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APPENDIX 1. Agenda

FAO/UNDP Seminar on Reclamation and Management of Sandy Soils in the Hear East and North Africa

Nicosia, 3 to 8 December 1973


3 December

1. Procedural Matters

a. Registration

b. Official opening of the Seminar

c. Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Drafting Committee

2. Classification, Distribution and Agricultural Potentialities

Classification and distribution of sandy soils in the Near East Region and their agricultural potentialities

3. Fertility and Fertilization

Organic and inorganic fertilization of sandy soils under irrigated arid conditions

4 December

4. Soil Management and Conservation

a. Physical properties of sandy soils in relation to cropping and soil conservation practices

b. Quality of water in relation to irrigating sandy soils

c. Country Reports - Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq and Jordan

5 December

5. Water Management

a. Reduction in conveyance losses in sandy soils

b. Irrigation of sandy soils

c. Drainage of sandy soils

d. Country Reports - Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan and Qatar

6 December

6. Applied Research

a. Reclamation and management of sandy soils in Cyprus

b. Country Reports - Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen Arab Republic, Yemen People's Dem. Rep.

c. Regional applied research on sandy soils

7 December

7. Excursion

8 December

8. Presentation of the final draft report

Closing session

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