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1. Akesson, N.B. & Yates, W.E. (1974) The use of aircraft in agriculture FAO Agricultural Development Paper, No. 94, FAO, Rome, Italy

2. Ashton, D.R. (1974) Tsetse control in Zambia. Report presented at Tsetse Control Seminar, Blantyre, May 1974

3. Atkinson, P.R. (1971) A comparison of DDT w.p. and Dieldrin e.c. for Tsetse Fly Control in Botswana. PANS, 17: 342–347

4. Baldry, D.A.T. (1971) The control of Glossina pallidipes in East Africa by the aerial application of dieldrin invert emulsion sprays. OAU/STRC. ISCTR. 13th mtg., Lagos, Nigeria

5. Barlow, F., & Hadaway, A.B. (1952) Some factors affecting the availability of contact insecticides. Bull. ent. Res., 43, 91–100

6. Barlow, F., Hadaway, A.B. (1975) The insecticidal activity of some synthetic pyrethroids against mosquitoes and flies. PANS, 21: 233–238

7. Boivin, G. & DeCamp, S.T. (1975) Operational aspects of inertial guidance in spruce budworm control. Proceeding of 5th Agric. Aviat. Congress, Kenilworth, Worcs., England

8. Burnett, G.F. (1954) The effect of poison bait cattle on populations of Glossina morsitans and G. swynnertoni. Bull. ent. Res., 45 411–421

9. Burnett, G.F. (1961) The susceptibility of tsetse flies to topical applications of insecticides. I. Young adults of Glossina morsitans Westw. and chlorinated hydrocarbons. Bull. ent. Res., 52, 531–539

10. Burnett, G.F. (1961) The susceptibility of tsetse flies to topical applications of insecticides. II. Young adults of Glossina morsitans Westw. and organophosphorus compounds, pyrethrum and Sevin. Bull. ent. Res., 52, 763–768

11. Burnett, G.F. (1962) III. The effects of age and pregnancy on the susceptibility of adults of Glossina morsitans. Westw. Bull. ent. Res., 53, 337–345

12. Burnett, G.F. (1962) The susceptibility of tsetse flies to topical applications of insecticides. IV. Wild-caught adults of Glossina swynnertoni, Aust. Bull. ent. Res., 53, 347–354

13. Burnett, G.F. (1962) Research in East Africa on the control of tsetse flies from the air. Agric. Aviat. 4, 79–87

14. Burnett, G.F. (1963) The susceptibility of tsetse flies to topical applications of insecticides. V. Young adults of Glossina morsitans Westw. and some substituted N-methyl carbamates Bull. ent. Res., 53, 747–752

15. Burnett, G.F. (1963) The susceptibility of tsetse flies to topical applications of insecticides. VI. Data on more chlorinated hydrocarbons and a general discussion. Bull. ent. Res., 53, 753–761

16. Burnett, G.F. (1970) In: The African Trypanosomiases. Mulligan and Potts, pp. 464–520 Allen & Unwin, London

17. Burnett, G.F., Chadwick, P.R., Miller, A.W.D. & Beesley, J.S.S. (1964). Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XIV -Very low volume aerosols of dieldrin and isobenzan for the control of Glossina morsitans Westw. Bull. ent. Res., 55, 527–539

18. Burnett, G.F., Robinson, J., Leroux, J.G. (1957). Comparative trials of DDT and dieldrin for the control of the riverside tsetse Glossina palpalis fuscipes. E. Afr. Agric. J., 22, 142

19. Burnett, G.F., Yeo, D., Miller, A.W.D. & White, J.P. (1961) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XIII - An economical method for the control of Glossina morsitans Westw. Bull. ent. Res., 52, 305–316

20. Buxton, P.A. (1955) The natural history of tsetse flies. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Memoir No. 10, H.K. Lewis & Co. Ltd., London

21. Chadwick, P.R., Beesley, J.S.S., White, P.J., Matechi, H.T. (1964) An experiment on the eradication of G. swynnertoni by insecticidal treatment of its resting sites. Bull. ent. Res., 55, 411–419

22. Challier, A. (1962) Campagne de lutte contre G. palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank dans le foyer de Bamako (République du Mali). ISCTR 9th. mtg., Conakry 1962, 265–274.

23. Challier, A., Eyraud, M. & Dedewanou, B. (1964) Etude de l'effet de l'HCH nébulise sur une population de G. palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank 1949 dans une galerie forestière (Kankalabu, République de Haute-Volta). ISCTR 10th mtg., Kampala 1964, 133–144

24. Challier, A., Laveissiere, C., Eyraud, M., Kulzer, H., Pawlick, O., Krupke, M. (1974). Helicopter application of insecticides to control riverine tsetse flies in the West African savannah. WHO/VBC/74.493. 27 pp

25. Coutts, H.H. (1973) Tsetse fly control in Northern Nigeria using a helicopter for a residual deposit of dieldrin. Group Research Reoprt WKGR. 0048. Shell Research Limited, London

26. Davies, H. (1964) The eradication of tsetse in the Chad River System of Northern Nigeria. J. appl. Ecol., 1, 387–403

27. Davies, H. (1967) Tsetse flies in Northern Nigeria. Ibadan University Press

28. Davies, H. (1971) Further eradication of tsetse in the Chad and Gongola River systems in North-Eastern Nigeria. J. appl. Ecol., 8, 563–578

29. Davies, H. & Blasdale, P. (1960) The eradication of Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newst. and G. tachinoides Westw. in part of a river flood plain in Northern Nigeria by chemical means. Part III. Bull. ent. Res., 51, 265–270

30. Equipment for Vector Control. 2nd ed. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1974

31. Fairclough, R. (1956) Insecticidal fogs against tsetse flies on trains. Bull. ent. Res., 47, 193–196

32. Farrell, J.A.K. (1960) The control of a tsetse fly (Glossina) advance by use of residual insecticide. ISCTR 8th. mtg., Jos 1960, 265–268

33. Finelle, P. (1966) Tsetse-fly control in the northern zone of Central Africa (Central African Republic, Chad and Cameroon). Joint FAO/WHO Inter-Regional Seminar on African Trypanosomiasis, Nairobi, 1966

34. Finelle, P., Desrotour, J. & Yvore, P. (1962) Essai de lutte contre G. fusca par pulvérisation de Dieldrin en République Centrafricaine. Rev. Elev. Méd. Vét. Pays Trop., 15, 247–253

35. Foster, R. White, P.J., Yeo, D. (1961) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XII - Preliminary attempts to reduce the cost of controlling the tsetse species Glossina morsitans Westw., G. synnertoni Aust. and G. pallidipes Aust. in savannah woodland. Bull. ent. Res., 52, 293–303

36. Gledhill, J.A. (1967) Notes on tsetse and tsetse control in Zambia. Cyclostiled report

37. Gledhill, J.A. & Caughey, W. (1962) Report on a field trial in the use of dieldrin for the control of G. morsitans in the Zambesi Valley -1961. ISCTR 9th mtg., Conakry 1962, 239/251

38. Glover, P.E. (1962) A further note on the extermination of G. palpalis in Nyanza Province of Kenya. ISCTR 9th mtg., Conakry 1962 253–264

39. Glover, P.E., Le Roux, J.G. & Parker, D.F. (1960) The extermination of Glossina palpalis on the Kuja-Migori river systems with the use of insecticides. ISCTR 7th mtg., Burxelles 1958, 331–342

40. Glover, P.E., Le Roux, J.G., Parker, D.F. (1960) The extermination of Glossina palpalis on the Kiya-Migori river systems with the use of insecticides. ISCTR Seventh Meeting, Brussels, 1958. Publ. Comm. techn. Co-op. Afr. No. 41, 331–342

41. Graham, P. (1964) Destruction of birds and other wildlife by dieldrex spraying against tsetse fly in Bechuanaland. Arnoldia, 1, 1–4

42. Gunn, D. et. al. (1948) Locust control by aircraft in Tanganyika. 153 pp., COPR, London

43. Hadaway, A.B. (1972) Toxicity of insecticides to tsetse flies. Bull, Wld. Hlth. Org., 46, 353–362

44. Hadaway, A.B., & Barlow, F. (1951). Studies on acqueous suspension of insecticides. Bull. ent. Res., 41, 603–622

45. Hadaway, A.B. & Barlow, F. (1965) Studies on the deposition of oil drops. Ann. appl. Biol. 55: 267–274

46. Hadaway, A.B. & Turner, C.R. (1975) Toxicity of insecticides to tsetse flies. WHO/VBC/75.510

47. Hocking, K.S. (1948) Progress Report No. 5, Colonial Insecticide Research, Entebbe, Uganda

48. Hocking, K.S. (1961) Discriminative application of insecticide against Glossina morsitans. Bull. ent. Res., 52, 17–22

49. Hocking, K.S., Burnett, G.F. & Sell, R.C. (1954) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. VII - An experiment against the tsetse flies, Glossina morsitans, Westw. and G. swynnertoni Aust., in the rainy season. Bull. ent. Res., 45, 605–612

50. Hocking, K.S., Burnett, G.F. & Sell, R.C. (1954) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. VIII - An experiment against the tsetse fly, Glossina swynnertoni Aust., in an isolated area of thornbush and thicket. Bull, ent. Res., 45, 613–622

51. Hocking, K.S., Lee, C.W., Beesley, J.S.S. & Matechi, H.T. (1966) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XVI-Airspray experiment with endosulfan against Glossina morsitans Westw., G. swynnertoni Aust. and G. pallidipes Aust. Bull. ent. Res., 56, 737–744

52. Hocking, K.S., Parr, H.C.M., Yeo, D. & Anstey, D. (1953) Aerial applications of insecticides in East Africa. IV - The application of coarse aerosols in savannah woodland containing the tsetse Glossina morsitans and G. swynnertoni Bull. ent. Res., 44, 627–640

53. Hocking, K.S., Parr, H.C.M., Yeo, D. & Robins, P.A. (1953) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. II - An experimental attempt to produce a fly-free corridor through a belt of tsetseinfested woodland. Bull. ent. Res. 44, 601–609

54. Hocking, K.S. & Yeo, D. (1953) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. I - Preliminary experiments in areas supporting populations of the tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis R.-D). Bull. ent. Res., 44, 589–600

55. Hocking, K.S., Yeo, D. (1956) XI - Applications of a coarse aerosol to control Glossina morsitans, West. at Urambo, Tanganyika, and G. morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust. in Lango County, Uganda. Bull. ent. Res., 47, 631–644

56. Hocking, K.S., Yeo, D. & Anstey, G.G. (1954) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. VI - Applications of a coarse aerosol containing DDT to control the tsetse flies, Glossina morsitans Westw., G. swynnertoni Aust. and G. pallidipes Aust. Bull. ent. Res., 45, 585–603

57. Irving, N.S. (1968) The absorption and storage of insecticide by the in utero larva of the tsetse fly, Glossina pallidipes Aust. Bull. ent. Res., 58, 221–226

58. Irving, N.S. & Beesley, J.S.S. (1969) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa, XVII - Airspray experiment with fenthion against Glossina morsitans Westw., G. swynnertoni Aust. and G. pallidipes Aust., Bull. ent. Res., 58, 431–437

59. Irving, N.S., Lee, C.W., Parker, J.D. & Beesley, J.S.S. (1968) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XVIII - Attempted control of Glossina pallidipes Aust. with pyrethrum in dense thicket. Bull. ent. Res., 59, 299–305

60. Johnstone, D.R., Huntington, K.A., Coutts, H.H. (1974) Penetration of spray droplets applied by helicopter into a riverine forest habitat of tsetse flies in West Africa. Agric. Aviat. 16, 71–82

61. Kendrick, J.A. & Alsop, N. (1974) Aerial spraying with endosulfan against Glossina morsitans morsitans in the Okavango Delta area of Botswana. PANS, 20: 392–399

62. Kernaghan, R.J. (1960) Some aspects of the insecticidal control of Glossina tachinoides in Northern Nigeria. ISCTR 8th mtg., Jos 1960, 285–293

63. Kernaghan, R.J. (1961) Insecticidal control of vectors of human trypanosomiasis in N. Nigeria. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 64, 303–309

64. Kirkby, W.W., Blasdale, P. (1960) The eradication of Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newst. and Glossina tachinoides Westw. in part of a river flood plain in Northern Nigeria by chemical means. Bull. ent. Res., 51, 253–264

65. Koeman, J.H., Hadden, P.M. (1968) Report concerning a study on the effects of dieldrin spraying on small rodents in S.W. Kenya O.A.U./S.T.R.C., Publ. No. 102, 257–265

66. Koeman, J.H., Rijksen, H.D., Smies, M., Na'Isa, B.K. & MacLennan, J.R. (1971) Faunal changes in a swamp habitat in Nigeria sprayed with insecticides to exterminate Glossina. Netherlands J. Zool., 21, 434–463

67. Langridge, W.P., Mugutu, S.P. (1968) Some observations on the destruction of wildlife and insects after spraying with organochlorine pesticides for tsetse fly control measures. OUA/ISTRC Publication No. 102, 195–201

68. Lee, C.W. (1969) Aerial applications of insecticides for tsetse fly control in East Africa. Bull. Wld. Hlth Org., 41, 261–268

69. Lee, C.W., Coutts, H.H., & Parker, J.D. (1969) Modifications to micronair equipment and assessment for fine aerosol emission in tsetse fly control Agric. Aviat 11: 12–17

70. Lee, C.W. & Miller, A.W.D. (1966) Trials with devices for atomizing insecticides by exhaust gases from an aircraft engine. Agric. Aviat. 8: 17–22

71. Lee, C.W., Pope, G.G., Kendrick, J.A., Bowles, G., Wiggett, G. (1975) Aerosol studies using an Aztec aircraft fitted with Miconair equipment for tsetse fly control in Botswana. COPR Misc. Rpt. No. 18. 9 pp

72. LeRoux, J.G. & Platt, D.C. (1968) Application of a dieldrin invert emulsion by helicopter for tsetse control. OAU/ISTRC Publication No. 102, 219–229

73. Lycklama A Nijeholt, P. (1968) Persistence of DDT and dieldrin in deposits on bark, when applied in various formulations OUA/ISTRC Publication No. 102, 237–246

74. MacLennan, K.R.J. (1967) Recent advances in techniques for tsetse-fly control (with special reference to Northern Nigeria). Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org., 37, 615–628

75. MacLennan, K.J.R., Aitchison, P.J. (1963) Simultaneous control of three species of Glossina by the selective application of insecticides. Bull. ent. Res., 54, 199–212

76. MacLennan, K.J.R., Kirkby, W.W. (1958) The eradication of Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newst. in part of a river flood plain in Northern Nigeria by chemical means. Bull. ent. Res., 49, 123–131

77. Mahood, A.R. (1962) Control of G. palpalis (R-D) in the Guinea savannah zone of N. Nigeria. ISCTR 9th mtg., Conakry 1962, 171–179

78. MacDonald, W.A. (1960) Insecticidal spraying against Glossina palpalis based on a study of its nocturnal resting sites with ultraviolet light. ISCTR 8th mtg., Jos 1960, 243–245

79. Ministry of Overseas Development, 1975. Pesticide application equipment London, Centre for Overseas Pest Research. A folder with separates, A1–A5, B1–B3, and C1, reprinted from PANS, 21: 436–449

80. Pans (1974) Notes and news. Pestic. Artic. News Summ. 20: 223

81. Park, P.O. (1967) The loan of a Pesticides Chemist to Zambia - Final report Cyclostyled report, Ministry of Overseas Development, London, 33 pp., ref. No. AMP245/132/05 (2)

82. Park, P.O., Gledhill, J.A., Alsop, N., & Lee, C.W. (1972) A large-scale scheme for the eradication of Glossina morsitans Westw. in the Western Province of Zambia by aerial ultra-low-volume applications of endosulfan. Bull. ent. Res., 61, 373–384

83. Parker, J.D. (1974) Equipment for tsetse control. WHO/VBC/74.503

84. Parker, J.D., Collings, B.G. & Kahumbura, J.M. (1971) Preliminary tests of a suction spray nozzle for use with aircraft spraying systems. Agric. Aviat. 13 (1): 24–28

85. Riordan, K. (1966) Persistence of Dicophen, B.P., deposits from suspensions and emulsions on bark in the northern Guinea Savannah zone of Nigeria investigations by chemical means and bio-assay. ISCTR 11th mtg., Nairobi 1966, 133–137

86. Riordan, K. (1968) Further measurements with the World Health Organization standard test kit of the susceptibility to DDT and dieldrin of Glossina palpalis (R-D) in Nigeria. OAU/ISCTR Publication No. 102, 231–236

87. Riordan, K. (1975) Toxicity of insecticides to three species of tsetse fly. WHO/VBC/75.580

88. Robertson, A.G. (1957) Uganda Protectorate Tsetse Control Department, annual report 1956, Govt. Printer, Entebbe

89. Robertson, A.G. & Kluge, E.B. (1968) The use of insecticide in arresting an advance of Glossina morsitans Westwood in the south-east lowveld of Rhodesia. Proc. Trans. Rhod. scient. Ass. 53, 17–33

90. Robertson, A.G., Kluge, E.B., Kritzinger, D.A. & DeSousa, A.E. (1974) The use of residual insecticides in reclamation of the Rhodesia-Mozambique border region between the Sabi/Save and Limpopo river from Glossina morsitans Westw. Proc. Trans. Rhod. Sci. Ass. 55, 34–62

91. Spielberger, U., Abdurrahim, U. (1971) Pilot trial of discri-inative aerial application of persistent dieldrin deposits to eradicate Glossina morsitans submorsitans in the Anchau and Ikara forest reserves, Nigeria. OAU/ISTRC Publication No. 105, 271–281

92. Spielberger, U. & Von Sivers, P., (1970) Berliner und Münchern Tierrtzläiche Wochenschrift, 83. Jahrgang. Heft 17. 338–341

93. Steel, W.S. & Gledhill, J.A. (1958) The Broken Hill - Mulungushi Dam tsetse eradication scheme. ISCTR 7th mtg., Bruxelles 1958, 247–267

94. Steel, W.S., Gledhill, J.A. & Norton, L.B. (1958) Chingola tsetse control scheme. ISCTR 7th mtg., Bruxelles 1958, 291–301

95. Symes, C.B., Hadaway, A.B., Barlow, F., Galley, W. (1948) Field experiments with DDT and Benzene Hexachloride against tsetse (Glossina palpalis) Bull. ent. Res. 38, 591–612

96. Tarimo, C.S. (1974) The control of Glossina swynnertoni Aust. with synergized pyrethrum from the ground. Pyrethrum Post, 12, 116–118

97. Tarimo, C.S., Parker, J.D. & Kahumbura, J.M. (1971) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa XX - The control of Glossina swynnertoni Aust. and G. pallidipes Aust. in savanna woodland with a pyrethrum/DDT mixture. Pyrethrum Post, 11, 18–20

98. Tarimo, C.S., Parker, J.D. & Kahumbura, J.M. (1971) Aircraft applications of insecticides in East Africa. XXI - The control of Glossina swynnertoni Aust. and G. pallidipes Aust. in savanna woodland with pyrethrum. Pyrethrum Post, 11, 21–23

99. Tarry, D.W. (1967) Control of Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newst. in Northern Nigeria by riverine spraying with motorized sprayers. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit., 61, 465–471

100. Thomson, W.E.F., Glover, P.E. & Trump, E.C. (1960) The extermination of G. pallidipes from an isolated area on Lake Victoria with the use of insecticides. ISCTR 8th mtg., Jos 1960, 303–308

101. Toit, R. du (1954) Trypanosomiasis in Zululand and the control of tsetse flies by chemical means. Onderstepoort. J. vet. Res., 26, 317–387

102. Toit, T. du and Kluge, E.B. (1949) The application of insecticides by aircraft for the control of tsetse flies in S. Africa. Brit. Sci. News. 2, 20, 246–250

103. Toure, S.M. (1973) Lutte contre Glossina palpalis gambiensis dans la région des niayes du Sénégal. Re. Elev. Méd. Vét. Pays Trop. 26, 339–347

104. Vale, G.A. (1974) New field methods for studying the response of tsetse flies (Diptera, Glossinidae) to hosts. Bull. ent. Res., 64, 199–208

105. Vanderplank, F.L. (1947) Experiments with DDT on various species of tsetse flies in the field and laboratory. Trans. R. Soc. trop. Med. Hyg. 40, 603–620

106. Walker, D.A. (1973) AGRI-FIX a track guidance system for aerial application Agric. Aviat. 15(4): 99–104

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