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Recent FAO publications



Timber Trends and Prospects in the Asia-Pacific Region

A study prepared jointly by the secretariats of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Economic Com mission for Asia and the Far East. English. French in preparation.



Yearbook of Forest Products Statistics, 1961

Fifteenth in the series of yearbooks containing statistical data obtained from more than 100 countries during the two years preceding publication. Tables deal with production, trade and consumption of roundwood, sawn wood, sleepers, plywood, woodpulp, varied types of paper, paperboard and fibreboard. Salient features of the current world forest products situation are included. Trilingual.


12s. 6d.

The State of Food and Agriculture 1961

The authoritative annual review of developments in the world food and agricultural situation, with a year-by-year report on the outlook for the future. Detailed studies on special subjects are also a feature. One of the most important of FAO's publications. In English, French and Spanish.



Rural Problems in the Alpine Region

An international study on the economic and social problems of Alpine populations, dealing with land use and tenure, soil conservation, occupations and production, institutions and social conditions and the demographic trends and population structure. One major conclusion of the study is that development programs should be framed on an appropriate regional basis. The methods adopted in carrying out this project will be of interest for mountain areas where economic and social conditions give cause for concern. In English and French.


7s. 6d.

Rural Tanning Techniques (Agricultural Development Paper No. 68)

Selected methods and processes of techniques in tanning, including descriptions of tools and equipment required by rural tanneries, with full explanation of how improvements can be introduced. A publication designed especially for training purposes. In preparation.

Soil Erosion by Wind and Measures for its Control on Agricultural Lands (Agricultural Development Paper No. 71)

The process of soil erosion, its effect and the conditions relating to soil erodibility. Methods of control successfully used in North America, Australia and elsewhere are described. Recommendations are made for control measures which might be applied in lesser developed countries. In English, French and Spanish.



Man and Hunger

In connection with the Freedom from Hunger Campaign launched by FAO in July 1960, a revised version has been issued of this booklet, which was prepared jointly by FAO and UNESCO and first published in 1957. The booklet outlines the problems of making better use of present agricultural land and cultivating hitherto unused land, and disputes the view held by many experts that land resources are approaching exhaustion. The limits of potential food production may never be reached, "for as we travel toward them they recede with the steady advance of knowledge." The booklet reviews the various methods by which the underfed parts of the world can be helped. FAO has projects for research on plant and cattle pests and diseases, on the possibilities of fish-farming, and in nutrition on the problem of raising the protein content of diets. The Freedom from Hunger Campaign aims to arouse public opinion in the better-fed parts of the world and to ask for practical help in improving the lot of the other 1,500 million people who are underfed. In English, French and Spanish. (Special prices for bulk orders)


1s. 3s.

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