Contents -

XII. Appendix C


C 81/1-Rev.1


C 81/2

The State of Food and Agriculture 1981

C 81/2-Sup.1

Supplement to C 81/2

C 81/3

Programme of Work and Budget for 1382-83

C 81/3-Corr.1

Corrigendum to C 81/3

C 81/3-Corr.2

Corrigendum to Spanish version of C 81/3 (Spanish only)

C 81/3-Corr.3

Corrigendum to Spanish version of C 81/3 (Spanish only)

C 81/3-Corr.4

Corrigendum to Arabic version of C 81/3 (Arabic only)

C 81/3-Corr.5

Corrigendum to C 81/3

C 81/3-Sup.1

PWB 1982-83 - List of Publications

C 81/3-Sup.2

PWB 1982-83 - List of Sessions

C 81/3-Sup.2-Corr.1

Corrigendum to C 81/3-Sup.2

C 81/4

Review of Field Programmes 1980-81

C 81/4-Corr.1

Corrigendum to C 81/4

C 81/4-Corr.2

Corrigendum to C 81/4

C 81/5

Financial Report and Statements Vol. I: Regular Programme 1978-79

C 81/6

Financial Report and Statements Vol. II: UNDP 1979

C 81/6 (a)

Financial Report and Statements Vol. II: UNDP 1980

C 81/6 (a)-Corr.1

Corrigendum to C 81/6 (a)

C 81/7

Financial Report and Statements Vol. III: World Food Programme 1979

C 81/7 (a)

Financial Report and Statements Vol. III: World Food Programme 1980

C 81/8

Review of the Regular Programme 1980-81

C 81/9

Medium-Term Objectives

C 81/9-Corr.1

Corrigendum to C 81/9

C 81/10

Statutory Report on Status of Conventions and on Agreements Thereto 81/10-Sup.1 Supplement to C 81/10

C 81/11

Election of Council Members

C 81/12

Arrangements for the Twenty-first Session of the Conference

C 81/13

Admission to the Session of Representatives and Observers of Internationals Organizations

C 81/13-Sup.1

Supplement to C 81/13

C 81/14

Applications for Membership in the Organization

C 81/14-Corr.1

Corrigendum to Arabic version of C 81/14 (Arabic only)

C 81/15

Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council

C 81/16

Appointment of Member Government's Representative to the Staff Pension Committee

C 81/.7

Relations with International Organizations including International Trade Unions

C 81/18

Appointment of Director-General

C 81/19

Recent Development in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO

C 81/19-Sup.1

Supplement to C 81/1919

C 81/19-Sup.l-Corr.1

Corrigendum to C 81/19-Sup.1

C 81/19-Sup.2

Supplement to Arabic version of C 81/19-Sup.1 (Arabic only)

C 81/20

Report on the Progress in implementation of the Plan of Action on World Food Security

C 81/21

UN International Development Strategy for the Third Development Decade

C 81/22

Regional and National Strategies Some Selected Issues for the 1980's

C 81/23

Follow-up of WCARRD

C 81/24

International Agricultural Adjustment: Third Progress Report

C 81/25

Energy in Agriculture and Rural Development

C 81/25-Sup.1

Summary of the Nairobi Programme of Action on New and Renewable Sources of Energy with Particular Reference to Energy for Rural Development

C 81/26

National Agricultural Research in Developing Countries

C 81/27

World Soil Charter

C 81/27-Rev.1

Revision of Arabic version of C 81/27 (Arabic only)

C 81/28

Development Assistance for Food Production and Rural Development

C 81/28-Corr.1

Corrigendum to C 81/28

C 81/29

The Regional Office for the Near East (RNEA)

C 81/INF/Series


C 81/INF/1

Information Note for Delegates and Observers

C 81/INF/2

Guide on Conduct of Plenary Meetings

C 81/INF/3-Rev.2

Provisional List of Delegates and Observers

C 81/INF/4-Rev.1

Provisional List of Documents

C 81/INF/5

FAO Member Nations, Council Members, Members of Council Committees and of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes of the UN/FAO World Food Programme

C 81/lNF/6

Presentation of B.R. Sen Awards (1980 and 1981)

C 81/INF/7

Presentation of A.H. Boerma Award 1981

C 81/INF/8

Notification of Membership in the Open Committees of the Council (1982-83)

C 81/INF/9

Twelfth Biennial Frank L. McDougall Lecture

C 81/INF/10

Implementation of 1980-81 Regional Conference Recommendations

C 81/INF/11

Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission I

C 81/INF/12

Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission II

C 81/INF/13

Provisional Checklist of Documents for Commission III

C 81/lNF/14

Address of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to the Twenty-first Session of the FAO Conference

C 81/INF/15

Report of the Informal Meeting of International Non-Governmental Organizations

C 81/INF/16

Support Costs

C 81/INF/17

Elements of a Global Food Programme

C 81/INF/18

Statement by Dr. Edouard Saouma, Director-General of FAO, to the United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy

C 81/INF/l9

Resolution Approved by the European Parliament on 30 September 1981 Concerning the Appeal of Nobel Prize Winners (CL 79/INF/10)

C 81/INF/20

Programme of Work and Budget 1982-83

C 81/INF/21

Summary of the Co-Chairmen of the International Meeting on Cooperation and Development (Cancún 1981)

C 81/INF/22

Director-General's Opening Speech to Commission II

C 81/INF/23

Countries Where an FAO Representation has been Established as of November 1981

C 81/LIM/Series


C 81/LIM/1

Abolition of Audited Interim Accounts (extract from CL 79/REP)

C 81/LIM/2

Amendments to the Provision of the Special Reserve Account (extract from CL 79/REP)

C 81/LIM/3

Scale of Contributions 1982-83 (extract from CL 79/REP)

C 81/LIM/4

Statement by the Director, IAA, to the Seventy-Ninth Council Session

C 81/LIM/5

Arrangements for the Conference (extract from CL 80/REP)

C 81/LIM/6

First Report of the General Committee

C 81/LIM/7

First Report of the Credentials Committee

C 81/LIM/8

Second Report of the Credentials Committee

C 81/LIM/9

Report of the Nominations Committee

C 81/LIM/10

WFP Pledging Target for the Period 1983-84 (extract from CL 80/REP)

C 81/LIM/11

First Report of the Resolutions Committee

C 81/LIM/12

Audited Accounts (extract from CL 80/REP)

C 81/LIM/13

Statement by the Director-General to the 21st Session of the FAO Conference - 9 November 1981

C 81/LIM/14

Headquarters Accommodation (extract from CL 80/REP)

C 81/LIM/15

Status of Contributions (extract from CL BO/REP)

C 81/LIM/16

Replenishment of the Working Capital Fund (extract from CL 80/REP)

C 81/LLM/17

Increase in the Level of the Working Capital Fund (extract from CL 80/REP)

C 81/LIM/18

Remuneration of the Director-General (extract from CL 80/REP)

C 81/LIM/19

Council Elections

C 81/LIM/20

International Agricultural Adjustment (extract from A: Report of the 53rd Session of the CCP; B: CL 80/REP)

C 81/LIM/21

Current Assessments (extract from CL 80/REP)

C 81/LIM/22

Second Report of the Resolutions Committee

C 81/LIM/23

Third Report of the Resolutions Committee

C 81/LIM/24

Second Report of the General Committee

C 81/LIM/25

Third Report of the Credentials Committee

C 81/LIM/26

Fourth Report of the Credentials Committee

C 81/LIM/27

Third Report of the General Committee

C 81/LIM/27

Corrigendum to Corr.1

C 81/LIM/27

(French only)

C 81/LIM/28

Fourth Report of the General Committee

C 81/LIM/29

Fourth Report of the Resolutions Committee

C 81/LIM/30

Fifth Report of the Resolutions Committee

C 81/LIM/31

Sixth Report of the Resolutions Committee

C 81/LIM/32

Seventh Report of the Resolutions Committee

C 81/LIM/33

Fifth Report of the General Committee

C 81/REP/Series


C 81/REP/1 to )


C 81/REP/8-Sup.1 )

Draft Reports of Plenary

C 81/REP/8-Sup.2 )


C 81/I/REP/1 to )


C 81/I/REP/3 )

Draft Reports of Commission I

C 81/II/REP/1 to )

Draft Reports of Commission II

C 81/II/REP/5 )


C 81/III/REP/1 to )

Draft Reports of Commission III

C 81/III/REP/2 )


C 81/PV/Series


C 81/PV/1 to )

First to Twentieth Verbatim Records of Plenary

C 81/PV/20 )


C 81/I/PV/17 to )

First to Eighteenth Verbatim Records of Commission I

C 81/I/PV/18 )


C 81/II/PV/1 to )

First to Twenty-first Verbatim Records of Commission II

C 81/II/PV/21 )


C 81/III/PV/1 to )

First to Fourth Verbatim Records of Commission III

C 81/III/PV/4 )


C 31/DJ/1 to )

Journals of the Conference

C 81/DJ/14 )



Contents -