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J. List of conference documents


C 61/1 Agenda
C 61/2 Plans for the Eleventh Session of the Conference and preparation of the Conference report
C 61/3 Program of Work and Budget 1962-1963
C 61/3-Corr. 1 Corrigendum to above
C 61/3-Annex IX-Rev. 1 United Nations Special Fund
C 61/3-Annex IX-Rev. 1 Corrigendum to same (Table 1 Corr. 1 Field projects)
C 61/3-Sup. 1 Supplement to Program of Work and Budget
C 61/3-Sup. 2 Supplement to Program of Work and Budget (Annex X and XI)
C 61/3-Sup. 2-Rev. 1 Revision to above (Annex X and XI)
C 61/3-Sup. 3 Regional organization
C 61/3-Sup. 4 Unallocated contingency
C 61/3-Sup. 5 Joint report of the Program and Finance Committee
C 61/3-Sup. 6 Freedom from Hunger Campaign - Central Campaign costs
C 61/4 Admission of observers to the Eleventh Session of the Conference
C 61/5 Report by the Director-General on the David Lubin Memorial Library
C 61/6 State of food and agriculture 1961
C 61/6- Sup. 1 Supplement to the above and Supplement to FAO commodity review 1961
C 61/7 Development through food
C 61/8 Report of the Thirty -Fourth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems
C 61/9 Guiding principles for national agriculture price stabilization and support policies
C 61/10 Work of FAO 1960-61
C 61/10-Sup. 1 Work of FAO 1960-61 - Implementation of Tenth Conference decisions
C 61/11 Regional economic integration
C 61/12 Progress of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign
C 61/12-Sup. 1 Provision in Regular Budget for central Campaign costs for the Freedom from Hunger Campaign
C 61/12-Sup. 1-Corr. 1 Corrigendum to above
C 61/12-Sup. 2 Additional information on the progress of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign
C 61/12-Sup. 2-Corr. 1 Corrigendum
C 61/12-Sup. 2-Corr. 2 Corrigendum
C 61/13 Commodity review
C 61/14 Progress report on the World Seed Campaign
C 61/15 FAO Africa Survey
C 61/16 Not issued
C 61/17 Expanded Program of Technical Assistance (EPTA) and United Nations Special Fund
C 61/17-Sup. 1 Expanded Program of Technical Assistance and United Nations Special Fund - Statistical data
C 61/18 FAD/UN proposal regarding procedures and arrangements for multilateral utilization of surplus food
C 61/18-Corr. 1 Corrigendum to above
C 61/19 Report of the Director-General on agency relations and consultations
C 61/20 Report on activities arising out of the Mediterranean Development Project
C 61/21 Proposed establishment of an advisory committee on marine resources research
C 61/22 Special program of agricultural education and training in Africa
C 61/23 Increase in number of Council seats
C 61/24 Technical Committees of the Conference
C 61/25 Not issued
C 61/26 Composition of delegations to the FAO Conference
C 61/27 Term of office of the Director General
C 61/28 Report of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
C 61/29 Not issued
C 61/30 Statutory report on the status of conventions and agreements and on amendments thereto
C 61/30-Add. 1 Statutory report on the status of conventions and agreements and on amendments thereto - Addendum
C 61/31 Approval of Statutes (including Rules of Procedure) of Article VI bodies
C 61/31-Add. 1 Approval of Statutes (including Rules of Procedure) of Article VI bodies - North American Forestry Commission
C 61/32 Relations with international organizations (excluding United Nations Organizations) and granting of consultative status
C 61/32-Add. 1 Addendum to the above
C 61/33 Audited accounts - Financial report and statements for the thirteenth financial period 1958-59, ended 31 December 1959 and Report of the External Auditor - Regular Program and European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease
C 61/34 Audited accounts for the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance and Report of the External Auditor
C 61/35 Audited accounts for the United Nations Special Fund - Financial report and statement for the year ended 31 December 1960 and Report of the External Auditor
C 61/36 Audited accounts for the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease - Financial report and statements for the year ended 31 December 1960 and Report of the External Auditor
C 61/37 Publications Revolving Fund
C 61/38 Scale of contributions 1962-63
C 61/38-Sup. 1 Scale of contributions 1962-63
C 61/38-Rev. 1 Scale of contributions 1962-63
C 61/39 Amendment of Financial Regulation 4.5 (a)
C 61/40 Not issued
C 61/41 Not issued
C 61/42 Working Capital Fund
C 61/43 Review of common salary scale for Professional Category staff and above (Note by the Director-General)
C 61/43-Sup. 1 Education grant
C 61/43-Sup. 2 Amendment of Resolution 49/55 concerning staff compensation plan
C 61/44 Staff Assessment Plan and Tax Equalization Fund
C 61/45 Distribution of FAO publications to governments
C 61/46 Applications for membership and associate membership in the Organization
C 61/46-Sup. 1 Applications for membership and associate membership in the Organization - Supplementary report by the Director-General
C 61/47 Election of Council members
C 61/48 Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council (Note by the Secretary-General of the Conference)
C 61/49 Appointment of FAO Staff Pension Committee
C 61/50 Audited accounts for the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance - Financial report and statements for the year ending 31 December 1960 and the Report of the External Auditor
C 61/51 Covering note for the audited accounts
C 61/52 Amendment of Financial Regulation 4.4 (b) (iii)
C 61/53 Proposed joint FAO/WHO program on food standards (Codex Alimentarius)
C 61/54 Use of pesticides
C 61/55 Proposal for an experimental special program of technical assistance under FAO's regular activities
C 61/56 FAO/UNICEF relations
C 61/57 Reorientation of FAO's activities to strengthen the ability of the Organization to give assistance to governments in their agricultural development (Note by the Director-General)
C 61/57-Sup. 1 Reorientation of FAO's activities to strengthen the ability of the Organization to give assistance to governments in their agricultural development (Note by the Director-General) - Supplement - Draft resolution


C 61/INF/1 List of Conference documents in 1st Draft relation to provisional agenda items
C 61/INF/1 List of Conference documents in 2nd Draft relation to provisional agenda items
C 61/INF/2 Agenda of Technical Committees
C 61/INF/3 Excerpts from regulations governing voting and elections by the Conference
C 61/INF/4 Nomination form for Council elections
C 61/INF/5 List of delegates 2nd Draft
C 61/INF/6 Admission of new Members and Associate Members
C 61/INF/7 Time-table of meetings - Eleventh Session



C 61/LIM/1 People, food and the well-being of mankind (McDougall Lecture 1961)
C 61/LIM/2 International Co-operative Alliance Financial mobilization for a food strategy
C 61/LIM/3 Biennial budgeting
C 61/LIM/4 Contribution to the solution of primary commodity problems adjusting production to consumption
C 61/LIM/5 Not issued
C 61/LIM/6 Meeting of observers from non governmental organizations
C 61/LIM/7 First report of the General Committee to the Conference
C 61/LIM/8 Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the Southwest Atlantic
C 61/LIM/9 Constitutional and legal matters (Extract from the report of Thirty -Sixth Session of the Council)
C 61/LIM/10 Application for consultative status
C 61/LIM/11 Progress report on Codex Alimentarius
C 61/LIM/12 Multilateral program of food aid and Corr. 1
C 61/LIM/13 Text of opening speech to be delivered by the Director-General to Commission 1
C 61/LIM/14 Membership in commodity study groups
C 61/LIM/15 FAD/UNICEF relations
C 61/LIM/16 Financial and administrative matters
C 61/LIM/17 Budgetary matters
C 61/LIM/18 Second report of General Committee
C 61/LIM/I9 Increase in the number of Council seats, Technical Committees of the Conference, and composition of delegations to the FAO Conference
C 61/LIM/20 Increase in the number of Council seats
C 61/LIM/21 Amendment to C 61/LIM/18 proposed by the Argentine delegation
C 61/LIM/22 Report of meeting of representatives of international nongovernmental organizations admitted as observers to the Eleventh Session of the Conference
C 61/LIM/23 Draft resolution presented by the delegation of Turkey with respect to Para. 1 of Document C 61/REP/1
C 61/LIM/24 Increase in the number of Council seats - Implementation of Conference decision taken during the present session (Note by the Secretary -General)
C 61/LIM/25 Program of Work and Budget
C 61/LIM/26 Text of the opening speech to be delivered by the Director General to Con mission II
C 61/LIM/27 Draft resolution presented by the Chairman of the informal meeting of fertilizer exporting countries on behalf of the delegations of: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada Chile, France, Germany, Italy Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
C 61/LIM/28 Not issued
C 61/LIM/29 Revised draft resolution on food standards (Codex Alimentarius)
C 61/LIM/30 Assistance to governments in providing executive and administrative personnel in the field of agriculture
C 61/LIM/31 Not issued
C 61/LIM/32 Freedom from Hunger Campaign - Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Malagasy Republic
C 61/LIM/33 Rapporteur's introductory statement to Commission II on the findings of the reports of the Technical Committees requiring Conference action
C 61/LIM/34 Proposal submitted for consideration by Commission I by the delegate for Canada concerning the utilization of food surpluses for economic and social development
C 61/LIM/35 Use of pesticides in agriculture
C 61/LIM/36 Freedom from Hunger Campaign - Draft resolution submitted by the delegations of the Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Sudan
C 61/LIM/37 Election of Council Members
C 61/LIM/38 Draft resolution presented by the Philippine delegation
C 61/LIM/39 Draft resolution presented by the Pakistan delegation
C 61/LIM/39 Rev. 1 Draft resolution presented by the delegations of Burma, Cyprus, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Syria, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey, U.A.R.
C 61/LIM/40 Statement by the delegation of Pakistan [on Item 9 (XV) (b)]
C 61/LIM/41 Draft resolution on code of principles concerning milk and milk products at the request of the fourth session of the Committee of government experts held 6-10 March 1961
C 61/LIM/42 Report of informal meeting of fertilizer exporting countries
C 61/LIM/43 Draft resolution on agricultural price stabilization and support policies proposed by the delegations of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Iran, Netherlands, Thailand, United States
C 61/LIM/43 Rev. 1 Same
C 61/LIM/44 Africa Survey
C 61/LIM/44 Add. 1 Same
C 61/LIM/45 Draft resolution on the establishment of a European Regional Office presented by the delegate of France, and seconded by delegates of several member countries of the European region
C 61/LIM/46 Draft resolution on utilization of food surpluses
C 61/LIM/47 Not issued
C 61/LIM/48 Draft resolution on regional food and nutrition commissions by delegations of Cameroun, Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal
C 61/LIM/49 Draft resolution on the strengthening of the statistical setup in the Near East region
C 61/LIM/50 Draft resolution submitted by the delegations of Finland, Norway and France
C 61/LIM/51 Commodity problems - Draft resolution submitted by the delegation of Iran
C 61/LIM/52 Draft resolution - Mediterranean Development Project - submitted by the delegation of Greece
C 61/LIM/53 Fourth report of the General Committee to the Conference
C 61/LIM/54 Draft resolution on agricultural policies in the European Economic Community, submitted by Argentina, Colombia and Mexico
C 61/LIM/55 Draft resolution on agricultural trade policies presented by the Governments of Burma, India, Indonesia and Yugoslavia
C 61/REP/I Report of Commission III to Plenary - Part I. Increase in the number of the Council seats and composition of delegations to the FAO Conference
C 61/REP/2 Rev. 1 Report of Commission II to Plenary - Part I. Activities and programs of the Organization
C 61/REP/3 Draft Plenary report (a) Procedural questions (b) Admission of new Members
C 61/REP/4 Draft report of Commission II - Part I. Technical co-operation programs
C 61/REP/5 Draft report of Commission III - Part III. Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the South west Atlantic
C 61/REP/6 Rev. 1 Report to Plenary of Commission III. Scale of contributions for 1962-63
C 61/REP/7 Draft report of Commission III - Part IV
C 61/REP/8 Draft report of Commission I - Part I
C 61/REP/9 Draft report of Commission II - Part II
C 61/REP/10 Appropriations resolution


C 61/AG/1 Provisional agenda
C 61/AG/2 Maintenance of an international register for agricultural " cultivars " (varieties)
C 61/AG/3 Not issued
C 61/AG/4 Atomic energy in agriculture
C 61/AG/5 Land and water development
C 61/AG/6 Plant production and protection (Revised)
C 61/AG/7 Animal production and health
C 61/AG/8 Not issued
C 61/AG/9 Rural institutions and services
C 61/AG/10 Land and water development Division
C 61/AG/11 Atomic energy in food and agriculture
C 61/AG/12 Animal production and health
C 61/AG/13 Plant production and protection
C 61/AG/14 Rural institutions and services


C 61/EC/1 Provisional agenda
C 61/EC/2 Statistics
C 61/EC/3 Commodities
C 61/EC/4 Economic analysis
C 61/EC/5 Opening statement by O. V. Wells before the Technical Committee on Economics
C 61/EC/6 Draft report
C 61/EC/6 - Rev. 1 Adopted report


C 61/FI/1 Provisional agenda
C 61/FI/2 Summary of work
C 61/FI/3 Biennial report of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council to the Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
C 61/FI/4 Report of the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean
C 61/FI/5 Technical Committee on Fisheries
C 61/FI/6 Draft report
C 61/FI/6 - Rev. 1 Report


C 61/FO/1 Provisional agenda
C 61/FO/2 Summary of activities for 1962-63
C 61/FO/3 Not issued
C 61/FO/4 Draft report
C 61/FO/4 - Rev. 1 Report


C 61/FO/AG/1 Provisional agenda
C 61/FO/AG/2 Shifting cultivation
C 61/FO/AG/3 Wildlife management
C 61/FO/AG/4 Draft report
C 61/FO/AG/4-Rev. 1 Adopted report


C 61/IN/1 Provisional agenda
C 61/IN/2 Statement by U. S. A. delegation at meeting of Technical Committee on Information and Publications
C 61/IN/3 Estimative costs of FAO publications
C 61/IN/4 Draft report
C 61/IN/4 - Rev. 1 Adopted report


C 61/NU/1 Provisional agenda
C 61/NU/2 Summary of activities planned for 1962-63
C 61/NU/3 Draft report - Nutrition
C 61/NU/3 - Rev. 1 Final Report - Nutrition

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