Contents -

K. List of conference documents (as of 20.00 hours 16 November)


Agenda Item

C 59/1

Agenda for the Tenth Conference Session


C 59/2

Arrangements for the Tenth Session of the Conference


C 59/3 Vol I + Vol II

Program of Work and Budget for 1960-61

II. 10 and 14
III. 16(d)

C 59/3 - Rev. 1


II. 14

C 59/3 - Supp. 1

Publications Program 1960-61


C 59 /3 - Supp. 2 - Rev. 1

Annex III - Trust Funds

II. 10

C 59/3 - Supp. 3

Supplement to Program of Work and Budget - Summary of Activities 1960-61- Note by the Director-General

II. 14

C 59/3 - Supp. 4

Note by the Director-General on the Program of Work and Budget for 1960-61

II. 14

C 59/4

Election of Council Members

IV. 18

C 59/4 - Supp. 1

Election of Council Members - Note by Secretary General

IV. 18

C 59/5

FAO's Role in Rural Welfare

I. 9 (a)

C 59/6

Admission of Observers to the Tenth Session of the Conference - Note by the Director-General


C 59/7

The State of Food and Agriculture 1959

I. 6

C 59/7 - Supp. 1

Recent Developments in the World Food and Agriculture Situation (Supplement to the Report on the State of Food and Agriculture 1959)

I. 6

C 59/7 - Supp. 2

Recent Developments in the World Food and Agriculture Situation

I. 6

C 59/8

Report of the Thirty-First Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems

I. 7 (a)

C 59/9

Report of the Thirty-Second Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems

I. 7 (a)

C 59/9 - Corr. 1

Report of the Thirty-Second Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems - Corrigendum

I. 7 (a)

C 59/10

Operation and Adequacy of the FAO Principles of Surplus Disposal and Guiding Lines

I. 7 (b)

C 59/11

Survey of the FAO Library

II. 10

C 59/12

Report of the Expert Panel on Price Stabilization and Support Policies

I. 6 (e)

C 59/13

Mediterranean Development Project (printed edition)

I. 9 (C)

C 59/14

Not issued


C 59/45

Freedom-from-Hunger Campaign

I. 8

C 59/16

Note by the Director General on FAO Activities in Land Reform

I. 9 (b)

C 59/16 - Corr. 1

Note by the Director-General on FAO Activities in Land Reform - Corrigendum

I. 9 (b)

C 59/17

The Work of FAO

II. 10

C 59/18

Promotion and Progress of the 1960 World Census of Agriculture

II. 10

C 59/19

Progress Report on the World Seed Campaign

II. 12 (a)

C 59/20

Survey and Appraisal of World Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry Resources in relation to Needs

II. 12 (b)

C 59/20 - Supp. 1

Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry Resources of the Lower Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin in relation to Human Needs

II. 12 (b)

C 59/21

Forward Appraisal of FAO Programs, 1959-64

II. 11

C 59/22

Reports of the Council, Program Committee and Finance Committee on the Activities of the Organization and the Program of Work and Budget for 1960-61

II. 14

C 59/23

Reports of the Council, FAO/UNICEF joint Policies Committee, the Program Committee and the Finance Committee on Relations with UNICEF

II. 12 (c)

C 59/24

Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture

II. 12 (d)

C 59/24 - Rev. 1

French and Spanish only

II. 12 (d)

C 59/25

Amendments to the Constitution and the Rules adopted by the Conference

III. 15 (a)

C 59/26

Action Arising out of Ninth Conference Resolutions 43, 46 and 47/57

III. 15 (b) (i) and (ii)

C 59/26 - Supp. 1

Action Arising out of Ninth Conference Resolutions 43, 46 and 47/57

III. 15 (b) (i) and (ii)

C 59/26 - Supp. 2

Action Arising out of Ninth Conference Resolutions 43, 46 and 47/57

III. 15 (b) (i)

C 59/27

Agreement for the Establishment on a Permanent Basis of a Latin American Forest Research and Training Institute under the Auspices of FAO

III. 15 (c) (ii)

C 59/27 - Supp. 1

Agreement for the Establishment on a Permanent Basis of a Latin American Forest Research and Training Institute under the Auspices of FAO

III. 15 (c) (ii)

C 59/28

Clarification of Resolutions 43/57 and 46/57 of the Ninth Session of the Conference in regard to Membership of non-Member Nations in Commodity Study Groups

III. 15 (b) (iii)

C 59/29

Financial Report and Statements for the Period ended 31 December 1957 and Report of the External Auditor

III. 16 (a)

C 59/30

Expanded Program of Technical Assistance - Financial Report and Statements for the Period Ended 31 December 1958 and Report of the External Auditor

III. 16 (a)

C 59/31

Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies

III. 15 (c) (i)

C 59/32

Guiding Lines Governing Relationship between FAO and Intergovernmental Organizations - Note by the Director-General

III. 15 (d) (i)

C 59/32 - Supp. 1

Comments from Governments on Guiding Lines Governing Relationship between FAO and Intergovernmental Organizations

III. 15 (d) (i)

C 59/32 - Supp. 2

Consideration of Existing Relationship Agreement with other Intergovernmental Organization

III. 15 (d) (i)

C 59/33

Report on FAO Expanded Technical Assistance Program

II. 13

C 59/34

Relations with International Nongovernmental Organizations - Report by the Director-General

III. 15 (e)

C 59/35

Annotated Agenda for Commission III of the Conference - Administrative and Financial Questions

III. 16

C 59/36

Scale of Contributions for 1960-61


C 59/37

United Nations Special Fund - Report by the Director-General

II. 13

C 59/37 - Supp. 1

French and Spanish only


C 59/38

Allocation of Administrative and Operational Services Costs between Regular and Expanded Program Budgets - Note by the Director-General

III. 16 (e)

C 59/39

Office Accommodation at Headquarters - Report by the Director-General

III. 16 (h)

C 59/40

Applications for Membership and Associate Membership in the Organization


C 59/40 - Supp. 1

Applications for Membership and Associate Membership


C 59/41

Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council

IV. 19

C 59/41 - Corr. 1

Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council


C 59/42

Appointment of Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

IV. 20

C 59/43

Appointment of FAO Staff Pension Committee


C 59/44

International Conventions and Agreements - Co-operation Agreement between

III. 15 (c) (iii)


FAO and the International Atomic Energy Agency


C 59/45

Agreement with the Government of Ghana concerning the African Regional Office

III. 15 (c) (iv)

C 59/45 - Corr. 1

Agreement with the Government of Ghana concerning the African Regional Office

III. 15 (c) (iv)

C 59/46

The Status of Conventions and Agreements and Amendments thereto in accordance with Rule XXI, paragraph 5 of the Rules of Procedure

III. 15 (C) (v)

C 59/47

Report of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters - Co-operation Agreement with the League of Arab States

III. 15 (d) (ii)

C 59/48

Not issued


C 591/49

Not issued


C 59/50

Reorganization of FAO Headquarters

III. 16

C 59/51

Not issued


C 59/52

Comments of the Government of Israel on the Guiding Lines Governing Relationship between FAO and Intergovernmental Organizations and on the Draft Co-operation Agreement with the League of Arab States

III. 5 (d) (i) and (ii)

C 59/53

Statement and Resolution on Intergovernmental Commodity Consultation and Action by the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Agricultural Producers


C 59/54

Proposal for the Addition of an Item to the Provisional Agenda submitted by the Government of Viet-Nam




Agenda Item

C 59/LIM/1

A Regional Presentation of the Director-General's Program of Work for 1960-61

II. 14

C 59/LIM/2

Program of Work and Budget for 1960-61 - Analysis of Budgets of FAO and other Specialized Agencies

II. 14

C 59/LIM/3

Memorandum submitted by the Catholic International Union for Social Service

I. 9 (a)

C 59/LIM/4

Biennial Budgeting (Report of the Thirty -Second Session of the Council)

II. 14

C 59/LIM/5

Preparation for the Session (Report of the Thirty -Second Session of the Council)

3 and 4

C 59/LIM/6

Application for Consultative Status submitted by WUCWO (Report of the Thirty -Second Session of the Council)

15 (e)

C 59/LIM/7

Committee on Commodity Problems (Report of the Thirty -Second Session of the Council)


C 59/LIM/8

Report of the Third Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Report of the Thirty -Second Session of the Council)

III. 15

C 59/LIM/9

First Report of the General Committee to the Conference

1 to 5

C 59/LIM/10

Suggestions from the Director- General for an FAO European Conference in 1960

II. 14

C 59/LIM/11

Applications for Membership and Associate Membership

IV. 17

C 59/LIM/12

Report of the Finance Committee - Third Session

III. 16 (a)

C 59/LIM/12 - Supp. 1

Report of the Finance Commission - Third Session

II. 14

C 59/LIM/13

Resolution concerning Contributions of New Members in 1960-61 to be appended or combined with the Resolution on the New Scale of Contributions

III. 16 (c)

C 59/LIM/14

Proposals for Strengthening the Activities of the European Commission on Agriculture

II. 14

C 59/LIM/15

First Report of the Credentials Committee


C 59/LIM/16

Draft Resolution by the Delegations of France, Brazil, Greece, Japan, Lebanon and Morocco -joint Session of CCP and CICT

I. 7

C 59/LIM/17

Draft Resolution submitted by the Delegation of the Latin American Countries - Agrarian Reform

I. 9 (b)

C 59/LIM/17 Rev. 1

Draft Resolution submitted by the Delegation of the Latin American Countries - Agrarian Reform

I. 9 (b)

C 59/LIM/18

Report of Meeting of Representatives of International Nongovernmental Organizations admitted as Observers to Tenth Session of Conference

III. 15 (c)

C 59/LIM/19

Draft Resolution presented by Yugoslavia to Commission I - International Trade in Agricultural Products

I. 6 (b)

C 59/LIM/20

Mediterranean Development Project

I. 9 (c)

C 59/LIM/21

Draft Resolution submitted by the Delegations of Greece, Lebanon and Morocco - Mediterranean Development Project

I. 9 (c)

C 59/LIM/22

Mediterranean Development Project - United Kingdom Amendment to the Greek Resolution

I. 9 (c)

C 59/LIM/23

Mediterranean Project - Indonesian Amendment to the Resolution submitted by the Delegations of Greece Lebanon and Morocco (C 59/LIM/21)

I. 9 (c)

C 59/LIM/24

Mediterranean Project - Yugoslav Draft Amendment to the Resolution submitted by the Delegations of Greece, Lebanon and 'Morocco (C 59/LIM/21)

I. 9 (c)

C 59/LIM/25

Consolidated Draft Resolution submitted by the Delegations of Greece, Lebanon, Morocco, Indonesia, Cyprus, Yugoslavia and the United Kingdom - Mediterranean Development Project

I. 9 (c)

C 59/LIM/26

Draft Resolution submitted by the Delegations of Burma and the Federation of Malaya - Regional Agrarian Research Institute

I. 9 (b)

C 59/LIM/27

Third Report of General Committee - Election of Council Members

IV. 18

C 59/LIM/28

Regional Forestry Commissions for Africa and North America

III. 15

C 59/LIM/29

Council Elections

IV. 18

C 59/LIM/30

Draft Resolution proposed by the Delegate of the United States of America - United Nations Special Fund

II. 13 and II. 14

C 59/LIM/31

Draft Resolution presented by the Delegations of Argentina, Uruguay and Mexico - The Sixth Regional Conference for Latin America

II. 14

C 59/LIM/32

Draft Resolution submitted by the Liberian Delegate - Regional Office for Africa

II. 14,
III. 16 (d)

C 59/LIM/33

Second Report of the Credentials Committee


C 59/LIM/34

Draft Resolution submitted by the Delegation of Belgium - Social Welfare

II. 9 (a)

C 59/LIM/35

Draft Resolution submitted by the Delegation of Switzerland - Social Welfare

II. 9 (a)

C 59/LIM/36

Forward Appraisal - United Nations ECOSOC Resolution 694 (XXVI)-D

II. 11

C 59/LIM/37

Fourth Report of General Committee - Election of Independent Chairman of the Council and of Director-General and Election to Council Seats



C 59/REP/4

Draft Report of Commission I - Part I - The World Situation and Outlook in Respect of Food and Agriculture

C 59/REP/5

Draft Report of Commission I - Part III - Agricultural Price Stabilization and Support Policies

C 59/REP/5 - Rev. 1

Draft Report of Commission I - Part III - Agricultural Price Stabilization and Support Policies (Item 6 [e])

C 59/REP/6

Draft Report of Commission I - Part II -Item (6 [c]) of the Agenda

C 59/REP/7

Draft Report of Commission I - Part VIII - Mediterranean Development Project (Item 9 [c])

C 59/REP/8

Draft Report of Commission I - Part VII - Agrarian Reform (Item 9 [b])

C 59/REP/9

Draft Report of Commission I - Part V - Freedom-from-Hunger Campaign (Item 8)

C 59/REP/21 - Rev. 1

Report of the Technical Committee on Nutrition

C 59/REP/22 - Rev. 1

Report of the Technical Committee on Fisheries

C 59/REP/25 - Rev. 1

Report of the Technical Committee on Forestry and Forestry Products

C 59/REP/26 - Rev. 1

Report of the Technical Committee on Information and Publications

C 59/REP/26 - Rev. 1 - Supp. 1

Drafting Subcommittee of the Technical Committee on Information and Publications - Distribution of Working Documents

C 59/REP/29

Report of the joint Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - joint Agricultural and Forestry Development

C 59/REP/34

Report of the Economic Committee

C 59/REP/35

Report of the Technical Committee on Agriculture

C 59/REP/35 - Corr. 1

Spanish only

C 59/REP/36

Draft Report of Commission II - Part I

C 59/REP/37 - Rev. 1

Report of Commission II to Plenary on Draft Program of Work and Budget for 1960-61

C 59/REP/38

Draft Report of Commission II - Part II
A. Expanded Technical Assistance Program
B. United Nations Special Fund

C 59/REP/41 - Rev. 1

Report of Commission III to the Conference - First Part

C 59/REP/42

Draft Report of Commission III to the Conference - Third Part

C 59/REP/42 - Corr. 1

Draft Report of Commission III to the Conference - Third Part

C 59/REP/42 - Supp. 1

Draft Report of Commission III to the Conference - Third Part (continued)

C 59/REP/43

Draft Report of Commission III to the Conference - Fourth Part

C 59/REP/44

Draft Report of Commission III to the Conference - Fifth Part

C 59/REP/45

Draft Report of Commission III to the Conference - Sixth Part

C 59/REP/46

Draft Report of Commission III to the Conference - Regional Forestry Commissions for Africa and North America

C 59/REP/61 - Rev. 1

Report of Commission III to the Conference - Part II - Item 16 - Administrative and Financial Questions

C 59/REP/61 -Rev. 1 -Corr. 1

Report of Commission III to the Conference -Part II -Item 16 -Administrative and Financial Questions


C 59/INF/1

List of Documents for the Tenth Session of the Conference - Third Draft

C 59/INF/2

Excerpts from Regulations governing Voting and Elections by the Conference

C 59/INF/3

Nomination Form for Council Elections

C 59/INF/4

Delegates and Observers attending the Tenth Session of the Conference - Fourth Draft

C 59/INF/5

Commission III - Draft Timetable of Meetings

C 59/PV-1 to 13

Verbatim Records of Plenary Meetings

C 59/PV- I/1 to 9

Verbatim Records of Commission I

C 59/PV-II/1 to 2

Verbatim Records of Commission II

C 59/PV-III/1 to 3

Verbatim Records of Commission III

Contents -