Report of the 19th FAO Regional Conference for Africa - ARC/96/REP

Table of Contents

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 16 - 20 April 1996

Accra, 1996

FAO - Fiat/Panis

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© FAO 1996

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Table of Contents

Summary of the main recommendations

I. Introductory items

Organization of the conference
Inaugural ceremony
Election of chairman. Vice-chairmen and appointment of rapporteurs
Adoption of the agenda and timetable

II. Statements

Statement by the director-general of FAO
Statement by the independent chairman of the FAO council
Country statements and general debate on the food and agriculture situation in the region
Report on FAO activities in the region 1994-95 (ARC/96/2)

III. Discussion items

World food summit and report of the technical committee

IV. Other matters

Future ministerial meetings in conjunction with sessions of COFI and COFO (ARC/96/8)
Proposal for shortening of regional conference reports (ARC/96/9)

V. Concluding items

Representation of the region on the consultative group on international agricultural research (CGIAR)
Any other business
Date and place of the twentieth FAO regional conference for Africa
Adoption of the report of the conference (including the technical committee report)
Closure of the conference

Appendix A - Agenda

Technical committee meeting: 16 - 17 April 1996
Plenary session: 18 - 20 April 1996

Appendix B - Nineteenth regional conference for Africa Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. 16-20 April 1996 - List of delegates

Plenary session/Session plénière
Technical committee/Comité technique
Member nations in the region/États membres de la région
Observers from member nations not serviced in the region/Observateurs des états membres qui ne sont pas de la région
Representatives of the united nations and specialized agencies - Représentants des nations unies et des institutions spécialisées
Observers from intergovernmental organizations/Observateurs des organisations intergouvernementales
Observers from non-governmental organizations/Observateurs des organisations non gouvernementales
FAO staff/Fonctionnaires de la FAO
Conference secretariat/Secretariat de la conference

Appendix C

List of documents
INF series

Appendix D - Contribution of the 19th FAO regional conference for Africa to the draft world food summit documents

Contribution of the 19th FAO regional conference for Africa to the draft world food summit documents
Annex II - Extract from Document ARC/96/4 "World food summit: Food security situation and issues in the Africa region"
III. Actions to address regional food security
Nineteenth FAO regional conference for Africa - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 16-20 April 1996 - Food for all campaign

Appendix E - Report of the technical committee of the nineteenth FAO regional conference for Africa

Summary of the main recommendations
I. Introductory items
II. Technical items
III. Other matters
IV. Concluding items

Appendix F - Statement by his excellency the president of Burkina Faso on the occasion of the inaugural ceremony of the 19th FAO regional conference for Africa

Appendix G - Statement by the director-general to the nineteenth FAO regional conference for Africa