regionale di studio sulle attuali difficoltà della mandorlicotura pugliese". Bari, 2930 ottobre. Ann. Ist. Sper. Agron. IV, fasc. II, 1973.

FANELLI L., 1939. Varietà pugliesi di mandorlo. Tip. Favia, Bari-Roma.

FERRI D., CONVERTINI G., STELLUTI M., PERNIOLA M., DE GIORGIO D., 1996. Indagine triennale su alcuni caratteri biochimici di frutti di mandorlo in un tipico ambiente meriodionale. Agricoltura Ricerca, XVII, n. 162, 163-184.

GIOVANARDI PANTANELLI E., 1940. La data di fioritura del mandorlo in rapporto all'andamento meteorico. Tip. Ved. Trizio, Bari.

LA NOTTE F. S., 1931. L'andamento climatico in rapporto alla produzione delle mandorle. Staz Agr. Sper., Bari, 611-639.

LANZA F., 1973. L'attività di ricerca in corso sul mandorlo nell'Istituto Sperimentale Agronomico di Bari. An. Ist. Sper. Agron. Iv Fasc. II, 405-412.

PANTANELLI E.G., 1940. La data di fioritura del mandorlo in rapporto all'andamento meteorico. Staz. Agr. Sper., Bari, 2-48.

PASTORE R., 1932. Contributo allo studio del mandorlo in terra di Bari. Tip. Favia, Bari.

Sender Institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura
Via di Fioranello, n. 52 - 00040 Ciampino Aeroporto - Roma - Italy
Phone: +39 - 6 - 7934811
Fax: +39 - 6 - 79340158

Research project


"Selection of new rootstocks for almond and peach"

Project leader:



Monastra F.

Funding institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura di Roma

Starting year:



30 years

Project objectives:

Clonal selection of rootstocks for almond and peach for various soil conditions and particularly for high calcareous content in the soil inducing clorosis.

Project summary:

Some rootstocks (M49, M50, M51, M52, M53, M54, M55) are under evaluation for their agronomical characteristics. Particularly, their ability in rooting in vitro is investigated and the attention is focused into the determination of the most appropriate auxing to induce rooting, of the duration of the hormone treatments and of the most effective dosage for each genotype.

Studies on some enzymes, as peroxidases, on endogenous hormone levels and on gene expression are also included in the project in order to better understand the rooting process.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

CABONI E., MONASTRA F., 1996. New selections of almond, putative rootstock for peach and almond. X GREMPA, Meknes, Morocco, 14-17 October.

MONASTRA F., AVANZATO D., CHERUBINI S., 1993. Preliminary observations on selecting almond rootstocks. I Int. Congress on Almond. Agrigento, May 17-19, Abstract.

Sender Institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura
Via di Fioranello, n 52 - 00040 Ciampino Aeroporto - Roma - Italy
Phone: +39 - 6 - 7934811
Fax: +39 - 6 - 79340158

Research project


"Evaluation of rooting ability and biochimical aspects of some almond cultivars"

Project leader:



Damiano C.

Funding institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura di Roma

Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives:

Project summary:

Rooting ability of some almond cultivars is investigated in vitro. Various kind of auxin, dark treatments, liquid or solid medium and other chemical and physical factors are tested in this project in order to evaluate their effect in inducing rooting in almond. Since peroxidases seems to be involved in the rooting process in other species, these enzymes are also studied in almond in order to understand also in this species their role in the rooting process.

Related publications:

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Sender Institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura
Via di Fioranello, 52 - 00040 Ciampino Aeroporto - Roma - Italy
Phone: +39 - 6 - 7934811
Fax: +39 - 6 - 79340158

Research project


"Fertilization and irrigation trial on almond in Apulia"

Project leader:



Raparelli E., Fanigliulo R., Strabbioli G.

Funding institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura di Roma

Starting year:



5 years

Project objectives:

In the almond orchard, situated on Tuturano (Br), is on going a fertilization and irrigation trial. This trial is effected to knows better nutrition and water requirement of the almond in that area.

Project summary:

For irrigation are compared on Genco, Tuono and Ferragnes varieties the following thesis:

1. 100% of ETP;
2. 75% of ETP;
3. 50% of ETP;

The fertilization trial regarding for different treatments:

1. 100 kg/ha of Nitrogen, 50 kg/ha of Phosphorous and 50 of Potassium;
2. 150 kg/ha of Nitrogen, 75 kg/ha of Phosphorous and 150 of Potassium;
3. 100 kg/ha of Nitrogen, 50 kg/ha of Phosphorous and 100 of Potassium;
4. 100 kg/ha of Nitrogen.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

DOORENBOS J., PRUITT W.O., 1974. Crop water requirements. Irrigation and Drainage Paper n. 24, FAO Rome, Italy: 194 pp.

GOLDHAMER D.A., SHACKEL K., 1990. Irrigation cutoff and drought irrigation strategy effects on almond. 18th Annual Almond Research Conference. Fresno, 30-35.

FROMENT P., 1996. Contribution a la connaissance des spécificités nutritionnelles de l'amandier: référentiel nutrition Ferragnès, Ferraduel, Ferrastar. GREMPA - Book of Abstracts Resumes. Meknes, Maroc, 14-17 Octobre.

Sender Institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura
Via di Fioranello, n. 52 - 00040 Ciampino Aeroporto - Roma - Italy
Phone: +39 - 6 - 7934811
Fax: +39 - 6 - 79340158

Research project


"Breeding program in almond"

Project leader:



Della Strada G., Fideghelli C., Quarta R.

Funding institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura di Roma

Starting date:



30 years

Project objectives:

Constitution of new varieties characterized by late blooming; selfcompatible; resistance to Monilia.

Project summary:

a) Clonal selection in local population of Puglia and Sicilia regions.
b) Induced mutations.
c) Breeding.

a) Among the local varieties several varieties characterized by late blooming and good fruit quality were selected

b) Induced mutation of the variety "Fascionello" has given spur type selections characterized by late flowering and autofertile.

c) In the breeding program the following varieties are used: Aï, Ardechoise, Burbank, Cristomorto, Distomou Biotias, Fascionello, Ferraduel, Ferragnes, Ferrastar, Filippo Ceo, Fra Giulio, Genco, Ne Plus Ultra, Nonpareil, Pizzuta d'Avola, Rana, Tardive de la Verdière, Texas, Tuono, Vestal At the moment several advanced selections are under evaluation.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

MONASTRA F., FIDEGHELLI C., 1978. Il programma di miglioramento genetico del mandorlo presso l'Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura. Frutticoltura, 1.

MONASTRA F., DELLA STRADA G., FIDEGHELLI C., QUARTA R., 1980. Progrés du programme d'amélioration génétique de l'amandier. Ann. Ist. Sper. Frutticoltura, vol. XI.

MONASTRA F., FIDEGHELLI C., DELLA STRADA G., QUARTA R., 1983. Mutanti a fioritura tardiva del mandorlo cv "Fascionello". Frutticoltura, 9, 10.

MONASTRA F., DELLA STRADA G., FIDEGHELLI C., QUARTA R., 1985. Progres du programme d'amélioration genetique de l'amandier a l'Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura di Roma. Lavoro presentato al VI° Colloque du GREMPA, Salonicco (Grecia), 10-14 giugno. Annali dell'Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura di Roma, vol. XVI.

MONASTRA F., DELLA STRADA G., FIDEGHELLI C., QUARTA R., 1987. Mandorlo "Supernova". Agricoltura e Ricerca, 75-76.

Sender Institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura
Via di Fioranello, n 52 - 00040 Ciampino Aeroporto - Roma - Italy
Phone: +39 - 6 - 7934811
Fax: +39 - 6 - 79340158

Research project


"Evaluation of almond cultivars in Southern Italy"

Project leader:



Barbera G., Bivona G., Catania F., Dascanio R., Farri M., Femminella A., Gallo P., Godini A., Guglizza G., Insero O., La Mantia T., Longo L., Lovico G., Martino S., Pala M., Palasciano M., Raparelli E., Silletti A., Spagnolo C.,

Funding institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura di Roma

Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives:

The aim of the research is the evaluation of old and new almond varieties in different areas of South Italy to select the most suitable ones.

Project summary:

Several varieties were planted in different areas of South-Italy (Puglia, Calabria, Campania, Basilicata, Sicilia and Sardegna). The varieties under evaluation are the following: Falsa Barese, Fascionello, Fellamasa, Ferragnes, Fra Giulio Grande, Francolì, Genco, Glorieta, Lauranne, Masbovera, Moncayo, Pepparudda, Pizzuta d'Avola, Sannicandro, Steliette, Supernova, Trianella, Tuono.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

MONASTRA F., et alii, 1982. Monografia di cultivar di Mandorlo. ISF- MAF Roma.

MONASTRA F., et alii, 1997. Formulazione di liste di orientamento varietale dei fruttiferi. Mandorlo. Frutticoltura, 4.

Sender Institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura
Via di Fioranello, n 52 - 00040 Ciampino Aeroporto - Roma - Italy
Phone: +39 - 6 - 7934811
Fax: +39 - 6 - 79340158

Research project


"Planting distances for almond"

Project leader:



Martelli G., Chiariotti A.

Funding institution:

Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura di Roma

Starting date:



20 years

Project objectives:

To verify the possibility of the intensification of plant density on almond.

Project summary:

Cultivar Ferragnes, supernova and Talons, grafted onto seedlings were planted at distances 5×5 and 5×2,5 with a density of 400 and 800 plants per hectare. A split-plot experimental scheme was adopted with four repetition for each.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

MONASTRA F., MARTELLI G., CHIARIOTTI A., 1994. Comparison between two planting distances for three almond cultivars. Acta Horticulturae, 373.

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università di Palermo
Viale Delle Scienze - 90128 Palermo - Italy
Phone: +39 - 91 - 423398
Fax: +39 - 91 - 6521098

Research project


"Constitution of a germplasm collection of the Sicilian almond varieties"

Project leader:



Marchese F., Lo Pilato G., Gugliuzza G.

Funding institution:

Provincia Regionale di Agrigento; Soprintendenza Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Agrigento

Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives:

To collect in an area of archeological interest (Temple Valley) the sicilian germplasm in order to preserve from genetic erosion and evaluate, for the first time, its variability even number an ornamental point of view.

Project summary:

On an area of 4 hectares more than 300 varieties coming from the traditional almond orchards are collected and will be evaluated in the next future. The presence of the inventory in an area of high landscape value will enhance the role of almond in landscape rehabilitation.

Related publications:

(Please add funkier sheets if needed)

FATTA DEL BOSCO G., BARBERA G., DI MARCO L., OCCORSO G., 1981. Carta della mandorlicoltura Della Sicilia Occidentale con guida alla lettura. Edizioni C.S.S., Palermo.

BARBERA G., FATTA DEL BOSCO G., OCCORSO G., 1984. Caracteres pomologiques de 94 varieties d'amandier de la Sicile occidentale. Options Méditerranéennes, IAMZ 2: 3-12.

BARBERA G., 1991. Aspetti tecnici della mandorlicoltura in Sicilia: aspetti agronomici e varietali. In "Aspetti tecnici, economici e di mercato del mandorlo in Sicilia". Quaderni di Ricerca e Sperimentazione 40. UCCIIA, Palermo.

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Sassari
Via E. De Nicola, 1 - 07100 Sassari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 79 - 229334
Fax: +39 - 79 - 229337

Research project


"Studies on almond germplasm"

Project leader:



Mulas M., Nieddu G.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università di Sassari

Starting year:



10 years

Project objectives:

To prevent genetic losses within the almond autochthonous patrimony.

To increase knowledge on genetic characters important to improve the horticultural value of the local varieties.

To identify within the almond germplasm naturally resistant to abiotic stresses genetic types.

To investigate the mechanism of tolerance or resistance to abiotic tresses.

Project summary:

The almond germplasm of Sardinia has been evaluated in the past ten years for different aspects. The main morphologic and phonologic traits of varieties have been described and the distribution of tree and fruit characters within the local population have been observed. Further evaluation of growth habitue and fruiting behaviour of local varieties, observed under different experimental conditions will be conducted.

Future studies will examine the potential for identification of genotypes naturally resistant or tolerant to abiotic stresses, such as dryness.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

CHESSA I., PALA M., 1985. Survey on the patrimony of almond variety in Sardinia. Options Méditerranéennes, Serie Etudes, I: 97-103.

MULAS M., DELRIO G., D'HALLEWIN G., GRASSELLY C., 1989. Etude de populations d'amandier pour la selection de porte-greffe. Options Méditerranéennes, Serie Etudes, 5: 39-46.

CHESSA I., NIEDDU G., AGABBIO M., 1992. Evaluation of a collection of almond clones. 8° Colloque du GREMPA, Nîmes 26-27 june 1990. Rapport EUR 14081: 95-101.

D'HALLEWIN G., MULAS M., PELLIZZARO, 1992. Results of two years observation on bitter almond rootstock selection. Proc. 8th GREMPA Meeting. Nîmes 26-27 june 1990. Rapport EUR 14081: 229-232.

MULAS M., D'HALLEWIN G., DELRIO G., 1992. Prove di infestazione artificiale con larve di Capnodis tenebrionis L. per la selezione di portinnesti di drupacee. Atti delle Giornate Scientifiche SOI, Ravello 8-10 aprile: 380-381.

CHESSA I., NIEDDU G., MULAS M., 1992. Valutazione delle risorse genetiche in popolazioni locali di albicocco, ciliegio, mandorlo e susino. Atti del Congresso sul Germoplasma Frutticolo Salvaguardia e Valorizzazione delle Risorse Genetiche. Alghero, 2125 settembre: 63-68.

MULAS M., 1993. Almond genetic resources and resistance to Capnodis tenebrionis. I International Congress on Almond, Agrigento 17-19 May.

NIEDDU G., CHESSA I., PALA M., LOVICU G., 1992. Evaluation of almond germplasm in Sardinia: further observations. Acta Horticulturae 373: 135-139.

CHESSA I., NIEDDU G., PALA M., 1994. Il mandorlo. In "Patrimonio genetico di specie arboree da frutto. Le vecchie varietà della Sardegna". 225-277. Ed. Delfino, Sassari.

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Sassari
Via E. De Nicola, 1 - 07100 Sassari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 79 - 229334
Fax: +39 - 79 - 229337

Research project


"Biosynthesis of cyanogenic glucosydes and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in almond"

Project leader:



Chessa 1., Nieddu G.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Sassasri

Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives:

To study bitter almond seedling population performance for selection of new rootstocks in view to improve yield, quality and resistance against insects of almond.

Project summary:

Artificially infesting tests with Capnodis tenebrionis L. Larvae revealed that among the rootstocks bitter almond, myrabalan, peach seedling and GF677, bitter almond rootstock appeared the most resistant to insect penetration.

Relationship between insect resistance and cyanogenic glucosydes in different organs occurred.

Study of cyanogenic glucosydes biosynthesis and accumulation pattern in almond plant tissues, description of genetic variability influence on those phenomena and of correlation with the ethylene biosynthesis, as well as definition of biochemical linkage to biotic and abiotic stress resistance are now in progress.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

MULAS M., DELRIO G., D'HALLEWIN G., GRASSELLY C., 1989. Etude de populations d'amandier amer pour la selection de porte-greffes. Option Méditerranéennen 5: 39-46.

D'HALLEWIN G., MULAS M., PELLIZZARO G., 1992. Results of two years observations on bitter almond rootstock selection. 8° Colloque du GREMPA, Groupe du recherche et d'étude méditerranéennen pour le pistachier et l'amandier. Nimes, Francia, 25-30 giugno 1990. Rapport EUR 14081 FR, p. 229-232.

USAI M., D'HALLEWIN G., 1992. Cyanogenic glucosides contained in different organs of bitter and sweet almond. 8° Colloque du GREMPA, Groupe du recherche et d'étude méditerranéennen pour le pistachier et l'amandier. Nimes, Francia, 25-30 giugno 1990. Rapport EUR 14081 FR, p. 223-236.

MULAS M., 1994. Almond genetic resources and resistance to Capnodis tenebrionis L. Acta Horticulturae, 373: 41-48.

MULAS M., 1996. Biodiversità del genere Prunus per la capacità di sintesi della prunasina come fattore di potenziale resistenza ai fitofagi. Presentato al 2° Convegno Nazionale su "Biodiversità e produzioni biologiche". Matera, 11 giugno.

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Sassari
Via E. De Nicola, 1 - 07100 Sassari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 79 - 229334
Fax: +39 - 79 - 229337

Research project


"Dormancy, flowering biology and pollen untrastructure in almond"

Project leader:



D'Hallewin G., Dettori G., Giunta F., Mulas M., Schirra M.

Funding institution:

CNR - Istituto per la Fisiologia della Maturazione e della Conservazione del Frutto delle Colture Arboree Mediterranee di Sassari - Oristano

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives:

To distinguish clones or natural hybrids from pollen ultrastructure analysis. To evaluate the influence of rootstock, irrigation, environmental growth conditions and year of almond pollen characteristics. To gain better understanding on flowering biology and dormancy.

Project summary:

Significant differences occurred on almond pollen characteristics in relation to cultivar. No parameter of almond pollen (grain size and ultrastructural sculpture) was affected by irrigation or rootstock but grain size and pure diameter class distribution were significantly different for the three years and locations studied. Chemical changes and morphological growth in almond flower buds during winter dormancy occurred, mainly in trees grafted on peach.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

MULAS M., AGABBIO M., NIEDDU G., 1988. Etude au microscope eletronique "a balayage" du pollen de l'amandier pour l'identification des varietes. 7° Colloque du GREMPA, Groupe du recherche et d'etude mediterranéennen pour le pistachier et l'amandier. Reus (Terragone), Espagne, 17-19 juin 1987. Rapport EUR 11557, p. 229-247.

NIEDDU G., SCHIRRA M., LOVICU G., 1992. Winter growth in "Nonpareil" almond flower buds and its relationship with rootstock. 8° Colloque du GREMPA, Groupe du recherche et d'étude mediterranéennen pour le pistachier et l'amandier. Nimes, Francia, 25-30 giugno 1990. Rapport EUR 14081 FR, p. 117-181.

NIEDDU G., AGABBIO M., MULAS M., 1988. Effect of different temperatures in the post-dormancy phase of four almond cultivar. 7° Colloque du GREMPA, Groupe de recherche et d'étude mediterranéennen pour le pistachier et l'amandier. Reus (Terragone), Espagne, 17-19 juin 1987. Rapport EUR 11557, p. 143-153.

MULAS M., D'HALLEWIN G., NIEDDU G., 1988. Pollen ultrastructure of twenty almond cultivars. Advances Horticultural Science 2: 88-95.

NIEDDU G., MULAS M., DETTORI S., 1989. Morfogenesi fiorale e antesi in relazione all'apparato idrico nel mandorlo e nel ciliegio. Irrigazione e Drenaggio XXXVI (3): 142-144.

MULAS M., AGABBIO M., NIEDDU G., 1989. Ultrastrucutre morphology of "Nonpareil" almond pollen. HortScience 24: 816-818.

NIEDDU G., GIUNTA F., MULAS M., 1990. Influence of postdormant temperatures on bloom time four cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae 43: 63-67.

Sender Institution:

C.N.R. - Istituto per la Fisiologia della Maturazione e della Conservazione del Frutto delle Specie Arboree Mediterranee di Sassari
Località Palloni Nuraxinieddu, Oristano - Italy
Phone: +39 - 79 - 233466
Fax: +39 - 79 - 232047

Research project


"Influence of irrigation, rootstocks and environmental conditions on chemical and technological characteristics of almond kernels"

Project leader:



Agabbio M., Chessa I., Mulas M., Mura M., Nieddu G.

Funding institution:

C.N.R. - Istituto per la Fisiologia della Maturazione e della Conservazione del Frutto delle Specie Arboree Mediterranee di Sassari - Oristano

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives:

To study, in almond cultivars from different origin, the influence of cultural factors (rootstocks and irrigation) and geographical location on technological and nutritional characteristics of fruit.

To evaluate the compositional changes of almonds during growth, ripening and storage, in response to rootstock and water supply, in order to keep fruit quality as long as possible.

Project summary:

The chemical and technological characteristics where found to be greatly influenced by cultivars and, to a lesser extent, by rootstocks. Productive behaviour, pomological and chemical characteristics were strictly linked to the environmental conditions of three plantations located in Southern Italy.

Irrigation negatively affected the quality of kernels and stability of oil during 1 year of storage under simulated warehouse conditions.

Autoxidation of almond oil resulted closely correlated with the degree of unsaturation in the oil extracted at harvest time.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

SCHIRRA M., NIEDDU G., MULAS M., CHESSA I., 1988. The influence of cultural factors on the technological and nutritional values of almond fruit. 7° Colloque du GREMPA, Groupe du recherche et d'étude mediterranéennen pour le pistachier et l'amandiera. Reus (Terragone), Espagne, 17-19 juin 1987. Rapport EUR 11557, p. 216-228.

NIEDDU G., SCHIRRA M., MULAS M., 1989. Influenza della pratica irrigua sui processi evolutivi dei frutti di mandorlo. Irrigazione e Drenaggio XXXVI (III): 137-141.

SCHIRRA M., AGABBIO M., 1989. Influence of irrigation on keeping quality of almond kernels. Journal Food Science 54 (6): 1642-1645.

MULAS M., NIEDDU G., SCHIRRA M., D'HALLEWIN G., 1992. Bioagronomic comparison of six cultivars and 2 rootstocks for irrigated and non irrigated almond trees. 8° Colloque du GREMPA, Groupe du recherche et d'étude mediterranéennen pour le pistachier et l'amandier. Nimes, Francia, 25-30 giugno 1990. Rapport EUR 14081 FR, p. 259-263.

SCHIRRA M., 1992. Influence of extraction methods on almond oil characteristics. 8° Colloque du GREMPA, Groupe du recherche et d'étude mediterranéennen pour le pistachier et l'amandier. Nimes, Francia, 25-30 1990. Rapport EUR 14081 FR, p. 193-187.

SCHIRRA M., 1992. Composizione chimica, aspetti nutrizionali conservazione e utilizzazione delle mandorle. Atti Convegno Nazionale sul Mandorlo. "Possibile Evoluzione della Mandorlicoltura in Sicilia". Agrigento 29/30 novembre - 1 dicembre 1991. P. 77-100.

SCHIRRA M., MULAS M., MURA M., 1993. Chemical and technological characteristics of kernels of six almond cultivar grafted onto two rootstocks. Agricoltura Mediterranea 123 (3): 200-208.

SCHIRRA M., MULAS M., NIEDDU G., VIRDIS F., 1994. Mineral content in "Texas" almond during fruit growth and ripening. Acta Horticulturae 373: 207-214. "1st International Congress on Almond" Agrigento 17-19 maggio 1993.

BARBERA G., DI MARCO L., LA MANTIA T., SCHIRRA M., 1994. Effect of rootstock on productive and qualitative response of two almond varieties. Acta Horticulturae. 373: 125-128. "1st International Congress on Almond". Agrigento 17-19 maggio, 1993.

BARBERA G., DE PALMA L., LA MANTIA T., MONASTRA F., SCHIRRA M., 1994. Qualitative and quantitative responses of "Ferragnes" and "Tuono" almond cultivars to environmental growing conditions. Acta Horticulturae 373: 129-134. "1st International Congress on Almond" Agrigento 17-19 maggio, 1993.

SCHIRRA M., 1977. Postharvest, technology and utilization of almonds. Horticultural Reviews (in press).

Sender Institution:

C.N.R. - Istituto per la Fisiologia della Maturazione e della Conservazione del Frutto delle Specie Arboree Mediterranee di Sassari
Località Palloni Nuraxinieddu, Oristano - Italy
Phone: +39 - 79 - 233466
Fax: +39 - 79 - 232047

Research project


"Characterization and evaluation of indigenous almond clones"

Project leader:



Chessa I., Frau A.M., Ibba I., Mulas M., Nieddu G., Pala M.

Funding institution:

C.N.R. - Istituto per la Fisiologia della Maturazione e della Conservazione del Frutto delle Specie Arboree Mediterranee di Sassari - Oristano

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives:

To evaluate the vegetative and reproductive response of indigenous "types" of selected clones from Sardinian genetic patrimony.

Project summary:

Several sweet almond indigenous "types" has been evaluated for the main agronomic and pomological characteristics.

The variability within the population of flowering process, fruiting behaviour, technological chemical characteristics of fruit has been described.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

CHESSA I., NIEDDU G., AGABBIO M., 1992. Evaluation of a collection of almond clones. 8° Colloque du GREMPA, Groupe du recherche et d'étude mediterranéennen pour le pistachier et l'amandier. Nimes, Francia, 25-30 giugno 1990. Rapport EUR 14081 FR, p. 95-101.

FRAU A.M., PALA M., NIEDDU G., IBBA I., 1986. Confronto tra cultivar di mandorlo in diverse condizioni colturali. Risultati al settimo anno di attività. Studi Sassaresi XXXII: 141-150.

AGABBIO M., FRAU A.M., CHESSA I., 1988. Remarks on five-year survey based on ninety two almond selections of the Sardinian patrimony variety. Option Méditerranéennes 84/II: 39-49.

AGABBIO M., 1989. Il mandorlo in Sardegna. Frutticoltura 4: 27-30.

AGABBIO M., FRAU A.M., 1983. Osservazioni quinquennali su novantadue selezioni di mandorlo individuate nell'ambito del patrimonio varietale sardo. L'Informatore Agrario XXXIV (44): 39-43.

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari Via G. Amendola, 175 - 70126 Bari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 80 - 542981/91 Fax: +39 - 80 - 5442813

Research project


"Vegetative and productive performances of almond cultivars on different rootstocks"

Project leader:



De Palma A., Palasciano M., Cariello F., Cozzi G., Logoluso V.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari

Starting date:



20 years

Project objectives:

Evaluation of the performance of several almond cultivars on different rootstock in view of the improvement of the Apulian almond industry according new and modern designee. Vegetative and productive parametersare investigated.

Project summary:

Four self-incompatible almond cultivars "Cristomorto", "Ferragnes", "Nonpareil", and "Texas" and five selfcompatible Apulian almonds "false barese", "Filippo Ceo", "Genco", "Scorza verde" and "Tuono", were budded in September 1980 in the nursery onto almond seedling, peach seedling GF305 and peach × almond hybrid GF677. the budded trees were planted in an orchard at Valnzano, near Bari, in December 1981 spacing 6 m × 3 m, according to low headed-open centre training system and rainfed grown. The 1981-1995 vegetative growth and the 1984-1995 yield have been studied. The yield has been expressed as theoretical production of commercial kernel × hectare. An except of the study, involving part of the of the material and concerning the period 1982-1989, has been presented in 1990 (see Related publications). As concerns the rootstocks, GF677 proved to be the most vigorous followed by almond seedling and by peach seedling. In 1993, 87 % of the trees budded onto peach GF 305 had died and thus excluded from any further consideration. As regards the cultivars, "Texas" and "Ferragnès" showed a vegetative growth significantly higher than others.

On average, the overall 1984-1991 theoretical kernel production × hectare by the trees grafted onto GF677 and almond seedling was respectively 46% and 39% higher than that yielded by the trees grafted onto peach seedling. No significant differences in kernel yield were induced by the residue two rootstocks between 1984. The study confirmed once again the significant higher fruitfulness of the selfcompatible cultivars in comparison with self-incompatible cultivars.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

BARBERA G., DE PALMA L., MONASTRA F., ONDRADU G. 1990. Comportamento di due cultivar di mandorlo innestate su tre portinnesti e coltivate in ambienti diversi. 8th Meeting GREMPA, Nimes (France).

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari
Via G. Amendola, 175 - 70126 Bari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 80 - 542981/91
Fax: +39 - 80 - 5442813

Research project


"Obtention and study of the progenies of selfed sweet and bitter almonds"

Project leader:



Palasciano M.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives:

In a previous paper the hypotesis of the appearance of self-compatibility into prunus amygdalus L. genome following natural hybridization between Amygdalus webbi L. and Apulian cultivated almond has been put forward. On the basis of such hypotesis, selfed F1 kernels of 9 sweet and 5 bitterself-comatible Apulian almonds have been sown. The programme includes repeated seeding of consecutive generations of selfed kernels in order to observe whether morphological traits of A. webbii may appear within the off-springs population.

Project summary:

Kernels of the following sweet and bitter Apulian self-compatible almonds have been sown in 1991:

a) sweet almonds "Calò", "Ferrante", "Filipppo Ceo", "Genco", "Patalina", "Sannicandro", "Scorza verde", "Tuono";

b) bitter almonds "Andria", "Cicerchia", "Gaetanuccia", "Padula de Ruvo", "Santeramo".

The kernel were obtained by controlled self-pollination. Fairly good germination percentages have been obtained (60,7% on the average) and individuals came into production within the fourth year from emergence. A second generation of selfed kernel has been obtained in 1995. The next step of the programme is the seeding of this material.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

PALASCIANO M., GODINI A., DE PALMA L., 1993. Optimized self-pollination and production of double kernel in almond. 1st Int. Congress on Almond, Agrigento (Italy), May 17-19.

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari
Via G. Amendola, 175 - 70126 Bari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 80 - 542981/91
Fax: +39 - 80 - 5442813

Research project


"Transmission of self-fertility to Ferragnès, Marcona and Mission almond cultivars by intraspecific crosses"

Project leader:



Palasciano M., Cariello F., Logoluso V.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari

Starting date:



10-15 years

Project objectives:

Introduction of self-compatibility into the genome of self incompatible almond cultivars of commercial importance by means of cross-pollination.

Project summary:

"Ferragnes", the well known French and self-incompatible cultivar, was artificially pollinated in 1988 with "False Barese", "Genco" and "Tuono", of Apulian origin and self-compatible. From n.1,206 seeds were obtained n.881 seedlings (average germination = 73,1%), as follows: n.310 "Ferragnes" × "Genco" and n. 278 "Ferragnes" × "Tuono".

At the end of the 1991, 10,8% of the n.881 seedlings were discarted for the stunted growth; 55,5% of the remaining n.786 seedlings were discarded at the end of 1992 because not yet into production; 7,9% of the residue n.297 seedlings were discarded in 1995 for the incidence of doubles above 5%.

Between 1993 and 1995, studies of flowering phenology, biological behaviour and production characteristics of the remaining n.227 seedlings were caried out: all the tested individuals were late blooming and about 60% were self-compatible. At the present, n. 11 offspring appear to be of particular interest in term of productivity and kernel characteristics, thereby deserving further observations; n.3 of therm belong to "Ferragnès" × "False barese", n.4 to "Ferragnès" × "Genco" and n.4 to "Ferragnes" × "Tuono".

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

PALASCIANO M., GODINI A., CARIELLO F., LOGOLUSO V., 1996. Evaluation of self-compatible off-springs of almond hybrid "Ferragnès" × "Falsa barese", "Ferragnès" × "Genco" and "Ferragnes" × "Tuono". 10th GREMPA Meeting, Meknès (Morocco), Oct. 14-18.

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari
Via G. Amendola, 175 - 70126 Bari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 80 - 542981/91
Fax: +39 - 80 - 5442813

Research project


"Fruit set and yield of self-fertile and self-sterile almonds in field trials. Comparative studies"

Project leader:

GODINI A. Participants: De Palma L., Palasciano M.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari

Starting date:



16 years

Project objectives:

Evaluation of the role of "self compatibility", and importance of optimal pollination on the fruitfulness of almond cultivars.

Project summary:

Several comparative trials concerning the comparative fruit set potential and fruitfulness of selfcompatible and self-incompatible cultivars were set up.

1. The first two trials lasted 8 and 3 years respectively, involved a total of 11 self-compatible and 21 self-incompatible cultivars and were established in terms of fruit set and yield/tree following open pollination. Self-compatible cultivars set and yielded consistently more heavily than self-incompatible ones. The increase in fruit set and yield/tree ranged from 40% to 130%. The gap between the two biologically different group of cultivars was bridged only when pollination was estrused to honeybees in coincidence with excellent weather conditions during bloom. Self-compatibility in almond proved to be a genetic characteristics of horticultural interest.

2. A study to ascertain the highest possible fruit set following self-pollination of eight self-compatible cutivars of almonds was carried out in 1990. Fruits set from daily hand-selfing were high, compared to those from unassisted self-pollination. The results support growing most of the self-compatible Apulian almonds in solid blocks, without need for cross-pollination, provided that selfing is optimized by insect vectors.

3. A comparative study on fruit set induced by daily self- and cross-pollination was undertaken on selfcompatible Apulian almonds "Calò", "Filippo Ceo", "Genco" and "Tuono". Fruits set were satisfactory and not statistically different on average and within the same cultivar according to the method selfing or crossing. The results confirmed the possibility of growing Apulian self-compatible almonds in solid blocks, eliminating their dependence on cross-pollination.

4. The stigma/anthers reciprocal position in 15 self-compatible and 15 self-incompatible almond cultivars has been studied. No statistically different values of stigma anthers spatial distance were found according to the biological behavior of the cultivars. Moreover, self-incompatible almonds exhibited a more pronounced epistigmatism compared to self-sterile ones. The reciprocal. stigma anther position within the same flower should be interpreted just as a morphological trait of almond cultivars, totally independent of their biological behaviour.

5. Nowadays in Apulia (Southern Italy) there are good grounds for thinking that the wild vectors are inadequate to ensuring optimum fruit set of almond flowers. In order to compare the pollinating efficiency of introduced honey bees with that of wild insect vectors, flowering trees of 4 self-incompatible late blooming cultivars ("Ai", "Burbank", "Mission" and "Thompson") have been visited, on alternate days, by honey bees plus wild vectors of by wild vectors only. This was obtained by means "ad hoc" set up method, based upon the planned opening /closing of beehives and of insect-proof cages covering the trees. The study, carried out in 1989 and 1990, allowed to distinguish clearly the pollinating efficiency of the two kind of vectors: in comparison with wild insect vectors, honey bees increased the average fruit set by about 100%.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

GODINI A., DE PALMA L., PALASCIANO M., 1992. Allegagione e produzione da libera impollinazione in cultivar autofertili ed autosterili di mandorlo. Congr. Germoplasma frutticolo, salvaguardia e valorizzazione delle risorse genetiche. Alghero, Italy, Sep. 21-25

GODINI A., DE PALMA L., PALASCIANO M., 1992. Role of self-pollination and reciprocal stigma/anthers position on fruit-set of eight self-compatible almonds. HortScience, 28.

GODINI A., DE PALMA L., PALASCIANO M., 1993. Self-compatible almonds and fruit set by optimized self and cross-pollination. 1st Int. Congress on Almond, Agrigento (Italy), May 17-19.

DE PALMA L., GODINI A. 1993. Stigma/anthers spatial relationship in self-compatible and self-incompatible almonds 1st Int. Congress on Almond, Agrigento (Italy), May 17-19.

GODINI A., DE PALMA L., PALASCIANO M., MONACO R.,1991. Quantificazione dell'efficacia delle api sull'allegagione del mandorlo Frutticoltura, n.4.

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari
Via G. Amendola, 175 - 70126 Bari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 80 - 542981/91
Fax: +39 - 80 - 5442813

Research project


"Maintenance and evaluation of the almond germplasm collection of the Institute"

Project leader:



Palasciano M., Cariello F., Logoluso V., Simeone P.

Funding institution:

Istituto di Coltivazioni Arboree - Università degli Studi di Bari

Starting date:



35 years

Project objectives:

A large germplasm colection of almond cultivars was established near Bari (Southern Italy) since 1965. The collection includes sweet and bitter almonds coming from the most important growing areas of the world. The morphological, phenological, biological characteristics, the genetic polymorphism and the chemical kernel composition of the housed population of almond cultivars are under investigation. Enlargement and maintenance of such a germplasm collection are in progress.

Project summary:

The first almond conservation plot of the Institutein 1962 at Palese, near Bari (Southern Italy); in 1982 the collection was renewed, enlarged and transferred at Valenzano, in the province of Bari; in the new experimental farm of the Faculty of Agricolture. At the present time the collection houses n108 cultivars grafted onto sweet almond, trained according to low headed-open centre system, spaced 6.00 × 6.00 m and rainfed grown. Each cultivar is represented by 4 trees. About half of the housed almonds is native to Apulia; within the local population n. 29 cultivars, including bitter kernel, have been found to be selfcompatible.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

GODINI A., 1975. Il mandorlo in Puglia: panorama della situazione varietale. Not. Ortoflolfrutt. 6

GODINI A., 1977. Un quadriennio di ricerche sulle cause di improduttività dei mandorleti baresi, 3rd GRMPAMeeting, Bari, Italy

GODINI A., FERRARA E., REINA A., 1977. Contributo alla conoscenza delle cultivar di mandorlo (P. amygdalus Batsch) della Puglia: 1. Il calendario delle fioriture. 3rd GREMPA meeting, Bari, Italy.

GODINI A.,1977. Contributo alla conoscenza di cultivar di mandorlo (P. amygdalus batsch) della Puglia: un quadriennio di ricerche sull'autocompatibilità. 3rd GREMPA Meeting, Bari Italy.

GODINI A., FERRARA E., REINA A., GIORGIO V., GUIDA F., 1977. Contributo alla conoscenza delle cultivar di mandorlo (P. amygdalus Batsch) della Puglia: 1) Il calendario delle fioriture. Atti della III riunione del GREMPA, Valenzano (Bari), 3-7 ottobre.

GODINI A., REINA A., GIORGIO V., GUIDA F. 1979. Le caratteristiche carpologiche delle principali cultivar di mandorlo pugliesi. Atti del Convegno su "Il miglioramento della coltura del mandorlo e del nocciolo". Messina e Siracusa, 29-30 novembre. 1 dicembre.

GODINI A., FERRARA E., REINA A. 1979. Composizione chimica e caratteri estetici ed organolettici dei semi di una vasta popolazione di cultivar di mandorlo pugliesi. Atti del Convegno su "Il miglioramento della coltura del mandorlo e del nocciolo". Mesina e Siracusa, 29-30 novembre. 1 dicembre.

GODINI A., 1980. Observing pollen tube growth into selfed and crossed styles of two self-compatible almond cultivars by means of fluorescence. 4th GREMPA Meeting, Izmir (Turkey), jun. 16-23.

GODINI A., 1980. Counting pollen grains of some almond cultivar by means of an haemocytometer. 4th GREMPA, Izmir (Turkey), June. Riv. Ortoflorofrutt. It., (3), 1981: 173-177.

GODINI A., 1983. Hull, shell and kernel relationship in almond fresh fruits. 5th GREMPA, Sfax (Tunisia), May. Options Méditerranéennes, IAMZ (84/II), 1984: 53-56.

GODINI A., 1983. The influence of fresh pericarp on the kernel production in almond. 5th GREMPA, Sfax (Tunisia), May. Options Méditerranéennes, IAMZ (84/II), 1984: 57-61.

GODINI A., DE PALMA L., PETRUZZELLA A., 1987. Interrelationships of almond pollen germination at low temperature, blooming time and biological behaviour of cultivars. Advances in Hortic. Sci., 1, (2), 1987: 73-76.

GODINI A., PALASCIANO M., 1990. Proposte varietali per una nuova mandorlicoltura. Tavola rotonda "Acquisizioni e innovazioni della mandorlicoltura nell'ultimo ventennio", Bari, 9 aprile.

GODINI A., DE PALMA L., PALASCIANO M., 1990. Effect of optimized self-pollination on fruit set of self-compatible almond cultivars. XXIII Int. Hort. Congr., Firenze, 27 August - 1 September. Poster No. 3197.

GODINI A., DE PALMA L., PALASCIANO M., 1991. Are some pollinators really better than others? Results of a three year study on almond. Advances in Hort. Sci., (1): 40-44.

GODINI A., DE PALMA L., PALASCIANO M., 1990. Sur l'autocompatibilité de quelques cultivars amers parmi la population d'amandiers. 8th GREMPA, Nimes (France), 1990: 19-25, Juin.

GODINI A., PALASCIANO M., DE PALMA L., 1990. The ratio "sun-dried kernel/whole fresh fruit" in almond: comparison among three groups of cultivars with shelling percentage below 30, between 40-50 and above 60. 8th GREMPA, Nimes (France), 1990: 189-192, Juin.

GODINI A.,1996. Attuali conoscenze sull'autofertilità nel mandorlo. Frutticoltura, 1.

REINA A., GIORGIO V., GODINI A., 1983. Autres types autocompatibles parmi la population d'amandier des Pouilles. 6th GREMPA, Thessaloniki (Greece), June. Options Méditerranéennes, (85/I), 1985: 25-30.

RESTA P., FERRARA G., PALASCIANO M., FANIZZA G., GODINI A., 1996. Attuali conoscenze sull'autofertilità del mandorlo. Frutticoltura 1.

Sender Institution:

Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
Via Ceglie, 9 - 70010 Valenzano - Bari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 80 - 7806111
Fax: +39 - 80 - 7806206

Research project


"Etiology and epidemiology of almond mosaic"

Project leader



Di Terlizzi B., Savino V., Martelli G.P.

Funding institution:

Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari
Dipartimento di Protezione delle Piante dalle Malattie - Università di Bari

Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives:

The aim is to assess (i) the role of apple mosaic (ApMV), Prunus necrotic ringspot (PNRSV) and prune dwarf (PDV) ilarviruses in the etiology of the almond mosaic complex and (ii) the role of pollen and seeds in the spread of the disease.

Project summary:

To definy the role of the apple mosaic (ApMV), Prunus necrotic ring spot (PNRSV) and prune dwarf (PDV) viruses in the etiology of the almond mosaic complex, have been utilized three distinct "pure sources" of the three Ilarviruses. One year old plants of four different varieties have been graft inoculated with the three viruses, singularly and in combination. Seed and pollen transmission of these viruses have been studied by ELISA.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

DIGIARO M., SAVINO V., DI TERLIZZI B., MARTELLI G.P., 1992. The relationship of Ilarviruses to almond mosaic. Advances in Horticultural Science, 4, 161-166.

DIGIARO M., SAVINO V., 1992. Role of pollen and seeds in the spread of Ilarviruses in almond. Advances in Horticultural Science, 3, 134-136.

SAVINO V., MARTELLI G.P., DIGIARO M., DI TERLIZZI B., 1994. Virus and virus-like disease of almond in South East Italy. Acta Horticulturae, 373: 299-308.

Sender Institution:

Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
Via Ceglie, 9 - 70010 Valenzano - Bari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 80 - 7806111
Fax: +39 - 80 - 7806206

Research project


"Sanitary selection and sanitation of the main almond cultivars"

Project leader:



Di Terlizzi B.

Funding institution:

Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari
Dipartimento di Protezione delle Piante dalle Malattie - Università di Bari

Starting date:



15 years

Project objectives:

The aim is to assess the sanitary condition of the crops and to identify the prevailing virus and virus-like diseases.

The studies are based on (i) field surveys for the observation of symptoms; (ii) mechanical transmission on herbaceous hosts for the isolation of virus; (iii) graft-transmission on to woody indicators for detection of virus-like diseases; (iv) ELISA and IEM tests for virus identification and (v) sanitation by heat therapy.

Project summary:

During the sanitary selection conducted in the main Apulian almond-growing areas, 55 ecotypes of 35 different almond varieties were selected. 10 infected varieties were sanitized through heat therapy. All selections were controlled and proved to be free the following viruses: apple chlorotic leaf spot (ACLSV), apple mosaic (ApMV), plum pox (PPV), prune dwarf (PDV) and Prunus necrotic ringspot (PNRV).

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

SAVINO V., DI TERLIZZI B., MARTELLI G.P., 1989. Risanamento di cultivar di mandorlo affette da mosaico attraverso termoterapia. Quaderno n° 1 IAM-Bari "Virosi ed entomofauna del mandorlo", pag. 167-172.

SAVINO V., DI TERLIZZI B., CATALANO L., MUROLO O., 1995. The sanitary status of stone fruit species in Apulia. Acta Horticulturae, 386: 169-175.

Sender Institution:

Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo
Via Ceglie, 9 - 70010 Valenzano - Bari - Italy
Phone: +39 - 80 - 7806111
Fax: +39 - 80 - 7806206

Research project


"Study on "Stem pitting" and "Bud-line necrosis" alterations on almond"

Project leader:



Digiaro M., Savino V.

Funding institution:

Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari Dipartimento di Protezione delle Piante dalle Malattie - Università di Bari

Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives:

Almond groves were identified in Apulia exhibiting "Stem pitting" and "Bud-line necrosis" alterations. Studies are now in progress to define the etiology of syndromes and to identify indicators of the genus Prunus which help making a timely diagnosis of alterations.

Project summary:

The wood disorders of almond, known as "Stem pitting" and "necrosis of the graft union black line", were described years ago from Apulia (Southern Italy), but their causal agents were not identified nor reliable diagnostic methods were developed.

Investigations were therefore initiated for establishing the nature of these diseases and identifying Prunus species and/or varieties as possible indicators for a quick diagnosis.

The results of graft transmission tests, assessed by observing symptoms on the wood after removal of the cortex, were positive. Stem pitting developed on cv Elberta peach seedlings and cv Cristomorto almond seedlings during the first and second years after grafting, respectively. Less clear-cut were the responses of inoculated seedlings to black line, except for P. cerasifera, which developed a stem pitting condition on the rootstock. Clearer symptoms (invaginations, pits and grooves at the graft union) were obtained when almond/almond and almond/peach graft combinations were used.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

DI TERLIZZI B., DIGIARO M., SAVINO V., 1993. Preliminary studies on virus like disease of almond. Acta Horticulturae, 373: 293-298.

DI TERLIZZI B., SAVINO V., 1996. Further observation of almond stem pitting. Conference on Almond Protection. EPPO, Valencia, ES, 19-21 november.

Sender Institution:

Istituto di Genio Rurale, University of Reggio Calabria
P.zza S. Francesco, 89061 Gallina di Reggio Calabria - Italy
Phone: +39 - 965 - 682665 /682728
Fax: +39 - 965 - 682665

Research project


"Innovations in mechanized almond harvesting and post-harvesting operations"

Project leader:



Zimbalatti G., Zema D.A.

Funding institution:


Starting date:



10 years

Project objectives:

Studies and investigations for new technologies for mechanical harvesting and post-harvesting of almond and other horticultural productions.

Project summary:

Harvesting and post-harvesting operations weigh heavily in terms of costs on the entire growing cycle of almonds since they require considerable labour.

In the tests of mechanical harvesting performed by the Institute of Agricultural Engineering satisfying percentages of detached almonds were obtained by every shaking machine utilized.

Mechanical harvesting even when integrated with manual harvesting of non-detached almonds, gave better results compared to traditional harvesting carried out only by hand. Remarkable increases in productivity can be obtained by using shaking-intercepting machines. As a matter of fact interesting results were recorded in the third harvesting chain, even though the tests were performed in new intensive almond-groves which had not been expressly arranged for mechanical harvesting.

The necessary phases of almond shelling and drying, which were performed by machines in this chain, recorded hourly capacities capable of treating the product harvested by the chain taken into examination as well as in other sites.

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

GIAMETTA G., 1985. Prove comparative di raccolta meccanica delle mandorle. Rivista di Frutticoltura, 6-7: 21-30.

GIAMETTA G., 1991. La raccolta meccanica delle olive e della fruits secca. Machine e Motori Agricoli, 9: 69-94.

GIAMETTA G., ZIMBALATTI G., 1995. Innovations in mechanized almond harvesting and post-harvesting operations. International Agricultural Mechanization Conference. Pechino, 10-13 aprile.

Sender Institution:

Dipartimento di Coltivazione e Difesa delle Specie Legnose
Sez. Coltivazioni Arboree, Università di Pisa
Via del Borghetto, 80 - 56100 Pisa - Italy
Phone: +39 - 50 - 571551
Fax: +39 - 50 - 544420

Research project


"Study about some physiological and biochemical mechanism of frost resistance"

Project leader:



Bertolini S., Pannelli G., Proietti P.

Funding institution:

Dipartimento di Coltivazione e Difesa delle Specie Legnose - Sezione Coltivazioni Arboree, Università di Pisa

Starting date:



3 years

Project objectives:

To study the physiological and biochemical changes and responses involved in the mechanism of frost tolerance in almond trees. Moreover to analyze the genetic variability and in the way in which the technical events take place. The achieved Knowledge could be of great interesting in breeding programs and to direct the choice of the cultivar to the different environment.

Project summary:

The investigation will be done on: main enzimic systems, variation in sulflhydryl compounds, sugar metabolism during the flower bud development cycle, photosyntesis analysis; relation to freezing tolerance

Related publications:

(Please add further sheets if needed)

VITI R., BARTOLINI S., GIORGELLI F., 1994. Valutazione del grado di suscettibilità alle basse temperature delle gemme a fiore in diverse cultivar di mandorlo. Atti "II Giornate Scientifiche S.O.I.", S. Benedetto del Tronto 22-24 giugno; 75-76. Italus Hortus, 2 (4): 14-19, 1995.

VITI R., BARTOLINI S., GIORGELLI F., 1994. Effect of low temperatures on flower buds of several almond cultivars. Acta Hort., 373: 193-194.

VITI R., LORETI F., 1994. Research on the bioagronomic behaviour of 22 almond cultivars of various origins. Acta Hort., 373: 49-56.

VITI R., MONTELEONE P., 1995. High temperature influence on the presence of flower bud anomalies on two apricot varieties characterized by different productivity. Acta Hort. 384: 283-289.

VITI R., BARTOLINI S., GIORGELLI F., 1994. Suscettibilità alle basse temperature delle gemme a fiore in diverse cultivar di mandorlo. Italus Hortus, 2 (4): 14-19, 1995.

VITI R., BARTOLINI S., 1996. Alcuni aspetti dell'attività metabolica nelle gemme a fiore di mandorlo in relazione alla tolleranza al freddo. Atti III Giornate Scientifiche S.O.I., Erice, 10-14 marzo: 63-64.

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