Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
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From: The Secretariat
December 1994
CGIAR International Centers Week
October 24-28, 1994
Washington, D.C.
IIMI External Program and Management Review 1/
Extract from "Summary of Proceedings and Decisions - Report from the Ad Hoc Evaluation Committee", International Centers Week 1994, Washington, D.C.
· Mandate. Issues relating to IIMI's role in the vast domain of water management research were exhaustively reviewed. While it was recognized that these issues have gained importance in recent years, it was felt that in the current situation, the emphasis should be on stabilization rather than expansion. IIMI's mandate should remain irrigated agriculture. However, IIMI needs to recognize the broader set of issues and bring these to bear on its areas of focus. Addressing broader issues could be reconsidered in the future.
· Governance and Management. Broad problems identified in the report were examined. Specific concerns included the significant loss of senior staff, and plans for how IIMI will be managed in 1995 (a search process for a new Director General is underway). The Committee was satisfied in general with the Center's response, and measures being taken by the Board and Management for changes.
· Organization of Research. The difficulties of moving from a project to program-oriented institute were considered. The question of how IIMI intends to increase cohesion between headquarters and field operations was raised, as was the question of IIMI's approach to research and the importance of clearly defined goals and milestones. The Center agreed with the diagnosis of problems and drew attention to areas of progress, including the adoption of new management techniques.
· Gender Issues in Research. The importance of gender issues in irrigated agriculture was debated, as well as the integration of this topic into IIMI's research program. The relevant recommendation of the review panel and the answers of Board and Management of IIMI were endorsed.
· Recommendation for Follow-up. The Committee endorsed the Panel's report and discussed the need for possible CGIAR follow-up to the review. The consensus was that the IIMI Board should follow the implementation of the review recommendations closely and report at ICW95 on the progress made. Such follow-up reporting was considered necessary to encourage the Board and management to move with deliberate speed in generating change in the many areas where follow-up action has been reported as underway or planned.