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APPENDIX 3 - Soil and Other Physical Limits for Satisfactory Crop Growth on Organic Soils

(source Maas et at. 1979)

APPENDIX 3. Soil and Other Physical Limits for Satisfactory Crop Growth on Organic Soils

1 The clay content of the mineral component must be 18 percent (Soil Survey Staff 1975).

2 n.r. - no restriction

3 Forage crops - although pasture grasses can be grown under the conditions stipulated, the trafficability of animals is uncertain. It is noted that lighter animals like goats may not pose a problem and that the trafficability is probably better where the mineral content is higher.

4 Frequent, but short-term flooding acceptable for clove, nutmeg and rambutan; infrequent, long lasting floods for citrus, durian, guava and mango.

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