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The Workshop on "Strategies for Market Orientation of Small Scale Dairy Producers and their Organisations" was organised by the Department of Animal Science and Production of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania and sponsored by the Meat and Dairy Service, FAO, Rome.

The organising committee comprised of L.R. Kurwijila as Chairman and Mrs G. Laswai, Ms. A.E. Kimambo, G.C. Kifaro and A.A.O Aboud as committee members responsible for specific tasks. J. Henriksen of FAO, Rome provided the linkage between the organising committee, FAO Meat and Dairy Service and Workshop participants from Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia. The meeting was attended by over 40 participants from countries in East and Central Africa and the host country, Tanzania. A number of donor supported Small holder Dairy Development Projects (SDDPs) as well as several NGOs working in the Dairy Sector in Tanzania were represented.

These proceedings provide a lasting testimony of the many useful exchange of experiences that took place during the four day workshop which included also a one day field visit to pastoral and small holder milk producers in Tanga.

Copies of these proceedings can be obtained from:

The Dairy Development Group
Meat and Dairy Service
Animal Production and Health Division
Food and Agriculture Organization
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome

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