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Recent FAO publications on forestry

Tropical Silviculture

Forestry and Forest Products Study No. 13 (3 volumes)

Volume I is a study based on a series of general invitation papers presented at the Tropical Section of the Fourth World Forestry Congress, Dehra Dun 1954. It sums up the status of tropical silviculture with particular regard to natural regeneration as a guide to future efforts in developing optimum silvicultural practices. Volumes II and III contain the appropriate invitation papers.

In preparation Volume I (E.F.S.)
Volume II (Tri.)
Volume III (Tri.)

Choice of Tree Species

Forestry Development Paper No. 13

This section of the World Forest Planting Manual deals with the factors which should guide the choice of tree species for planting on various sites, and includes results of introduction of certain species on specific sites.

In preparation E.F.S.

Tree Planting Practices in Temperate Asia. Burma, India, and Pakistan

Forestry Development Paper No. 14

A comparison volume; in the World Forest Planting Manual series, to Tree Planting Practices in Temperate Asia: Japan (rev. Paper No. 10), this paper deals with seed, nursery and planting practices in the southern countries of temperate Asia, and the characteristics of the species most frequently planted in the region.

In English only - 51.50 or 7s. 6d.

Yearbook of Forest Products Statistics - 1958

The twelfth forestry yearbook prepared by the Forestry and Forest Products Division of FAO in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) continues the statistical tabulations as in the previous edition, including, however, some improvements in country figures resulting from the publication of the World Forest Products Statistics, A Ten-Year Summary 1946-55 (FAO, Rome 1958).

Bilingual E/F tables with notes in E.F S. $2.50, 12s. 6d.

Bois et forêts des tropiques

A quarterly review intended for those interested in tropical forestry resources and their utilization

The original articles in this review, written by authors of all nationalities selected as the most competent in their field, deal with all problems referring to tropical woods, from stand management and silviculture in tropical forests to the machining and working of the woods derived therefrom. Summaries in English, Spanish and sometimes German, acquaint readers who do not know French with the main ideas set forth.

In addition, each issue contains:

- statistics showing the trade trends for tropical woods, mainly African timbers,

- detailed analyses of published works on forestry problems in French overseas departments and territories,

- equipment notes,

- news items on tropical pisciculture.

Published by the Centre Technique Forestier Tropical
(Nogent-sur-Marne, France)

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