Building Confidence among Certification Schemes and their Supporters

Purpose of the Seminar

    · Contribute to making sure that certification works better towards SFM
    Participation of all stakeholders is necessary for achieving SFM; there are concerns among them and that is why confidence building is needed

Objectives of the Seminar

    · Clarify why there is lack of confidence and how the situation could be improved
    Explore options for ways to improve the cooperation between certification schemes, including mutual recognition
    Facilitate the participation of developing countries and NGOs in the debate

 This Seminar Is NOT

    · a negotiation process
    aimed at an agreed set of conclusions and recommendations
    aimed at promoting any particular scheme or approach

Mutual Recognition

    · Broad use of a strictly defined concept
    Various ways and means to implement it
    Comparability, compatibility, equivalence and cooperation between schemes
    Mutual, multilateral or unilateral recognition

    MR means different things for different people

Actors in Certification

    · Forest owners and managers
    Forest communities and users
    Forest industry and trade
    Trade unions
    Civil society, NGOs, CBOs, consumers, etc.
    Governments as regulators and managers
    Certification industry (certifiers, accreditors, consultants)
    Aid agencies and international organizations
    Other stakeholders


    3. Stocktaking on Collaboration
    4. Stakeholder Views on Credible Schemes
    5. Status and Experience on Cooperation
    5. Status and Experience on Cooperation
    7. Group Work and Reporting
    8. Conclusions and Future Actions
    9. Closing Session

Unbiased Leadership

    · Without taking sides
    Breathe freely in the presence of passionate fears and desires
    Own house is clean; own conflicts are clarified
    Lead without dominating
    Open and receptive, no matter what issues arise
    Let others discover ideas themselves

Source: Lao Tzu