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The preparation of this Manual was initiated by the FAO Secretary to the JMPR and work was started by Dr. A. J. Pieters and Prof. A. F. H. Besemer, and then continued by Dr. K. Voldum-Clausen.

Based on the recommendations of the members of the FAO Panel of the 1996 JMPR, the previous text of the manual was revised by Dr. Árpád Ambrus in close co-operation with the members of the Panel and invited experts, namely: Dr. Angie V. Adam, Dr. Ursula Banasiak, Mr. Stephen Crossley, Dr. Eloisa Dutra Caldas, Mr. Denis Hamilton, Mr. Fred Ives, Ms Elena Masoller, Dr. Tsuyoshi Sakamoto and Dr. Yukiko Yamada.

All contributions to the preparation of the Manual are highly appreciated and acknowledged.

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