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Commonwealth forestry bureau Oxford' England


This presents the essence of current world literature extracted by an experienced permanent staff from publications in about 30 languages (over 550 periodicals, 700 serials and innumerable miscellaneous papers, books, etc.) and now totaling over 4,500 abstracts each year. Special features include: the abstracting at length of literature published in the more unfamiliar languages (e.g. Slav, Hungarian and Oriental languages); notices of the more important critical reviews; notices of translations into English, notices of new journals and serials, or of changes in their style; and notices of atlases, maps and patents. Each issue normally contains a leading article synthesizing authoritatively the literature on some particular subject and also items of world news. Annual subscription is £3 or $8.40 U.S.A. or Canada.


Containing a directory of publishing sources, analysis of an abstract notice, a key to abbreviations and many other aids, available in a trilingual edition (English, French, Spanish)' for 5s. or $0.70, post free.


A quick-service postal auxiliary to the Abstracts bringing to subscribers four times a month exact copies of the index cards made from the world stream of forestry literature during the Bureau's day to-day work totaling about 6,500 annually. Full particulars and samples from: The Director, Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, Oxford.

Orders should be sent to:

Central Sales Branch, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England.

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