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C. Scale of contributions, sixth financial year (1951)

Member Nations



Afghanistan 0.06 $ 3,000
Australia 2.52 126,000
Austria 0.31 15,500
Belgium 1.72 86,000
Bolivia 0.09 4,500
Brazil 2.36 118,000
Burma 0.19 9,500
Cambodia 0.05 2,500
Canada 4.11 205,500
Ceylon 0.28 14,00
Chile 0.59 29,500
China 3.99 199,500
Colombia 0.48 24,000
Costa Rica 0.05 2,500
Cuba 0.36 18,000
Denmark 1.01 50, 00
Dominican Republic 0.06 3, 000
Ecuador 0.06 3,000
Egypt 1.02 51,000
El Salvador 0.06 3,000
Ethiopia 0.10 5,000
Finland 0.18 9,000
France 7.68 384,000
German Federal Republic 4.12 206,000
Greece 0.22 11,000
Guatemala 0.06 3,000
Haiti 0.05 2,500
Honduras 0.05 2,500
Hungary 0.36 18,000
Iceland 0.05 2 500
India 4.16 208 000
Indonesia 0.61 30 500
Iraq 0.22 11000
Ireland 0.63 31,500
Israel 0.15 7,500
Italy 2.44 122,000
Jordan 0.05 2,500
Korea 0.17 8,500
Lebanon 0.07 3,500
Liberia 0.05 2,500
Luxembourg 0.06 3,000
Mexico 0.83 41,500
Netherlands 1.81 90,500
New Zealand 0.63 31,500
Nicaragua 0.05 2,500
Norway 0.63 31,500
Pakistan 0.89 44,500
Panama 0.06 3,000
Paraguay 0.05 2,500
Peru 0.27 13,500
Philippine Republic 0.36 18,000
Poland 1.21 60,500
Portugal 0.62 31,000
Saudi Arabia 0.10 5,000
Spain 1.41 70,500
Sweden 2.54 127,000
Switzerland 1.65 82,500
Syria 0.34 7.500
Turkey 1.16 17,000
Union of South Africa 1.44 72 000
United Kingdom 14.52 726,000
United States of America 27.10 1,355,000
Uruguay 0.23 11,500
Venezuela 0.35 17,500
Viet Nam 0,32 16,000
Yugoslavia 0.43 21,500
TOTAL 100.00 $5,000,000


D. Delegates, representatives, and observers attending the special session of the conference

Member Nations



Member: NORMAN J. O. MAKIN, Ambassador, Embassy of Australia, Washington
Alternate: FRANK W. BULCOCK, Commonwealth Director-General of Agriculture, Melbourne

G. WARWICK SMITH, Department of Commerce and Agriculture, Canberra
PAUL F. MAGEE, Commercial Attaché, Embassy of Australia, Washington
GORDON NOEL UPTON, Second Secretary, Embassy of Australia, Washington


Member: RUDOLPH PHILIPP, Departmental Chief, Minis try of Agriculture and Forestry; Chairman, National FAO Committee, Vienna
Alternate: WILHELM GOERTZ, Economic Counselor, Legation of Austria, Washington

STEFAN GÖRÖG, Agricultural Counselor, Legation of Austria, Washington
ELIZABETH BURIAN, Administrative Assistant, Legation of Austria, Washington


Member: ALBERT VAN HOUTTE, Chairman, National FAO Committee, Brussels
Alternate: MARCEL VAN DEN ABEELE, Administrator General of Colonies, Brussels
Adviser: ROGER COUSTRY, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of Belgium, Washington
Secretary: L. G. LION, Ministry of Agriculture; Deputy Counselor, National FAO Committee, Brussels


Member: JUAN PEÑARANDA, Minister-Counselor, Embassy of Bolivia, Washington


Member: WALDER DE LIMA SARMANHO, Minister, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Brazil, Washington
Alternate: JOÁO G. DE SOUZA, Agricultural Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture, Rio de Janeiro
Associate: JOÁO P. PINHEIRO, Second Secretary, Embassy of Brazil, Washington
Secretary: ARMINDO BRANCO MENDES CADAXA, Second Secretary, Embassy of Brazil, Washington


Member: U AUNG SOE, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Rangoon
Alternate: U MYAT TUN, Chief Liaison Officer, State Agricultural Marketing Board, Rangoon
Associate: U SAN, Conservator of Forests, Rangoon


Member: HUOT SAM-ATH, Director, Department of Agriculture, Pnom Penh


Member: G. S. H. BARTON, C.M.G., Special Assistant to the Minister of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa
Alternate: J. G. TAGGART, C.M.G., Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa

J. F. BOOBTH, O.B.E. Chief, Economies Division, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa
A. B. HOCKIN, Division Economist, Department of Finance, Ottawa
W. C. HOPPER, Agricultural Secretary, Embassy of Canada, Washington
S. C. HUDSON, Principal Economist, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa
MISS M. MACPHERSON, Third Secretary, Embassy of Canada, Washington

Secretary: D. H. BURNS, Economic Division, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa


Member: G. S. C. COREA, Ambassador, Embassy of Ceylon, Washington
Alternate: W. D. GUNARATNA, Counselor, Embassy of Ceylon, Washington


Member: MARIO RODRIGUEZ, Minister-Counselor, Embassy of Chile, Washington


Member: CHEN CHIH-MAI, Minister-Counselor, Embassy of China, Washington
Alternate: TSUNG-HAN SHEN, Member, China U. S. Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, Taipeh, Taiwan

KAN LEE, Member, Chinese Technical Mission to the United States, Washington
TSWEN-LING TSUI, Counselor, Embassy of China, Washington

Adviser: ANTHONY Y. C. Koo, Technical Counselor, Chinese Delegation to the Far Eastern Commission, Washington

ER-HSUN CHOW, Second Secretary, Embassy of China, Washington
HUANG SHING-YI, Attaché, Embassy of China, Washington


Member: MISAEL PASTRANA, Minister-Counselor, Embassy of Colombia, Washington
Alternate: EDUARDO GALLEGO, Minister, Economic Counselor, Embassy of Colombia, Washington
Associate: RAMÓN ATALAYA, Cultural Counselor, Embassy of Colombia, Washington

Costa Rica

Member: JORGE HAZERA, Counselor, Embassy, of Costa Rica, Washington


Member: LOUIS MACHADO, Ambassador. Embassy of Cuba, Washington
Alternate: RICARDO SARABASA, First Secretary, Embassy of Cuba, Washington
Associate: ENRIQUE PEREZ-CISNEROS , Commercial Attaché, Embassy of Cuba, Washington



Member: A. P. JACOBSEN, Agricultural Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture, Copenhagen
Alternate: A. F. KNUDSEN, Agricultural Counselor, Embassy of Denmark, Washington

Dominican Republic

Member: OTTO VP GA, Minister-Counselor, Embassy of the Dominican Republic, Washington


Member: OSWALDO GARCIA, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Ecuador, Washington


Member: BOUTROS BEY BASSILI, Director-General, Department of Agricultural Economics and Legislation, Ministry of Agriculture, Dokki, Giza
Alternate: M. A. ZAYED, Commercial Counselor, Royal Egyptian Embassy, Washington

ANWAR NIAZI, Second Secretary, Royal Egyptian Embassy, Washington
ABDELFATTAH ALI MOURSI, Agricultural Attaché, Royal Egyptian Embassy, Washington

El Salvador

Member: CARLOS SERRANO GARCIA, Second Secretary, Embassy of El Salvador, Washington


Member: ADDIMAU TESEMMA, First Secretary, Embassy of Ethiopia, Washington


Member: KALLE TEODOR JUTILA, Minister, Legation of Finland, Washington


Member: ANDRÉ MAYER, President, National FAO Committee, Paris

MICHEL CÉPÈDE, Secretary, National FAO Committee, Paris
GEORGES HENRI JANTON, State Comptroller , Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Paris

DANGELZER, Inspector of Finance, Washington
EUGÈNE DEMONT, Director, French Supply Office, Washington
RAYMOND FORESTIER, Chief, Food and Agriculture Branch, French Supply Office, Washington
M. DU PASQUIER, Chief of Service, Ministry of Associated States, Paris
P. SIRAUD , Counselor Embassy of the French Republic, Washington


Member: HANS RIESSER, Deputy German Consul-General, 745 Fifth Avenue, New York


Member: C. P. CARANICAS, Economic Counselor, Embassy of Greece, Washington
Alternate: P. A. CAVALIERATOS, First Secretary, Embassy of Greece, Washington
Adviser: A. D. SISMANIDIS, Agriculturalist, Greek Foreign Trade Administration, Washington



Member: MARC A. HOLLY, Second Secretary, Embassy of Haiti, Washington


Member: RAFAEL HELIODORO VALLE, Ambassador, Embassy of Honduras, Washington
Alternate: JOSÉ A. MONGE, Commercial Attaché, Embassy of Honduras, Washington

( Absent )


Member: MAGNUS V. MAGNUSSON, Counselor, Legation of Iceland, Washington


Member: B. K. NEHRU, Financial Counselor, Embassy of India, Washington
Alternate: P. VAIDYANATHAN, Economic Attaché, Embassy of India, Washington
Associate: D. S. SAVKAR, Alternate Executive Director for India, International Bank and International Monetary Fund, Washington


Member: ALI SASTROAMIDJOJO, Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Washington
Alternate: R. HOETAMADI, Chief Inspector, Veterinary Services of the Republic of Indonesia, Djakarta

ISMAÈL M. THAJEB, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Washington
BASUKI DJATIASMORO, Commercial Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Washington
SUDARPO SASTROSATOMO, Press Attaché, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Washington
RADEN MAS DARMANTO, First Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Washington
M. MARAMIS, Second Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Washington

Adviser: J. VAN DER PLOEG, General Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture, Djakarta
Secretary: SUDOJO TJITROKUSUMO, Commercial Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Washington


Member: YASSIN UMAR, Second Secretary, Embassy of Iraq, Washington
Alternate: NATHIR A. UMARI, Attaché, Embassy of Iraq, Washington


Member: JOHN J. HEARNE, Ambassador, Embassy of Ireland, Washington
Alternate: JOHN C. NAGLE, Assistant Secretary, Department of Agriculture Dublin

JOHN DEMPSEY, Assistant Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Dublin
M. O'DOHERTY, Department of Agriculture, Dublin
DENIS A. HOLMES, Second Secretary, Embassy of Ireland, Washington


Member: MOSHE KEREN, Counselor, Embassy of Israel, Washington
Alternate: YEHUDA LOWE, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of Israel, Washington


Member: EMILIO COLOMBO, Undersecretary of Agriculture, and Forests, Rome

GINO BUTI, Ambassador of Italy, Rome
G. UGO PAPI, Professor, University of Rome
ALBERTO MASTROMARINO, Inspector-General, Office of High Commissioner for Food, Rome
GINO ZAFARANA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome
BRENNO COLONNA, Superior Inspector, Ministry of Agriculture, Rome
PAOLO N. ROGERS, Chief, Food and Agriculture Division, Italian Technical Delegation, Embassy of Italy, Washington

CLEMENTE B. COLONNA, Food and Agriculture Division, Italian Technical Delegation, Embassy of Italy, Washington
DARIO CROCETTA, Office of Undersecretary of State, for Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, Rome
CESARE DALL'OGLIO, Private Secretary, to the Minister of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Rome SILVIO PIRRAMI, Private Secretary, to the Under secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Rome
FRANCO SEGHETTI, Cabinet Minister of Agriculture Rome

Secretary: VITTORIO DE ASARTA, Secretary, National FAO Committee, Rome


Member: ZUHAYR MUFTI, Second Secretary, Legation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Washington


Member: PYO WOOK HAN, First Secretary, Korean Embassy, Washington


Member: GEORGES HAKIM, Counselor, Legation of Lebanon, Washington
Alternate: EDWARD A. RIZK, Third Secretary, Legation of Lebanon, Washington


Member: GEORGE B. STEVENSON, First Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Liberia, Washington


Member: HUGUES LE GALLAIS, Minister, Legation of Luxembourg, Washington


Member: ADOLFO ALARCÓN MENDIZABAL, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of Mexico, Washington
Alternate: AGUSTIN OCHOA MAYO, Commercial Attaché. Embassy of Mexico, Washington


Member: S. L. LOUWES, Director-General of Food, Government of Netherlands, The Hague
Alternate: R. L. BEUKENKAMP, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of the Netherlands, Washington

A. S. TUINMAN, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of the Netherlands, Ottawa, Canada
H. G. VAN KRETSCHMAR VAN VEEN, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of the Netherlands, Washington

Secretary: J. P. HUYSER, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, The Hague

New Zealand

Member: DONALD WATER WOODWARD, Commercial Attaché, Embassy of New Zealand, Washington
Alternate: STANLEY THOMAS MURPHY, Assistant New Zealand Trade Commissioner, Washington


Member: ALFREDO J. SACASA, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Nicaragua, Washington


Member: AXEL STRÖM, Professor, University of Oslo
Alternate: GUNNAR KJÖLSTAD, Economic Counselor, Embassy of Norway, Washington

OLE MJELDE, Secretary, National FAO Committee, Oslo
MAGNE OPPEDAL, Fisheries Attaché, Embassy of Norway, Washington


Member: S. AMJAD ALI, Minister, Embassy of Pakistan, Washington
Alternate: AHMAD NAZIR, Secretary, Government of Sind, Karachi

A. A. SHAH, Secretary, Government of East Pakistan, Dacca
ATA MOHAMED KHAN, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Karachi
M. SHAFQAT, Second Secretary, Embassy of Pakistan. Washington




Philippine Republic

Member: JOAQUIN M. ELIZALDE, Ambassador, Embassy of the Philippine Republic, Washington
Alternate: URBANO A. ZAFRA, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of the Philippine Republic, Washington



Member: ANTONIO DE SOUSA DA CAMARA, President, National FAO Committee, Lisbon
Alternate: ANTONIO FERREIRA D'ALMEIDA, Commercial Attaché, Embassy of Portugal, Washington
Associate: ANTONIO DE LUCENA, Second Secretary, Embassy of Portugal, Washington

Saudi Arabia

Member: MOHAMMED MUHTASIB, Second Secretary, Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington
Adviser: IBRAHIM SHAUCAIR, Secretary, Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington


Member: MIGUEL DE ECHEGARAY, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of Spain, Washington


Member: RAGNVALD BAGGE, Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Sweden, Washington
Alternate: GREGOR BENDZ, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of Sweden, Washington
Associate: KNUT BERNSTRÖM, Second Secretary, Embassy of Sweden, Washington


Member: Vice-Chairman, National FAO Committee, Geneva
Alternate: FRITZ REAL, Commercial Counselor, Legation of Switzerland, Washington
Secretary: BERNARD-MAURICE TURRETTINI, First Secretary, Legation of Switzerland, Washington


Member: FAIZ EL-KHOURI, Minister, Legation of Syria, Washington
Alternate: GEORGE J. TOMEH, Second Secretary, Legation of Syria, Washington
Associate: YORGUY HAKIM, Attaché, Legation of Syria, Washington
Adviser: ADNAN KATABI, Adviser, Legation of Syria, Washington


Member: P. PIBULSONGGRAM, Second Secretary, Embassy of Thailand, Washington


Member: RAIF OLGUN, Commercial Attaché, Embassy of the Turkish Republic, Washington
Alternate: TALAT BENLER, First Secretary, Embassy of the Turkish Republic, Washington

Union of South Africa

Member: S. J. J. DE SWARDT, Chief, Division of Economics and Markets, Department of Agriculture Pretoria

REES DAVIES, Agricultural Attaché, Embassy of the Union of South Africa, Washington
W. A. HORROCKS, Commercial Secretary, Embassy of the Union of South Africa, Washington

United Kingdom

Member: A. E. FEAVEARYEAR, C.B., Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Food, London
Alternate: SIE RALPH ROSCOE ENFIELD, C.B., Chief Economic Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London

R. G. BASKETT, Agricultural Attaché, British Embassy, Washington
A. CHRISTELOW, C.M.G., Counselor, British Embassy, Washington
SIR GERARD CLAUSON, K.C.M.G., O.B.E., Assistant Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office, London
BERWYN I. FELTON, Principal, Ministry of Food, London
F. GRANT, O.B.E., Under-Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London
A. MACKAY, Principal, U.K. Treasury and Supply Delegation Washington
K. B. C. PRIDHAM, Second Secretary, British Embassy, Washington
R. E. STEDMAN, Food Attaché, British Embassy, Washington

Associate and Joint Secretary: JOHN H. LOCKE, Principal, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, London
Joint Secretary: MILTON WHALLEY TAYLOR, Assistant Agricultural Attaché, British Embassy, Washington

United States of America

Member: CLARENCE J. MCCORMICK, Undersecretary of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Washington
Alternate: DURWARD V. SANDIFER, Deputy Assistant Secretary, for United Nations Affairs, Department of State, Washington
Associate: FRED J. ROSSITER, Associate Director, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, Department of Agriculture, Washington

JAMES F. ANDERSON, Division of International Administration, Department of State, Washington
PHILIP V. CARDON, Administrator, Agricultural Research Administration, Department of Agriculture, Washington
URSULA H. DUFFUS, Office of United Nations Economic and Social Affairs, Department of State, Washington
STANLEY B. FRANKER, Agricultural Research Administration, Department of Agriculture, Washington
FRANCIS A. LINVILLE, Economic Resources and Security Staff, Department of State, Washington
F. MARION RHODES, Director, Office of Requirements and Allocations, Production and Marketing Administration, Department of Agriculture, Washington
RALPH S. ROBERTS, Director, of Finance, Department of Agriculture Washington

Adviser and Secretary: JAMES O. HOWARD, Head, Division of Foreign Agricultural Information, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, Department of Agriculture, Washington


Member: JUAN F. YRIART, First Secretary, Embassy of Uruguay, Washington


Member: ADOLFO ALAYÓ VARGAS, Agricultural Engineer, Caracas
Alternate: AUGUSTÍN DEPUY PADRON, Agricultural Engineer, Division of Plant Breeding, Maracay

Viet Nam

Member: KHA TRAN VAN, Counselor of French Union Assembly, Paris
Alternate: DOAN HUU THUAN, Member, Cabinet of H.M. Bao Dai, Viet Nam
Secretary: NGUYEN TUAN, Paris


Member: STANK KRASOVEC, Director-General, Federal Statistical Office, Belgrade
Alternate: DEJAN KOSTIC, First Secretary, Embassy of the Federal People's Republic, of Yugoslavia, Washington

United Nations and Specialized Agencies

United Nations

Chief Representative: DAVID OWEN, Assistant Secretary, General, Economic Affairs Department, United Nations, Lake Success, New York

Alternate Representatives:
GERALD WEN, Executive Office of the Secretary-General, United Nations, Lake Success, New York
J. C. GENTIL-NETTO Administrative and Financial Services, United Nations, Lake Success, New York

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Representative: PAUL FERRANT CRAIG-MARTIN, Agricultural Economic Adviser, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Washington

International Labour Organisation

Representative: THACHER WINSLOW, Director, Washington Branch, ILO, Washington

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

Representative: SOLOMON V. ARNALDO, Acting Director, New York Office, UNESCO, New York

International Monetary Fund

Representative: ALLAN G. B. FISHER, Special Adviser, Research Department, International Monetary Fund, Washington



Holy See

RT. REV. MSGR. L. G. LIGUTTI, Executive Director, National Catholic Rural Life Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
REV. WILLIAM J. GIBBONS, S.J., Public Relations Officer, National Catholic Rural Life Conference, New York


Observer: A. G. ARDALAN, Financial Attaché, Embassy of Iran, Washington


International Cotton Advisory Committee

A. W. PALMER, General Secretary, Room 5077, S. Agriculture Bldg., Washington
ROBERT B. EVANS, Executive Secretary, Room 4423, S. Agriculture Bldg, Washington

Organization of American States

Observer: JOSÉ L. COLÓM, Chief, Division of Agriculture and Conservation, Pan American Union, Washington

Organization of European Economic Co-operation

Observer: P. G. U. BARTER, Counselor, Paris


Associated Women of the World

HELEN CARLTON-SMITH, Vice -President, London and Washington
HELENDEEN H. DODDERIDGE, Information Specialist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington
GRACE E. FRYSINGER, Member of Honor, A.C.C.W., Washington
HELEN M. MOODIE, Washington

Commission of the Churches on International Affairs

Observers: JOHN H. REISNER, Agricultural Missions, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.

International Chamber of Commerce

Observer: DONALD W. SAWTELLE, Assistant Manager, Agricultural Department, U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington

International Co-operative Alliance

WALLACE J. CAMPBELL, Co-operative League of the U.S.A., 726 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington
LESLIE E. WOODCOCK, Eastern Co-operatives, Incorporated, New York

International Council of Women

LAURA D. BARNEY, Liaison Officer and Consultant with UN, American Security and Trust Co., Washington
MAY FRANK RHOADS, 2209 42nd Street, N.W., Washington

International Federation of Agricultural Producers

HERBERT HENRY HANNAM, C.B.E., President, Ottawa, Canada
ANDREW CAIRNS, Secretary-General, 712 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington

International Landworkers Federation

Observer: GARDNER JACKSON, National Farm Labor Union, 726 Ninth Street, N.W., Washington

International Union for Child Welfare

Observer: LAURA PUFFER MORGAN, 1749 Corcoran Street, N.W., Washington


The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations much regrets that the printed edition of the Report of the Tenth Session of the Conference could not be made available earlier.

Special arrangements were made to print this Report expeditiously at Geneva. Unfortunately a critical portion of the manuscript disappeared in transit. Its replacement entailed much delay.

The Director-General would recall that all Member Governments were supplied with copies of the provisional edition of the Report in stencilled form, and trusts that this will have served the immediate purposes of the Governments.

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