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United Nations (1986)

Selected Demographic and Social Characteristics of the World's Children and Youth - Dept of International Economic and Social Affairs, New York

UNFPA (1990)

Inventory of Population Projects in Developing Countries around the World- 1988/89. New York

FAO (1985)

Report of an Expert Consultation on Rural Youth and Young Farmers in Developing Countries. Rome

FAO (1988)

The State of Rural Youth in Asia and the Pacific. Alexandra Stephens, FAO Regional Economics and Social Development Officer, Bangkok.

FAO (1987)

FAO Rural Youth Programme. Rome

Commonwealth Secretariat (1988)

Education. Training and Work: Some Commonwealth Responses to Youth Unemployment. London

FAO (1989)

Comprehensive demographic estimates and projections (1950-2025). Rome

UN ESCAP (1988)

Jakarta Plan of Action on Human Resources Development in the ESCAP region, Bangkok

ILO, (1988)

Programme des Emplois et des Compétences Techniques pour l'Afrique (PECTA) "La Promotion de l'emploi des Jeunes en Afrique" (Rapport sur l'atelier regional. Buea. Cameroun. 24-28/11/86.1

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