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Recent FAO publications

The State of Food and Agriculture 1958 - $2.50, 12s. 6d.

An annual report. This year's issue, in addition to a summary of the food and agricultural situation, provides a world review and outlook, covers food and agricultural developments in Africa South of the Sahara and discusses the growth of forest industries and their impact on the world's forests. There are numerous tables, charts and graphs. English, French and Spanish editions.

Yearbook of Food awl Agricultural Statistics - 1957

Volume XI, Part 1, Production $3.50, 17s. 6d.
Volume XI, Part 2, Trade $3.50, 17s. 6d.

This authoritative reference work contains more than 800 pages of tables and statistical data on each country, region and continent in the world, with over-all world totals for production and trade included. Trilingual.

The Owner-Cultivator in a Progressive Agriculture - $0.50, 2s. 6d.

Agricultural Study No. 39

A monograph which examines the meaning of owner cultivatorship in all its aspects, with a clear-cut picture of tenure alternatives in agricultural policy. Specific attention is given to investment problems in agriculture and to the interrelationship of land tenure and population growth. English, French and Spanish editions.

Methods of Weed Control - $2.00, 10s. 0d.

Agricultural Study No. 36

Mechanical and cultural methods of control are included as well as chemical means of weed destruction, the main emphasis being on practical procedures. This is a useful reference for investigators who do not have access to a sufficient range of literature on the subject. English, French and Spanish editions.

Water-Lifting Devices for Irrigation - $1.00, 5s. 0d.

Agricultural Development Paper No. 60

A discussion of means of raising water for irrigation in relatively small quantities by means of devices ranging from home-made contrivances to modern centrifugal and propeller-type pumps. Consideration is given to the various types of power or energy involved. Water-lifting costs and methods of computation are also given. English, French and Spanish editions.

In Preparation

Plant Exploration, Collection awl Introduction - $1.00, 5s. 0d.

Agricultural Study No. 41


Founded in 1875


Is a monthly publication, edited and published by the Central Silviculturist at the Forest Research Institute Dehra Dun. It publishes original articles, reviews and abstracts on tropical forestry along with results of researches carried out at the Institute. The journal also publishes articles on agriculture, hunting and travel. It is the only journal in India exclusively devoted to forestry and related fields and enjoys a world-wide circulation.


Rs. 20.00 (Inland)
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Will also be found an effective advertising medium particularly for those engaged in trades allied to forestry. For advertising rates-and other particulars please write-to the manager.

Editorial & Business Offices: - Main Building, Forest Research Institute & Colleges, P.O. New Forest, Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh, Provinces, India.

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