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This document comprises three parts:

Executive Summary
Project Profiles
Core Support Project

The Executive Summary is based on that which was included in the main report of the Country Mission Team (CMT). It has been expanded to meet the requirement for this briefer working document for use at the Roundtable III meeting. Where necessary, reference should be made to the main report for further detail on specific points.

The fifteen NFAP Project Profiles cover all five subsectors namely: forestry in land use, fuelwood and energy, forest based industrial development, forest ecosystems and institutions. The emphasis in on watershed management and the total cost is US$ 8.8 million over five years.

The NFAP Core Support Project (CSP) is a balanced plan of action incorporating those components from the fifteen NFAP project proposals which are considered to be of the highest priority, and in support of the general aim of watershed management. This CSP approach, which was devised with the assistance of BDDC, is necessary because the Government of Montserrat recognises that it does not have the capacity to provide the staff and counterpart funds for the full NFAP. The CSP comprises three components:

(i) Strengthening of the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade and Environment
(ii) Protection and management of key watersheds and catchments
(iii) Initiation of forestry and agroforestry.

Attention is also drawn to related documents:

Regional Overview of the CARICOM/FAO Tropical Forests Action Programme in the East Caribbean. BDDC-ODA, July 1993.

Forestry and development initiatives at the regional/subregional level - regional project proposals 01-05.

The Status of Mangrove Conservation in the CARICOM Islands of the Eastern Caribbean. Report to the Commission of the European Communities as part of the TFAP for the Caribbean Region. P. Bacon, 1991.

Report on Forest Research - special study as part of the TFAP process. C. Buford Briscoe, 1991.

Map 1: Location Map for Montserrat

Source: Directorate of Overseas Surveys, UK

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