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FAO staff changes

A reorganization of the internal structure of the Organization has been carried out this summer along lines laid down by Dr. P. V. Cardon, Director-General, on the authority of the Conference of FAO. The purpose of the reorganization has been to bring about the integration of FAO's Regular Program, which is financed by funds voted by the Conference of FAO, and the Technical Assistance Program, which is sustained by special funds allocated through the General Assembly of the United Nations.

There is now fully co-ordinated planning of both these programs. Closer liaison has been established between Headquarters, the Director

General's Regional Representatives, and the FAO Representatives in individual countries who were formerly styled Chiefs of Technical Assistance Missions. Also with other international organizations.

As part of the changes involved, Mr. Pierre Terver who was formely Chief Technical Assistance Officer, Forestry, has assumed the post of Director, Program and Budgetary Service, in the office of the Director-General. The separate Technical Assistance Unit within the Forestry Division has been abolished, and a Program Co-ordination Service has been instituted in the office of the Director, with Mr. L. J. Vernell as Chief. In addition to other duties, Mr. Vernell has been Editor of Unasylva since early 1948 and will continue in this function.

Mr. A. Huber has resigned from the Forestry Division to take up a post as Cantonal Forester in his own country, Switzerland. Mr. Aung Din of the Burma Forest Service has assumed an appointment in the Forest Technology Branch, while Mr. Giménez-Quintana, formerly Ingeniero of the Spanish Forest Service in Sevilla, has joined the Forest Policy Branch. Mr. Nasu, formerly of the Forest Experiment Station in Tokyo, has been appointed Forestry Officer in the office of the Regional Forestry Officer for Asia and the Pacific at Bangkok.

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