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Appendix 3 - Persons met by the study group

30 April 1978 (Sunday)


Mr. Xiao Peng

Vice Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)

Mr. Chang Yangchung

Director of Bureau of Freshwater Fisheries, (MAF)

Mr. Sun Chiayi

Deputy Director, Bureau of Freshwater Fisheries, (MAF)

Mr. Wang Shaoju

Director of International Division, Bureau of Foreign Affairs (MAF)

3 May 1978 (Wednesday)


Mr. Kao Kengchiao

Director of Freshwater Division, Bureau of Aquatic Products

Mr. Chen Holi

Deputy Director, as above

Mr. Yan Tsengfu

Deputy Director, Shanghai Institute of Aquatic Products Research

Mr. Chen Liang

Official of the Bureau of Aquatic Products

Mr. Lin

Official of the Aquaculture Bureau of Aquatic Products

Mr. Shia Yingliang

Official of the Shanghai Institute of Aquatic Products Research

4 May (Thursday)

Qingpu County

Liberation People's Commune

Deputy Director Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Li Lianpin

Mr. Ku Chushi

Member of Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Ku Jianhua

Member of Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Chuang Shewei

Leader, County State Fish Farm

5 May 1978 (Friday)

Jiading County

Chang Tung People's Commune

Mr. Cheng Shulung

Chairman, Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Guang Sichang

Member of Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Shou Genshan

Member of Revolutionary Committee

Nanwei County State Fish Farm

Mr. Sung Lungguan

Leading member

Mr. Huau Yungching


6 May 1978 (Saturday)

Fish Processing Factory, Shanghai

Mr. Wang Yieyu

Leading member

Mr. Shan Tusen

Leading member

Mr. Chang Podu

Group leader of technicians

Mr. Chin Yunken

Deputy Director,- Refrigeration Plant

Mr. Yie Shinghai

Director, Food Processing

Mr. Chen Shinzhao

Deputy Director, Fish Liver Oil

Shanghai Institute of Aquatic Products Research

Mr. Tao Chishih

Deputy Director

Mr. Kao Nansin

Leader Scientific Study Group

Mr. Wang Hsijun

Leading member Fish Culture Department

Mr. Chow Chuanyin

Research fellow Resources Evaluation Department

Mr. Wang Yuhuai

Research fellow

7 May 1978 (Sunday)

Mr. Tang

Deputy Director, Agriculture Bureau of Suzhou

Mr. Fan Lingyun

Director, Bureau of Aquatic Products, Wu County

Mr. Yiao Ya

Technician, Bureau of Aquatic Products, Wu County

8 May 1978 (Monday)

Wu County

Huang Chiao People's Commune, Chang Chuang Brigade

Mr. Yao Kenglin


Mr. Lo Ehhan

Deputy Chairman

9 May 1978 (Tuesday)


Chang Ching People's Commune

Mr. Tao Chinlong

Vice-Chairman of Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Ke Shelian

Group Leader for Diversification

Mr. Shen Pinsu


10 May 1978 (Wednesday)


Mr. Wu Zhao

Chairman, Revolutionary Committee of Suburban Area

Mr. Guo Chaiping

Director, Aquatic Products Division of Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Tang Sunnau


Mr. Kiang Chi Chang

Division of Foreign Affairs of the Committee

Mr. Chu Baoming

Division of Foreign Affairs of the Committee

Mr. Si Chauku

Division of Foreign Affairs of the Committee

Ho Li People's Commune

Mr. Liu Weiping


Mr. Sheng Chongyen


Mr. Wang Wu


Mr. Dou Yibai

Technician of Aquatic Products Division

13 May 1978 (Saturday)'


Mr. Sun Hsiaomin

Deputy Director, Aquatic Products Bureau of Guangdong Province

Mr . Kuo Lin

Section Chief, Aquatic Products Bureau of Guangdong Province

Mr. Yeh Huanchiang

Staff, Aquatic Products Bureau of Guangdong Province

Mr. Fang Tinglurai

Staff, Aquatic Products Bureau of Guangdong Province

Mr. Kuo Fu

Director of Fish Breeding Section, Aquatic Products Bureau of Guangdong Province

Mr. Feng Kuocheu

Leader of Technical Division, Aquatic Products Bureau of Guangdong Province

Mr. Chiang Chaichin

Foreign Affairs Bureau of Guangdong Province

14 May 1978 (Sunday)

Shunde County

Sha Chiao People's Commune

Mr. Ho Shunfa

Chairman of Revolutionary Committee of County

Mr. Ho Chensung

Leader of Fishery Management, Revolutionary Committee of County

15 May 1978 (Monday)

Nanhai County

Nanhai County Hatchery

Mr. Fu Hsianglung


Mr. Tao Tiengung

Deputy Manager

Mr. Liu Changhuang


Mr. Lao Chihning


16 May 1978 (Tuesday)

Xinhui County

Tang Sha People' s Commune

Mr. Huang Peitao

Deputy Director, Aquatic Products Bureau

Mr. Yeh Chunchien

Chairman, Revolutionary Committee

Mrs. Kuo Aihua

Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs

17 May 1978 (Wednesday)


Guangzhou Provincial Research

Institute of Aquatic Products and Fish Breeding Farm

Mr. Mao Chenhua

Director of Training Department

Prof. Cheng Lin

Deputy Director of Training Department

Mr. Wu Kuolun

Deputy Director of Training Department

Mr. Tseng Vhupian


Miss Shih Kwangpi


Prof. Liao Hsianghao

Department of Zoology, Sun Yat Sen University

18 May 1978 (Thursday)


Mr. Li Kemin

Head of Marine Aquaculture Division, Aquaculture Department of Aquatic Products Bureau of Guangdong Province

19 May 1978 (Friday)


Mr. Tseng Kwangcheng

Deputy Director, Agriculture Bureau, Revolutionary Committee of Hunan Province

Mr. Tsang Hungtao

Deputy Director, Fisheries Division, Revolutionary Committee of Hunan Province

Mr. Shen Hsihhsiao

Director, Bureau of Non-Staple Food Products of Hengyang City Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Chen Chien

Director, Foreign Affairs, Bureau of Non-Staple Food Products of Hengyang City Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Wang Tanyuan

Technician, Bureau of Non-Staple Food Products of Hengyang City Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Yeh Helin

Technician, Agriculture Bureau of Hunan Province

Lin Fu State Fish Farm

Mr. Chai Yuchih


20 May 1978 (Saturday)


Shihu People's Commune, Shihu

Production Brigade

Mr. Luoyn Hsien

Manager of Brigade

Mr. Tsia Hsienkuo

Chairman of Commune's Revolutionary Committee

23 May 1978 (Tuesday)


Mr. Ma Chimin

Deputy Director, Bureau of Aquatic Products, Hubei Province

Mr. Liu Wei

Director, General Office, Bureau of Aquatic Products, Hubei Province

Mr. Chu Chonghuai

Staff member. Bureau of Aquatic Products, Hubei Province

Mr. Kao Tsehsung

Staff member. Bureau of Aquatic Products, Hubei Province

Mr. Chou Hocheng

Staff member. Bureau of Aquatic Products, Hubei Province

Mr. Chao Kuangfu

Staff member. Bureau of Aquatic Products, Hubei Province

24 May 1978 (Wednesday)

Guangji County

Mei-chuan Reservoir

Mr. Tung Chuanyang

Chairman, Revolutionary Committee of Guangji County

Mr. Liu Hauchuan

Director, General Office, Revolutionary Committee of Guangji County

Mr. Chai Wenching

Deputy Director, Revolutionary Committee of Guangji County

Mr. Chow Chengyu

Director of Managing Committee of Mei-chuan Reservoir

Mr. Chu Chinshau

Deputy Director, Managing Committee of Mei-chuan Reservoir

Mr. Liao Kuaihsing

Technician, Managing Committee of Mei-chuan Reservoir

25 May 1978 (Thursday)


October Brigade, October Commune

Mr. Lou Taunting

Vice-Chairman, Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Hu Chihsien

Vice-Chairman, Revolutionary Committee

Mr. Yang Paisong

Deputy Director, Bureau of Aquatic Products of Xishui County

Mr. Yang Fengche

Deputy Director, Bureau of Aquatic Products of Xishui County

Mr. Chang Kenau

Leader, October Brigade

Mr. Chen Paichu

Manager Fish Farm, October Brigade

25-26 May 1978 (Thursday-Friday)

Huang gang County

Paitan Lake State Fish Farm

Mr. Shen Pingcheng

Vice-Chairman, Revolutionary Committee of Huang gang County

Mr. Tu Kuomin

Deputy Director, General Office, Revolutionary Committee of Huang gang County

Mr. Tsao Pinshau

Deputy Director, Water and Electricity Bureau of Huang gang County

Mr. Liu Chuohuang

Manager of Huang gang Fish Farm

Mr. Wong Lichu

Assistant Manager of Huang gang Fish Farm

Mr. Yu Paochuan

Technician of Huang gang Fish Farm

27 May 1978 (Saturday)


Hydrobiological Institute of Hubei Province

Prof. Liu Chienkang

Leader of Academic Study Commission

Mr. Chang Songchuan

Director, Ichthyology Laboratory

Mr. Chen Hungta

Director, Lakes and Reservoirs Laboratory

Mr. Li Lienhsiang

Leader, Fish Disease Laboratory

Mr. Yu Haohsiang

Leader, Genetics Laboratory

Hua Chung Agriculture College

Mr. Han Tehchian


Mr. Weng Yun

Deputy Director, Education Department

Mr. Hsu Suying

Deputy Director, General Office

Mr. Shan Tashu

Deputy Director, Fishery Department

Mr. Yi Polu

Professor, Fishery Department

Mrs. Shi Chuantang

Assistant Professor, Fishery Department

28 May 1978 (Sunday)


Tanghu Lake State Fish Farm

Mr. Su Shanyen

Vice Chairman, Revolutionary Committee Hungshau District, Wuhan City

Mr. Hsu Chihhsien

Director, Bureau of Animal Husbandry of Fisheries, Hungshau District, Wuhan City

Mrs. Chin Ying

Leader, Office of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Fu Yongyeh

Staff, Office of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Chiang Chunkuai

Manager of a fish farm

Mr. Hsia Changsong

Deputy Manager

Mr. Chu Ahlung

Deputy Manager

30-31 May 1978 (Tuesday-Wednesday)


Mr. Li Yungkai

Director, Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF)

ISBN 92-5-100811-6

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