Prof. P. Bernard H. Tinker
Senior Research Associate
c/o GCTE Associate Project Office
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3RB
United Kingdom
Prof. Alain de Janvry
Department of Agricultural
and Resource Economics
207 Giannini Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
Prof. Jan J.A. Feyen
Institute for Land and Water Management
Vital de Costerstraat 102
3000 Leuven
Dr. Srinivasan Umapathy
Andover Consulting and Training
9 Greybirch Road
Andover, MA 01810 USA
Resource Persons
Mr. Daniel T. Carroll (Consultant)
The Carroll Group Inc.
2929 Plymouth Road, Suite 210
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Prof. Norman T. Uphoff (Consultant)
Director, Cornell International Institute
for Food, Agriculture and Development
350 Caldwell Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Ms. Elizabeth Field
Management Specialist
CGIAR Secretariat
The World Bank
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington D.C.
20433 USA
Dr. Amir Kassam (Panel Secretary)
Senior Agricultural Research Officer
TAC Secretariat
Research and Technology Development
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
0100 Rome
Position: Senior Research Associate, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford.
Expertise: Soil Science, Plant Nutrition, Natural Resources Management, Research Management
Education: B.Sc. Chemistry, Sheffield University (1951); Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, Sheffield University (1955); M.A., Oxford University (1965); D.Sc., Oxford University (1983).
Experience: 1955-62: Senior Scientific Officer, Chemist, UK, Overseas Research Service, Benin, Nigeria. 1962-65: Senior Scientific Officer, Chemist, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, UK. 1965-71: Lecturer in Soil Science, Oxford University. 1971-77: Professor of Agricultural Botany, Leeds University. 1974-77: Head of Department of Plant Sciences, Leeds University. 1977-83: Deputy Chief Scientific Officer and Head of Department of Soils and Plant Nutrition, Rothamsted Experimental Station. 1983-85: Deputy Director and Head of Soils Division, Rothamsted Experimental Station. 1985-92: Director of Terrestrial and Freshwater Sciences, Natural Environment Research Council. Since 1993: present position. Has membership of a number of societies such as the British Ecological Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Society of Chemistry and Industry (Chairman Agriculture Group, and Member of Council 1981-1983). He has been a member of several review groups such as the NERC Terrestrial Life Sciences Grants Committee 1977-82, the Royal Society Group on Geochemistry and Environmental Health 1982, and the Rothamsted Visiting Group 1975. Member of 1977 QQR of IITA. Chairman of First ICRAF External Review (1993). Has published five books and some 150 papers.
Name: ALAIN DE JANVRY (France)
Position: Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley, USA.
Expertise: Agricultural Economics.
Education: Ingenieur agronome, Institut National Agronomique, Paris, France (1962); M.Sc. Agricultural Economics (1965); M.Sc. Statistics (1965); and Ph.D. Agricultural Economics, University of California at Berkeley.
Experience: Assistant Professor (1966) to Professor (present), and Chairman (1985-89), Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley. Chairman of the Giannini Foundation (1987-89). Project specialist for the Ford Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1968-71). Visiting Professor, Catholic University of Chile, Santiago (1973-74). Ford Foundation staff in Bogota, Colombia (1976). Visiting Professor, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, India (1980-81). Consultant or grantee: Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Inter-American Foundation, Inter-American Institute for Agricultural Cooperation, Government of Mexico, FAO, IFAD, ILO, OECD, UNDP, CESAR (Italy), ADC (China), Dominican Republic Government, USDA/ERS, USAID, World Bank, IFPRI, UN Commission for Latin America, Title XII Morocco, Title XII Pakistan, USAID/University of California project in Egypt, Winrock International, and Sigma One. Panel member 2nd EPR of IFPRI (1991) and Mid-Term Review of IFPRI (1992).
Name: JAN J.A. FEYEN (Belgium)
Position: Professor in Soil and Water Engineering, Institute for Land and Water Management and Director of the Centre of Irrigation Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium.
Expertise: Soil and Water Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage Systems and Agronomy.
Education: B.Sc. Agric. Engineering (1965), Ph.D. Soil Sciences (1971), Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium.
Experience: 1971-84: All at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven - Research Assistant (1971-73), Teaching Assistant (1973-76), Assistant Professor (1976-79), Professor (1979-84). Since 1981: Director of the Centre for Irrigation Engineering. Since 1984: Professor, Institute for Land and Water Management.
Developing country experience in Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia in research training, and as scientific and technical adviser to irrigation and drainage projects in many countries. Publications include four books, 70 scientific papers, 30 conference papers, 25 extension papers and 20 technical reports.
Position: President, Andover Consulting and Training Group, Andover, Massachusetts, USA.
Expertise: Planning and Control Systems/Organization Development/Managing Change and Diversity.
Education: Bachelor of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (1970); Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration, Indian Institute of Management (1972); Doctorate in Business Administration, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration (1980).
Experience: 1972-76: Internal Consultant, Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co. Ltd., Bombay. 1976-80: Doctoral Student and Part-Time Consultant. 1979-89: Faculty Member, Boston University School of Management and Babson College. Part-time Consultant. Taught MBA and doctoral courses in planning and control systems. 1989- present: President and Founder of Andover Consulting & Training Group (ACT), a firm that specializes in managing change and diversity in a planned manner. Recent clients include Bank of Boston, Digital Equipment corporation, Hewlett Packard Company, Johnson & Johnson, Lotus Development corporation, Motorola, US Department of Agriculture, Wang Laboratories, World Bank, etc. Honours and awards include Kellogg Fellowship in Health Care Financial Management. As a trainer and speaker, he has worked with participants from over 40 countries and a variety of professionals from different functional areas and industries. Member of the 1992 External Review of INIBAP.