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The members of the FAO/UNDP Aquaculture Study Tour to China (2 May-1 June 1978), wish to express their appreciation to the Government of the People's Republic of China, to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and to the United Nations Development Programme for the opportunity to participate in the tour.

The members of the group are most grateful to their Chinese hosts for the admirable arrangements made for the tour, their friendliness and warm hospitality and above all the many opportunities provided to learn something of the tremendous advances made by the country after its liberation.

Special thanks from the group are due to officials of the Bureau of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture in Beijing, and especially to Mr. Li Yungkai, Director of the Bureau, and to Mr. Chang Shihjang, Deputy Director of the Bureau, who accompanied the group on their travels within the country and provided invaluable help in different ways. Despite the difficulties posed by the technical terms often used in discussions, the interpreters, Mrs. Shao Chingfen, Mr. Chian Nanfang, Miss Jen Hung, and Mr. Huang Yuyi, did an excellent job and the group is most appreciative of their assistance. The group also wishes to express its appreciation to the staff at the Chinese Embassy in Rome and particularly Mr. Chin Fengchu, China's Permanent Representative to FAO, for their kind assistance in the preparation of the tour.

All the members of the group contributed in some measure to the preparation of this report. Mr. V.O. Sagua, Director of the Kainji Lake Research Institute in New Bussa, Nigeria, spent several days in Rome after the tour and helped the Group Leader in compiling and analysing the information collected. Special thanks are due to him for his assistance.


1 mu = 0.066 ha (1/15 ha) = 0.165 acres

1 jin = 1 catty = ½ kg = 1.1 pounds

1 li = 0.576 km = ½ km = approx. 1/3 mile

1 Yuan = US$ 0.63

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