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The consultant wishes to acknowledge Dr. Mohamed M. Mirreh, the project CTA, who has made available his knowledge and experience enabling the final version of this report.

A special thanks to Dr. Talal Razzouk, the National Extension Consultant, for dedicating full time to support the consultancy, for his valuable suggestions and for the great dedication to accomplish the challenging task of implementing extension and communication activities for Bedouins. Furthermore, a valuable help to the mission has been given by the technical backstopping officers at FAO Rome, especially Ms. Caterina Batello who has effectively supported mission preparation ensuring clear guidelines to search concrete outputs.

Finally, I would like to thank the staff of the extension unit of the project for their patience in participating in the assessment and planning activities carried out mainly in English. They show to have the most important quality of every communication specialist: the willingness to listen and share with others.

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