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Recent FAO forestry publications

Raw for More Paper: Pulping processes and procedures for testing

These findings of an FAO Pulp and Paper Consultation in Rome, Italy, December 1952, form a short handbook covering pulping processes for fibrous raw materials from new sources and procedures recommended for the investigation of new raw materials for paper. 1953, 172 PP. (E) $ 2.00, JOY.

Forestry Abstracts Coverage List

Prepared by the Commonwealth Forestry Bureau from its card index of literature forming the basis-of its quarterly publication, Forestry Abstracts, this list forms a comprehensive and well-tested collection of publications carrying material of significance to forestry. 1953, 180 PP. (E) $ 1.50, 7s. 6d.

Grazing and Forest Economy

This study is the combined work of the Forest Policy Branch of the Forestry Division, and deals with the problems as they affect temperate. tropical and arid regions. 1953, 109 PP. (EFS) $ 2.00, 10s.

Elements of Forest Fire Control

Fire prevention and control should he regarded as all integral part of forest management. This short study outlines the organization and administration involved in a protection program. 1953, 110 pp. (EFS) $ 1.00, 5s.

Research at Forestry and Forest Products

This world directory of research institutions gives an outline of their objectives and summaries of their activities. 1953, 324 PP. (E) $ 3.00, 158.

Directory of Forestry Schools

A provisional list of forestry schools throughout the world giving information on their facilities for foreign students, curricula (theoretical and field work) and degrees awarded. 1953. 299 PP. (E) $ 3.00, 168.

In active preparation:

Eucalypts in Afforestation
Tractors for Logging
World Festival of Trees
Forest Plantation Protection against Diseases and Insect Pests
Forest Resources of the World

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